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Q&A for How to Play Tabla
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QuestionHow do I play other sounds on tablas?Community AnswerThere are limited amounts of sounds you can play on tablas, but you could find and watch videos and learn from them.
QuestionIs the Tabla always played with two drums, or can it also be played with one drum?Community AnswerThe Tabla, the most common instrument in North India, is always played with two drums. These are the Dayan or Dahina and the Bayan or Dugga. The Dayan literally means "right", as this is the drum that is traditionally played with the right hand. Because the Dayan has more intricate sounds, left-hand players would play Dayan with their left hand by switching the drums around.
QuestionI am having a hard time playing a "NA" sound. Which area of the index finger touches the instrument while striking the tabla rim - is it the tip of the finger pad or the middle?Community AnswerWhile playing NA, your tip of index finger should touch the rim of the tabla.
QuestionHow do I play tabla for religious songs?Community AnswerWhen playing tabla for religious songs, simply count the beats in the song, and play a bol with the same number of beats. This applies to any song you want to play. Write down these bols. Make different bols for each number of beats, and be creative.
QuestionI have already seen different ways of playing the same sound. How do I know which one to use?Community AnswerThis depends on the composition being played. An experienced instructor should explain to you which sound is most appropriate in the particular rhythm or piece that you are playing.
QuestionIs it necessary to keep your left hand on the bigger drum?Community AnswerNo. You should be comfortable while playing the tabla.
QuestionIs it more difficult to play tabla or drums?Community AnswerThe tabla is difficult as it involves rigorous training of your hands and also has various forms of playable aspects like kayda, gat, rela, tukda, paran, gat tukda, chakradhaar, etc.
QuestionWhat's the white thing when playing Tabla?Community AnswerThe white part of the Tabla is known as Maidan. Your hands should be placed on the Maidaan.
QuestionWhat is the difference (in how they are played) between dha and dhe?Community AnswerAs dhe is played beating Na and Ge together as the dhe is played beating Ge and Thin together and it will be different for each garanas.
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