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Q&A for How to Make Slime Using Baking Soda
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QuestionWhy is the slime (baking soda and soap) so foamy?Community AnswerThere is a chemical reaction with the baking soda and dish soap. Baking soda is supposed to make things rise, a bit like yeast, so this is the reason why it causes bubbles. The baking soda is doing its job.
QuestionCan I replace the jar with a plastic container?Community AnswerYou can use any kind of container, as long as it is waterproof.
QuestionHow many hours would you suggest for method one?Community AnswerPreferably overnight, giving it more time to set. If you can't wait, just set it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes (depending on how strong your freezer is).
QuestionDoes the water have to be hot or cold?Community AnswerAny will do. The substance will dissolve quicker if hot water is added and you will not have to mix it as long.
QuestionDid I do something wrong on the baking soda and glue if it's chunky before I put it in my hands?Community AnswerYou probably used baking powder. Baking powder and baking soda are two very different things.
QuestionDo I have to have food coloring?Community AnswerNo, the food coloring is just there to make your slime look more colorful and interesting. If you don't add food coloring, it won't effect your slime at all.
QuestionCan I use Elmer's glue in it?Community AnswerYes, you can! Elmer's glue is PVA glue, which is what you need to make slime.
QuestionWhat did I do wrong if it is too slimy and watery?Community AnswerYou added too much water when making the slime.
QuestionWill making slime change the color of my hands?Community AnswerNo, following these steps will not change the color of your hands.
QuestionCan I use baking powder instead of soda to make slime?Community AnswerNo, it will not work. Baking powder and baking soda have a different chemical make-up, baking powder does not have the correct properties for making slime.
QuestionWill it stick to my fingers?Community AnswerIt might stick at first. But later on it should become less sticky.
QuestionCan I replace the baking soda with something else?Community AnswerThere are slime recipes that don't require baking soda, but if you're using this recipe, you have to follow it as is.
QuestionHow can I make slime without glue?Community AnswerMix baking soda and dish soap and stir well (food coloring is optional).
QuestionWhat do you do if it is clumpy?Community AnswerAdd a bit of water to your mixture and stir it well to reduce clumps.
QuestionCan the slime be stored in a container other than a plastic bag?Community AnswerYes. Make sure your container is air tight and, if you used food coloring, stain proof.
QuestionHow many hours should I leave it on the fridge?Community AnswerThere is no exact time, just check it every so often and take it out when it has reached the desired consistency.
QuestionCan I use Suave shampoo to make slime?Community AnswerSuave that contains conditioner works.
QuestionCan I replace the baking soda with flour?Community AnswerNo, because putting flour will make the slime lumpy.
QuestionWill the slime stick to my hands?Community AnswerNo, once it''s mixed well enough, it won't. If it does stick, put flour on your hands, but not in the slime.
QuestionCan it be another color other than green (for example, pink)?Community AnswerYes, it doesn’t matter what color the slime is, it's your choice!
QuestionCan I use old baking soda for method 3?Community AnswerYes, the baking soda should work no matter the date on it, but if its old it might make the slime a little sticky or gooey.
QuestionCan I use less than one cup of baking soda for method 3?Community AnswerYes. Just don't add too much liquid dish soap.
QuestionWhat did I do wrong if my slime is too hard?Community AnswerYou can add water to it or add lotion to it. I always add dish soap, which makes it smell and feel great and makes it super soft.
QuestionDuring mixing, if it's chunky, do I need to redo it?Community AnswerNo, just keep stirring. If it doesn't clear up, you can add a little bit more dish soap.
QuestionHow do I grow my slime?Community AnswerYour slime won't "grow." If you want more slime, just double the ingredients.
QuestionCan you put it in a baggy?Community AnswerYes. A sealing bag is ideal to keep air from drying out the slime.
QuestionDoes it stick to your hand?Community AnswerThis will depend on the recipe you use and the quantities of each ingredient.
QuestionDoes the soap slime stick to your hands? Can you stretch it and play with it?Community AnswerIf it does stick add a bit of shaving cream to it. The foaming stuff works great.
QuestionDoes slime dry out if it has baking soda in the recipe?Community AnswerNo, the baking soda keeps it from being super runny and slippery. I find the Elmer's glue, contact solution and baking soda recipe works the best.
QuestionCan you add glue to the third solution to make slime?Community AnswerYes. You can. It is a great idea as it will make it a bit more like fluffy slime.
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