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Q&A for How to Make Tables Using Microsoft Excel
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QuestionHow do I resize the columns?Community AnswerPlace your mouse between the columns until the cursor changes into a double arrow pointing to the left and to the right. Left click and hold. Drag the mouse, while holding the left button, to the left to shrink or to the right to enlarge the column.
QuestionHow do I change the width of a column in Excel?Community AnswerIf you go up to "Format," and select "Width" you will be able to change the size.
QuestionHow do I make a table in Excel fit the size of a paper?Community AnswerIn Excel 2013, click the "Page Layout" tab, then click the "Size" dropdown menu. Most printers use 8.5 x 11 inch paper.
QuestionHow do I capitalize the first word in a table?Community AnswerSelect the cell to the right of the name, and type =PROPER(cell with the incorrect name ie. a1) Then you can drag that down and it will correct for the rest.
QuestionHow do you make two separate tables, where editing in one table doesn't affect the other table?Community AnswerYou could create (copy/paste, or create from scratch) the second table in a separate worksheet and label the sheets (Format: Rename sheet) accordingly.
QuestionHow do I label the columns?Community AnswerHover your mouse over the existing column label (A, B, C, and so on). Move your pointer around slowly until it changes. Then, right-click and select the "Rename" option from the menu that appears.
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