How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Make Slime with Just Shampoo and Toothpaste
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QuestionWhat kind of shampoo is needed?Community AnswerA thick shampoo; for example, Pantene, Head & Shoulders, or Suave Kids 3-in-1.
QuestionWhat kind of toothpaste should I use?Community AnswerYou can basically use any type of toothpaste, as long as it's the color you want, as you probably won't be able to change it.
QuestionDoes this slime feel sticky, or can I play with it like real putty?XmischaXCommunity AnswerIt depends on how you make it. If you put it in the freezer/fridge for a long time, it won't be sticky and you can play with it like real putty.
QuestionCan I use Colgate toothpaste?Community AnswerOf course! Just make sure there's no grit-like stuff in it, and you'll be fine.
QuestionDo we use normal or gel toothpaste?Community AnswerAny type should work. Gel toothpaste with a translucent color is cool because it gives a nice shade.
QuestionWould Pantene work for making the slime?Community AnswerIt should -- any fairly thick shampoo should do the trick.
QuestionShould glue or powdered glitter be used?Community AnswerGlue is not necessary, but you can add glitter. Just mix it in and freeze it for two minutes.
QuestionWould Dove shampoo work?Community AnswerDove shampoo is thick, but if you use it you won't be able to see the translucent color which is what gives slime a cool effect.
QuestionWhat is the best toothpaste for this?Community AnswerAny toothpaste for adults will work fine.
QuestionWhat do I do if my slime is frozen?Community AnswerJust let it defrost for about 10 minutes and stir it to be sure it hasn't separated.
QuestionMine is still watery and I used Pantene, why didn't it work?Community AnswerYou probably didn't put the slime in the freezer long enough or you didn't add enough of one ingredient. Make sure that you add the same amount of both.
QuestionCan I use nail polish instead of food coloring?Community AnswerYes, just make sure the nail polish isn't chunky/old, because that will mess up the consistency.
QuestionCan I use hair conditioner instead of shampoo?Community AnswerIf it is thick then you should be fine, just find something thick and if that does not work add more toothpaste.
QuestionCan I use any kind of flour?Community AnswerYes, but if you want your slime a specific color, don't use corn or wheat flour.
QuestionWhat happens if none of the stuff works and its still creamy?Community AnswerYou may want to try using other ingredients or different types of shampoo and toothpaste.
QuestionHow long do I leave it in the freezer when it's still wet?Community AnswerPut it in the freezer for an extra 15 mins or in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
QuestionWhat do I do if my slime is not becoming stretchy or dry, because it is not getting to the right temperature for it?Community AnswerJust add some laundry detergent or liquid starch and mix slowly until the slime gets the texture you want.
QuestionCan I use kid shampoo?Community AnswerAs long as it is thick enough to mix into slime, you can use any shampoo for it.
QuestionCan I use TreSemme brand shampoo?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionWill this be less sticky if you add salt?Community AnswerSalt would help to cut some of the stickiness, but it would also alter the flavor, so be careful not to add too much.
QuestionDose the color of the toothpaste affect the slime color if I do not use food coloring?Community AnswerYes! The color of the shampoo will also have an effect. If your toothpaste was blue, your slime will turn out blue. If your shampoo was pink, the slime will turn out pink. The colors of toothpaste and shampoo will also mix. Pink shampoo + blue toothpaste = purple slime.
QuestionMy slime keeps getting sticky after a minute of playing, once I take it out of the freezer. What do I do?Community AnswerNormally, I add a little bit of Nivea lotion. Or, add Styrofoam balls to make crunchy slime. Because your slime is sticky, the balls will stick easily...
QuestionCan you put it in the fridge instead?Community AnswerYes, but double the time and check on it a lot. It should work just fine, though. You may have to triple the time if doubling wasn't enough.
QuestionIf I want my slime to be bigger, can I double the amount of everything?Community AnswerYes! You could even triple the amount for a much larger batch.
QuestionWhat if there are bubbles in the slime?Community AnswerLeave it for a few days to let the bubbles rise. Don't touch it while it is doing this.
QuestionWill fructise shampoo work?Community AnswerAnything that has a thick consistency will work. If you have to use a thin shampoo, you will have to add more toothpaste.
QuestionIf it doesn't work, should I try it again?Community AnswerYes. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions in order for the slime to work.
QuestionCan I use a shampoo that isn't thick but not runny too?Community AnswerYes, but it will be hard to find one though. It is best to use a thick shampoo.
QuestionWhat can I do if mine stays sticky after being in the freezer?Community AnswerIf your slime is still sticky, you can add more toothpaste and put it back in the freezer, or you can add cornstarch or flour.
QuestionWill the slime melt down my hands?Community AnswerNo, the slime won't melt in your hands as long as you keep storing it in the fridge/freezer every day.
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