Q&A for How to Know That You Are Going to Heaven As a Christian

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    If I have used the phrase "Oh My God" so many times in my daily life, can I still be forgiven and go to Heaven?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. God forgives all sins, but that's not a free pass to do whatever you want, though. After you ask for forgiveness, ask God to give you the strength to resist saying it.
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    Is it possible to live sinless after being baptised and accepting Jesus as my lord and savior?
    Community Answer
    No. Every single Christian on earth commits sin. Just do your best every day and pray for the strength to do better.
  • Question
    Can I confess while praying?
    Community Answer
    Certainly. You can confess something bad you've done while praying. God wants you to talk to Him. Just tell Him what's on your mind and what's bugging you.
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    I recently converted, but my family are atheists. Can I repent for them? I don't want them to go to Hell.
    Community Answer
    That's not possible, sadly. No one can repent for other people. Those people who do not believe have to choose their path, it has to be up to them. However, you can pray for them, ask for people at church to pray for their hearts to change.
  • Question
    Is "OMG" a bad phrase? I've tried telling my friends that it is, but they won't listen.
    Community Answer
    OMG is "Oh My God." The Bible says that taking the Lord's name in vain is blasphemy and a sin, so you are correct. The only exception would be in using "OMG" when speaking directly to the Lord, which I assume your friends are not doing.
  • Question
    Is God trying to get you to heaven or is he not?
    Nic lasell
    Community Answer
    God wants the best for you, which means he wants you to come to heaven. This doesn't mean you have to. It's your choice to open your heart to Him, and if you truly do, He will surely take action.
  • Question
    I have a hearing problem and I am a believer, when is my miracle coming to me? The hearing loss is getting worse while I am getting older.
    Community Answer
    Sometimes God has a better plan beyond what we can see. Maybe you should just wait and see what God has in store for you.
  • Question
    Will I still go to heaven if I am a Christian and love Jesus, but I haven't been baptized?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it is good to be baptized some time in life. It is a requirement in a way, but if you are a Christian, you will go to heaven.
  • Question
    If I got baptized twice, can I still go to heaven?
    Community Answer
    Yes. God will always forgive you and never separate you from His love.
  • Question
    How do I know I am in the right with God?
    Community Answer
    God has a plan for all. Just wait, do not sin, and pray. He who believes receives his passage into heaven.
  • Question
    Can I do step 7 every day?
    Rachyl Elizabeth
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's always great to talk to Him. In fact, you don't just have to say this prayer. You can talk to Him about what's been bothering you, or what the best thing that happened to you this week was. He always has open ears.
  • Question
    Can I go back to God after doing bad things?
    Community Answer
    Yes, absolutely! Repent with an open heart and honesty.
  • Question
    Can I become furry if I am Christian?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The bible says that you should love the way God created you, but it doesn't say it's a sin.
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    I want to be saved in the blood of Jesus, but I can't stop smoking. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to stop smoking to be saved. All you have to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart. The Romans Road is simple. First, you have to admit to God that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23). Secondly, understand that we are unworthy of receiving God's gift and that we deserve death (Romans 6:23). Third, accept that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood as an atonement for our sin (Romans 5:8). Fourth, ask God to save you. God's gift is free (the ending of Romans 6:23 and Romans 10:13). Fifth, receive God's free gift of salvation (Romans 9:9-10). That's all you have to do.
  • Question
    I'm a hip hop artist, but I accept Jesus as my lord and savior, will the Lord approve?
    Community Answer
    The type of music doesn't matter, only the message of the music matters.
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    I have cried out to the Lord many times and I'm still the same sinful creature. Why can't I change?
    Community Answer
    We are sinful beings, and we can't change. But don't worry, because Jesus died for us; we just have to believe in Him. We are clothed in His righteousness. If we do not believe, we look sinful to God and cannot enter into heaven.
  • Question
    Can God still forgive me if I do something bad as long as I pray?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you must pray from the deepest recesses of your heart and soul. Try your best not to repeat the mistake again.
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    Are people who commit adultery ever forgiven?
    Community Answer
    Of course. If they repent and stop doing it, then yes. Remember Mary Magdalene? Jesus forgave her.
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    How exactly do I get baptized? Does it need to be in a lake? I also don't know of any one who is qualified to baptize. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You can be baptized everywhere in the world, but the best way is in water. It doesn't have to be in a lake or a sea. Being baptized in water is the best because the priest blesses you and the water so you are being baptized into holy water which is great. Contact churches in your area to find out how to be baptized.
  • Question
    If I'm in hell, can I still go to heaven?
    Community Answer
    As far as we know here on Earth, no. Once you've gone to hell, you're there for eternity.
  • Question
    What is the second death?
    Community Answer
    Second death means that your sin dies and you are a new creation.
  • Question
    I've done something bad and I keep doing it. Will God still let me into heaven?
    Community Answer
    If you don't confess your sins and ask for forgiveness, then God won't let you into heaven. You should try your best to stop doing whatever sinful things you are doing.
  • Question
    Does eternal salvation depend on baptism?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on the specific denomination's beliefs. Baptism is a big deal, but you'll still go to heaven if you follow everything else in the Bible.
  • Question
    Is it a sin if I date when I am still young?
    Community Answer
    No, as long as you don't do impure actions before marriage.
  • Question
    Does being a Christian mean I can't have a career to earn a living?
    Community Answer
    No, it doesn't. God wants us all to be happy; He wants you to do what you love and follow Him. As long as what you want to do is not against the Bible, then you don't need to worry.
  • Question
    Is it necessary to be baptized to be Saved?
    Community Answer
    Yes it is, John 3:5, Jesus answered, "verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God."
  • Question
    My mother doesn't believe of asking God into her heart and being baptized. She goes to church, prays, and is a very selfless and kind woman. Will she still go to heaven and considered a Christian?
    Nic lasell
    Community Answer
    Though she may be a kind person, it's not the "nice people" that get their way into heaven. There is no way a person can earn their way into heaven; it is simply impossible. Jesus is the only way to eternal life; he payed the price for our sin. Unless a person truly accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, that person is not truly a Christian.
  • Question
    What if Jesus doesn't listen to me?
    Community Answer
    He does listen to you. It may not seem like it, but He hears you, He just doesn't always answer right away or in the way you expect.
  • Question
    Can I go to heaven when I pray?
    Community Answer
    The only way into heaven is to ask Jesus into your heart and accept him as your Lord and Savior. Confess your sins, and your life will change.
  • Question
    How do I know if I'm a born again Christian?
    Community Answer
    If you've confessed your sins and asked Jesus into your heart (and meant it), then you are a Christian.
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