How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Play Stress (Card Game)
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QuestionWhen an ace is played is it high or low? In other words, do you play a 2 or a King?The Girl Who Is AwesomeCommunity AnswerYou can play both. Always remember the order, A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K. So, if there is a K you can put either an A or a Q.
QuestionWhat should we put in the middle?The Girl Who Is AwesomeCommunity AnswerWhen you start, both of the players must each put a card in the middle. Then you can put your own 4 cards. So, if there is a K and 4 and you have the numbers, A,2,9,3, you can put an A at the K card and 3 at the 4 card.
QuestionHow can I be fast at playing stress?Community AnswerThe key is to play calmly. For example, don't think, "If i need to win, I need to play fast." You can think vastly if you play calmly. Calm does not mean slow.
QuestionCan I use Uno cards to play?Kathryn LemonCommunity AnswerIn theory, this is indeed possible. Use each of the numbers as a number in the game (1 can be an ace), and assign the wild, reverse and skip cards to king, queen and jack. As long as all the players know which cards represent which, this is possible.
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