Q&A for How to Master English Words

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    I understand English language but find it difficult to speak it fluently. What can I do? Sometimes, I write better than I speak.
    Community Answer
    It happens to a lot of people. Public speaking classes help a lot, as does reciting well-known speeches.
  • Question
    Which website can I use to get new words?
    Community Answer
    There are multiple websites all over the web that can help. Dictionary.com, providing daily new words and definitions, thesaurus.com, an online collection of synonyms to aid you, and any other online dictionary site can be useful. New words can be found best by searching thesauruses or communicating with others.
  • Question
    I can write in English, but my vocab needs help. I try learning new words, but forget the meanings quickly. How can I make what I learn last longer?
    Elissa Schwartz
    Community Answer
    Write the words that you learn in a sentence (or two), and keep them in a notebook. That way you can reread what you wrote and understand how the words are used. This will help you to remember them.
  • Question
    I can write and speak English well, but I want to add to my knowledge so I can pursue a career in the language. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Ensure that you have a good dictionary and thesaurus, read well-written novels, biographies, newspaper articles, etc. regularly, get books on grammar and essay writing, and listen to debates and discussions on contemporary issues.
  • Question
    How do I learn many words in a short time? Now that I know how to speak and write it, I want to learn faster.
    Top Answerer
    The speed at which your vocabulary grows will depend on how much English reading and conversing you can accomplish in "a short time."
  • Question
    I understand English, how do I increase my vocabulary?
    Top Answerer
    The more English-language books and articles you read, and the more conversations you hear, the more words you will encounter. You could even browse through a dictionary or thesaurus.
  • Question
    Why is that I can't speak a single word before the public, but write very wonderfully?
    Top Answerer
    It's probably a matter of self-confidence. Take some of your wonderful writing, and read it out loud over and over again in front of friends and family. This should help you gain enough confidence to read or speak in front of strangers.
  • Question
    How can I be facetious in writing?
    Top Answerer
    Humorous writing is difficult to do well. Read contemporary humorists to get an idea of how to do it. Dave Barry, Erma Bombeck and Woody Allen are three examples among many.
  • Question
    Are there adult classes to master English?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, many colleges and universities offer such classes.
  • Question
    I'm not good at writing; I'm having hard time spelling words. Any recommendations?
    Top Answerer
    See Spell .
  • Question
    My level in english is A2. How can I do to improve it?
    Top Answerer
    At this stage it's best to take a class, or at least read a book (in your native language) about how to learn English. However, also use English as much as possible. If you can, read, write, listen to, and talk in English daily.
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