Q&A for How to Make a Torch in Minecraft

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    Can I get mods without paying?
    Top Answerer
    Most Minecraft mods are free. Try looking at trustworthy sites such as Planet Minecraft for safe, reliable mods.
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    How do I make torches out of flint?
    Top Answerer
    You can't. Torches require at least one stick and one coal/charcoal to be crafted.
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    Can a torch be made of squid ink and red stone?
    Community Answer
    Torches are made from wood planks (any type) and coal/ charcoal. If you are looking to make redstone torches, wood planks and redstone dust will be required.
  • Question
    Are coal and charcoal the only items that you can make torches with?
    Top Answerer
    Regardless of whether or not you have coal or charcoal, you will also need a stick to craft the torch.
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    What do you do with squid ink?
    Top Answerer
    Squid ink can be used to make black dye, which is used to dye blocks like glass, wool, carpet, prismarine, shulkers, terracotta, beds, and concrete powder. Black dye is also used to color fireworks and banners using a loom. On their own, ink sacs are used to make books n quills, and in the Bedrock editions of Minecraft, they can be used to dye blocks and banners without turning them into black dye.
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