Q&A for How to Measure Alcohol Content

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    Why is the burn test not used for measuring alcohol content?
    Community Answer
    The burn test is effective for determining the presence of alcohol. It does not tell you the amount of alcohol. It is also destructive (uses fire), and burns the alcohol when done, making it unusable. Also, there are false positives that can occur. This article helps you find the amount of alcohol per volume for a substance that you know contains alcohol.
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    What does a reading of 1.018 to 1.015 convert to in alcohol content?
    Community Answer
    A drop of 3 points from 1.018 to 1.015 will produce approximately 0.39% alcohol by volume.
  • Question
    Is there any at-home method to test wine to see if it has any alcohol in it?
    Rahmat Ahmad Fauzi
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are a few at-home methods to test for the presence of alcohol in wine: (1) Alcohol test strips: These are similar to pH strips but designed to detect alcohol. You dip the strip into the wine, and it will change color if alcohol is present. (2) Evaporation test: Alcohol evaporates faster than water. You can place a small amount of wine on a plate and let it sit in a warm place. If it evaporates quickly, it's likely due to the presence of alcohol. (3) Hydrometer: A hydrometer can be used to measure the specific gravity of the wine before and after fermentation. A significant drop in specific gravity indicates the conversion of sugar to alcohol.
  • Question
    Can I use an alcoholmeter to measure the ABV of beer or cider I buy from a store? If not, how do I know my ale or cider has the "alcohol-by-volume" advertised?
    Rahmat Ahmad Fauzi
    Community Answer
    An alcoholmeter (or alcohol hydrometer) is typically used for distilled spirits and not for beer or cider. This is because beer and cider contain dissolved solids that can affect the reading. Reputable brands will accurately label their products. Regulations require accurate labeling. For precise results, you can send a sample to a laboratory for testing.
  • Question
    Can an alcohol meter be used to determine the alcohol content of beer?
    Rahmat Ahmad Fauzi
    Community Answer
    No, an alcohol meter (alcohol hydrometer) is not suitable for determining the alcohol content of beer. Beer contains other dissolved substances like sugars, proteins, and carbonation that interfere with the accuracy of the reading. A refractometer, coupled with hydrometer readings before and after fermentation, can give a more accurate measurement of alcohol-by-volume in beer.
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