Q&A for How to Make a Band and Get Discovered

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    What age can I start at?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to be a certain age. You could be very young, like 10-16 or older 17-30 or 65+.
  • Question
    If I don't have a place to practice, what or where would be the perfect spot for my band to practice?
    Community Answer
    Practice at home in your back garden, in the garage or under the porch. Or, go outside, such as a park which is never used. You could even practice around areas where people might leave you some money! If you're able to, perhaps practice at school or college, in a hall/studio/arts center, in the sports field, or under a shelter shed. Wherever you can find space with few people around to be bothered will work well.
  • Question
    If people make a band, could they make their own names up?
    Community Answer
    You certainly can. Just make sure it isn't copyrighted or isn't that common, so that when people search your name, it can be found easily.
  • Question
    How can a band raise money quickly?
    Community Answer
    Try busking: for example, you could play at local park with a hat or open guitar case available for people to drop money into. Ask friends or family if anyone's throwing a party and needs a band to play.
  • Question
    What instruments should a band have?
    Community Answer
    A common band should have: 1: Two guitars (1 lead/solo and 1 rhythm) with effect and pedals and amps; 2: one 5-piece drum set with some cymbals (drums don't come with cymbals); 3: approximately five to six mics ( for singers, amps, drums etc); and 4: one bass guitar. You can also add other instruments like a keyboard, DJ set, pipes, trumpet, synth, mixers, etc.
  • Question
    What kind of instruments and parts would I need for a rock/pop band?
    Community Answer
    You'll at least want a lead electric guitar, an electric bass, drums, maybe a keyboard, a lead vocalist, and backup vocalists. You'll also need amps and monitors for the guitars and keyboard, and mics for the vocalists.
  • Question
    Should we make our own songs or practice songs from other singers and bands?
    Community Answer
    First practice songs from other bands. Experiment with them (e.g. change the tempo, time and signatures, add/make new solos, change drum patterns, etc.) and post them on YouTube to get some feedback. Then start to write your own songs.
  • Question
    What if I want to become a solo artist?
    Community Answer
    You should make a YouTube channel and do covers of songs you like. Fit your talent, and when people start noticing you, make social media accounts to give yourself more presence to get noticed.
  • Question
    Where should the auctions be?
    Community Answer
    They should be at a school auditorium, a park, or anywhere else that's quiet and you can get to.
  • Question
    Can a band play sad or gloomy, slow songs?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can play whatever styles you and your band are comfortable with.
  • Question
    How much money does it take to buy the instruments needed if I want two guitars, a drum set, microphones, and recording equipment?
    Community Answer
    branding/specs affect on the price of the gear.. There are different types of mics out in the market like mono, stereo, dynamic etc and but good mics start from $80. For recording, go with Audio Technica or Logitech -- they are a little expensive but worth the money. A great guitar starts from $300 -- such as Floyd rose tremolo and bridge great body, neck freatboard and humbucker pickups. Invest in a good amp more so than the guitar. Drumsets are not that expensive because you don't get cymbals with them -- a good 5-piece set costs about $300 and the cymbals are $20 each. For recording, buy Reaper -- it is just $60 and good audio interference costs about $40.
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    Could I have a piano and a banjo in the band?
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    How old do you need to be to start a band?
    Community Answer
    There is no age requirement for starting a band, so it depends more on your maturity level. You have to be able to organize your band and schedule times for practice. You also need to try to get gigs once your band is ready to perform in public, so getting around might be an issue if you're not old enough to drive.
  • Question
    How can I start up a band?
    Community Answer
    Gather several musicians together and play, play, play.
  • Question
    Would it be a good idea to separate from my band and start a solo career?
    Community Answer
    If it's not going well, that might be the best option. Plenty of members of successful bands have done the same thing.
  • Question
    I am have trouble naming a band. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Don't overthink it; the right name will come to you when you aren't thinking about it.
  • Question
    I'm in my teens and I live in India. I also have a band; should I sing songs which are trending right now, or does it matter if I sing a song which is a few years old?
    Community Answer
    Try to learn a blend of trending songs, nostalgic favorites from recent or distant past, and some originals.
  • Question
    Can I have a band with 3 trumpets, a violin, piano, alto sax, and a bari sax?
    Community Answer
    You sure can!
  • Question
    How do I find people who want to be in a band?
    Community Answer
    If you don't have any friends who want to be in your band, ask on social media sites such as Facebook or Instagram. You could also put up an ad on your local Craigslist.
  • Question
    How much money it take total to do this?
    Community Answer
    That's impossible to answer accurately. The total cost will depends on where you buy your equipment, instruments, and marketing materials and other band merchandise from, where you record, and how many CDs you want to make.
  • Question
    How can a band of kids with no income access instruments and speakers?
    Community Answer
    Ask around at school or church or anywhere else that live music is played. See if anyone knows anyone who has some instruments or speakers that you can borrow or rent for very cheap.
  • Question
    How do I learn the instruments?
    Community Answer
    Find a teacher and take lessons on your instrument of choice.
  • Question
    How do I find other members for my band?
    Community Answer
    You should ask friends, family, and even put up posters. You can hold auditions if you think you really want to try this.
  • Question
    How many people should be in a rock band?
    Community Answer
    Historically, many bands follow a rock trio blueprint with three members: one bassist, one guitarist, and one drummer. However, bands can have anywhere from 2 members to 20. A band that only records can have as many or as few members as is wanted; this usually results in there being a limited amount of members, since multiple parts can be played by a single individual. However, performing bands need every part to be played live, and must also fit into a venue. A good number of members of a recording band is 4, while for a performing band, 6.
  • Question
    Is there a cheap way to compose songs digitally? Our music group has the lyrics ready and will be practicing.
    Community Answer
    You can download an app called iMovie, you can add your music to the video and then add the singing.
  • Question
    What If you are in grade 5?
    Rhiannon Amadeo
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter how old you are. Everyone can enjoy music! Tell your parents about it, because they can help out with things.
  • Question
    How can you find a good name for your band?
    Rhiannon Amadeo
    Community Answer
    If you started a band with people you were already friend with, go with an inside joke you have together. If it's a band with people you didn't know previously, try to find things you have in common to inspire the band name.
  • Question
    I don't have instruments. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you aren't able to invest in instruments, you could use Chrome Music Lab. There are also several more advanced sites with samples you can edit.
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