Q&A for How to Make Money

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    What are some good ways to make money as a kid?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    One great way to make money as a kid is to do odd jobs around your home or neighborhood. For example, you might be able to mow the lawn in exchange for allowance money, or offer to babysit a neighbor’s younger children. If you’re crafty, try selling stuff you’ve made online or at a local arts and crafts fair. You may also be able to make a little money by making helpful or entertaining videos and posting them on YouTube!
  • Question
    How can I make money on YouTube?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    To make money on YouTube, you’ll need to enable monetization in the “Creator Studio” section of account page. To do this, you’ll have to allow YouTube to show ads on your videos. You need to rack up a certain number of views to make money, so try to create useful and interesting content and advertise your channel to your family and friends!
  • Question
    Can I make money by helping with animals?
    Community Answer
    Yes! You can animal sit, give them baths working at your local animal shelter, or even just walking them for neighbors and friends!
  • Question
    What if no one comes to my business when I try a lemonade stand or car wash?
    Community Answer
    You could try advertising more, for example, by putting up signs around the neighborhood, posting about it on social media, or having people you know spread the word. You could also try doing it in a different neighborhood that might have friendlier people, or do it in a time and place where there's likely to be a lot of people walking around the area (e.g., near a church before the end of a mass).
  • Question
    What price should babysitting start at for 0-5 year old kids?
    Community Answer
    Around $6 a hour, but at 11:00 PM, you could start to charge $8-$9 an hour for it being later on in the night.
  • Question
    What can I do for money?
    Community Answer
    You can try a freelancing type job. All you have to do is learn some basic skill via Youtube and then sell it via freelancing platform like Fiverr.
  • Question
    What should I do if my parents don't want me to make money?
    Community Answer
    Give your parents some reasons as to why you want to make money (ie: you want to buy yourself a video game). Also, tell your parents that learning how to make money will teach you responsibility and independence. Lastly, share your money making ideas with your parents (ie: taking on a job, making and selling crafts, mowing people's lawns, etc).
  • Question
    How can I make fast money?
    Community Answer
    Sell things you do not need anymore for extra cash. You can also collect scrap metal and exchange it for cash.
  • Question
    How old do I have to be to babysit?
    Top Answerer
    That's up to the children's parents, and in some cases, state law.
  • Question
    What money making idea should I go with?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your age, your interests, and the amount of time you have to devote to it. There are a ton of options.
  • Question
    How can I make a successful egg selling business?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you're never out of stock and always be on time with your deliveries to avoid disappointing customers.
  • Question
    Can I get a job when I'm 11 years old?
    Community Answer
    You can get simple jobs that include doing good deeds for your neighbors. There are more helpful tips in this article that has ways kids can make money .
  • Question
    What kind of job can I get when I'm 13 years old?
    Community Answer
    Selling products, babysitting, lawn-mowing, dog-walking, house-cleaning, snow shoveling/driveway salting, garden weeding, basically anything you can do yourself.
  • Question
    How old do I need to be to start working for a business?
    Community Answer
    It all depends on your local and state laws, but typically 16 years old at most places, and 18 at places where you will serve alcohol.
  • Question
    What if I am not sure if my parents will let me do these things?
    Top Answerer
    If you are a minor, you will need your parents' support for most business ventures. For example, you won't be able to open a bank account or sell products online on your own. If you think they might not be supportive, maybe start by writing down your plan - search for a business plan template online. Doing this before you talk to your parents should help to show them that you are serious and prepared to do the work.
  • Question
    If I am I kid, can I get a job?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can get simple jobs that include doing good deeds for your neighbors. There are more helpful tips in this article.
  • Question
    I am thinking of offering handyman services to neighbors and friends. How can I make money in this fashion?
    Community Answer
    Ask for a small fee, or say you accept tips. If you do a good job, they may tip you more. Also, make sure that you are cheaper than the professionals, or they will just go for the pros.
  • Question
    What jobs have minimum age requirements?
    Community Answer
    Almost all jobs have minimum age requirements, usually 16 or 18. You might be able to find a store or local business with a lower requirement - you may have to ask, or look at their application online and see what they specify. Otherwise, you may have to stick to things like babysitting, lawn mowing, etc.
  • Question
    How can I sell electronics online and attract buyers quickly?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what you have. Electronics are continually upgrading and changing, leaving older tech obsolete. Maybe you could go to a local pawn shop and try to bargain for a good price, or you could try selling them online.
  • Question
    Can I make money giving solutions to people's problems?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes. It's called consultancy. Promote your services, make sure your clients are satisfied with your advice, and charge them for your time.
  • Question
    How can I make money if nobody will hire me to do things as a kid?
    Community Answer
    Ask your parents if you can do chores around the house, like taking out the trash or doing the dishes for a few bucks.
  • Question
    What business would make more money, dog walking, a lemonade stand, or a car wash?
    Lori Deysher
    Community Answer
    It all depends on the person and the area. If you live somewhere where there is a lot of people, a lemonade stand and/or a car wash would probably be the better option. However, if you know a lot of people who have dogs, then dog walking may be the better option. Take into consideration which one these things you think you'd be best at and which you think you might enjoy the most.
  • Question
    If I'm 15 can I work at a pet shop, and what will I make?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    In the US, the FLSA limits the age to at least 14, and it limits the amount of hours you're allowed to work until you're sixteen. So if the store manager agrees to hire you, yes, you can work at a pet shop. Feel free to ask your potential employer about the salary. Calculate a number for yourself, what you would like to earn, and compare it to what they offer. If you can agree to the offer, congratulations, you have a job.
  • Question
    Where can I get emergency funding to fix my home that was damaged due to weather?
    Community Answer
    Try starting a GoFundMe page, or try contacting the Red Cross. They usually have funds available for these types of things.
  • Question
    Can I get extra money by giving 50% off?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes. The concept is that of scale. If you sell your product at $100 and have 1 client per week buying it at that price, you will make $400 per month. If you offer a 50% discount but you now have three clients per week buying it at the new price of $50, you'll make $150/week, or $600/month. There's a huge amount of statistical, geographical and psychological analysis behind this. Some people think they are too rich to buy stuff at half the price, for example. Or there may simply not be enough potential buyers to get 3/week, no matter how low your price. There are legal restrictions, too.
  • Question
    What jobs can you have at 12?
    Community Answer
    You can walk dogs, mow lawns, and do chores.
  • Question
    I have 209 PS4 games that I don't like, how can I earn money from these?
    Community Answer
    You can either bring them to GameStop to sell them, or sell them yourself using eBay, craigslist, or even just word of mouth.
  • Question
    How do you make money if you are homeless and living in a shelter?
    Community Answer
    You could do things like collecting some rubbish and bringing it to a dump for some cash. Remember not all rubbish will pay you; you could get pine cones and other plants that you can turn into crafts and sell.
  • Question
    Can I get a loan to start a business?
    Community Answer
    Yes, many banks offer loans to individuals who are attempting to start their own business. I would make an appointment with a representative at your bank and discuss your business plans with them to see if you qualify for a loan.
  • Question
    How can I make money if I'm too young to get a job?
    Community Answer
    There are tons of jobs you can do as a kid! For example, you could babysit, walk dogs, mow lawns or do other outdoor chores for your neighbors, have a yard sale, etc. Get creative!
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