How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Make a Power Rangers Outfit
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QuestionHow do I make a real power ranger morpher?Naila HadjiyevaCommunity AnswerIf you want the morpher to actually morph you, then you'd better study science, since this seems to be the only way that might work at all. The other way is just to practice martial arts and maybe, if one day the earth is under an alien invasion, you will be chosen by some creature to become an actual power ranger. But for the next few decades, the first option is more likely.
QuestionCan I use a motorcycle helmet?Community AnswerA motorcycle helmet could work as well as a child's bicycle helmet. Make sure there is enough visibility for safety.
QuestionWhat if you want to make a Power Rangers Dino Charge costume?Community AnswerYou can follow similar directions but instead of using the diamonds on the shirt, use the Dino Charge logo instead.
QuestionCan I make the helmet from cardboard?Community AnswerYes, as it will be less likely to tear than if you used some other materials.
QuestionCan I make a helmet from scratch?Community AnswerIf you are good at paper crafts, you can make a paper helmet with a template online. Check YouTube for tutorials.
QuestionHow do I make the eyes black?Jwlhyfer Karnstien de WinterCommunity AnswerUse the lenses of swimming goggles glued into a fitted lycra hood. You can find used goggles on eBay or at thrift stores. Paint the lenses black if you can't find black, but make sure you can still see by leaving a pinhole in the middle of the lens. Be sure to test them before wearing them out. Black plastic spoon bowls might work as well. (Use a dremel to detach them with a smooth edge.)
QuestionCan I use any paint instead of fabric paint for the diamonds on the shirt?Katie's LifeCommunity AnswerYou can, but it won't work that well. Fabric paint is specifically made for the surface of fabric while normal paint isn't.
QuestionWhich helmet should I use?Silly BillyCommunity AnswerA skating helmet the right color would be a good option, or you could paint it, with the right tools.
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