Q&A for How to Persuade Someone to Do Something

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    What can I do if I am trying to persuade my dad to give me a dog?
    Community Answer
    Don't try too hard. If you keep pestering him, he won't get you a dog. Instead, try helping around the house a little more. Show that you are responsible. Don't bring it to his attention that you're doing this, let him realize it on his own. Also, try saving up for money to buy necessities for the dog, such as food, the dog itself, toys, a bed, crate, collar and leash, etc.
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    How can I convince my parents to let me change schools?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them calmly about why you want to change schools, and if they don't immediately say yes, try to reason with them. If the school you want to go to costs more than they want to pay, offer to pitch in on the expenses. Research the school and figure out the benefits of going there (i.e. better teachers, smaller classes, better sports programs, etc.). Maybe this school will give you a better chance of getting into a good college? Look into it and come up with some talking points.
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    How can I convince my friend to study with me?
    Community Answer
    If you have a day in mind which you would like to study with them for, perhaps open your conversation with a question such as 'Are you still competing in the swim team?'. After they answer that, try to evaluate if they appear to be enjoying the conversation: you never want to pressure someone into talking with you. Then, after their answer, request they go and study with you on whatever day and time. Opt for one which you have prior knowledge that they will also be available. Then, wait for their answer. If affirmative: great! Additionally, here is a psychology trick which may help them agree with you. When ask, nod you head, and they may then nod theirs. This is called mirroring.
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    How can I convince my dad to let my go on a flight alone?
    Community Answer
    Convince him you're responsible and can do stuff on your own. Tell him that kids/teens fly alone all the time, and that airport/airline staff is always there to help with unaccompanied minors. Try to think of some way you could convince him your trip would be educational or good for you.
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    How do I get my sibling to work with me in the store?
    Community Answer
    Find out what he wants, and tell him you will help him obtain it if he works with you in the store for 90 days. If he says yes, each time he does his job well, make him feel important and tell him how good he is for this job. Give him a "tip" or a small gift when he does really well, and also help him get better at the job and make it fun. By the end of the 90 days, if you also helped him get what he wanted, you can just ask him to work longer.
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    How do I persuade my parents to buy me a video game system?
    Community Answer
    Start thinking of ways to make your own money. I don't know how old you are but think about this quote, "If you give your kids everything they ask for, you cheat them and they miss the opportunity to learn to earn on their own". Set a savings goals and save your money, earn some from chores and look forward to getting it for yourself.
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    How do I convince my principal to give me back my phone?
    Community Answer
    Tell your principal that you need your phone for important reasons. Tell him/her that you are very sorry about what you did and that you won't do it again. remember to keep calm and be polite while saying this.
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    How can I persuade someone to lend me something that is important to them?
    Community Answer
    Make yourself seem trustworthy and don't talk about other people when you are with that person. Show them that you are responsible and care for things around you. Prove that you are not clumsy and are mature enough to handle something important. Show that you are capable of doing things yourself and are self competent.
  • Question
    How do I get my dad to let me to go somewhere by myself?
    Community Answer
    Just prove to your dad that you are responsible. For me, I had to just prove that I could do things by myself by helping with my family and when I would go places with them I would do everything correct (be respectful, be safe, be responsible) and he let me do things for myself. You also have to behave.
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