Q&A for How to Practice Cell Phone Etiquette

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    Is it rude to take a phone call in the middle of a face-to-face conversation?
    Community Answer
    Usually, it is impolite if you're mid conversation. It might not considered wrong if it is an important conversation that is urgent or you've pre-warned the other person about, but if it is not urgent or very important, then put your phone away and turn it down. However, don't make the person you're actually with feel unimportant.
  • Question
    I was at an exclusive restaurant and forgot to shut my cellphone off. A friend sent 4 rapid fire texts wanting to know where I was, why I had not called her, and for me to call right away. What would have been the best way to handle the situation?
    Community Answer
    Excuse yourself as soon as possible and take your phone with you, ideally hiding it in a purse or pocket. It won't draw too much attention, and this method will stop it from happening again.
  • Question
    Is it ignorant to keep texting if I am with my girlfriend shopping or on a simple car ride?
    Community Answer
    It would be better if you spent time with your girlfriend and show her that you love her. You can always text that person another time. In a car ride, talk to your girlfriend rather than texting other people.
  • Question
    My boyfriend gets annoyed when I look at my phone while we are watching TV. I don't think it's rude. I think it's ridiculous to ask for permission to use my phone while at home. I don't use my phone at the dinner table, or during a conversation. Am I wrong?
    Community Answer
    It's not a matter of asking permission, and it's not that you're being rude to someone. Some people just believe that one should give their full attention to what they are experiencing (such as a show or movie). Your boyfriend is probably annoyed that instead of getting absorbed in the experience, you're flitting around to different activities - and it could take him out of the experience, too, when he sees you doing that, just as it can distract people in a movie theater when they see others around them using their phones. You ultimately have the right to do what you want to here, but he also has the right to be annoyed, and it would be good to take his feelings into account.
  • Question
    If I am driving with a friend and they are having a conversation, do I need to be quiet and not play music?
    Community Answer
    No. Just turn it down, but not off. They're a guest in your car, and for them to have a conversation on the phone with someone else is rude towards you.
  • Question
    Can I talk and at the same instant listen to the other person?
    Community Answer
    You can't both be talking at the same time. To truly listen, you need to give the person speaking your full attention.
  • Question
    Who should return a phone call if the present phone call is disrupted?
    Community Answer
    The person who disrupted should call. Just tell them to call back later, because you're currently on the phone.
  • Question
    Is it rude for people to talk on a cell phone when they're visiting me?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the context of the conversation. If the person is chatting with friends, that could be considered rude. However, if the person is checking in with her parents or otherwise fulfilling a responsibility, then no, that's not rude.
  • Question
    If someone called and didn't leave a voice message, but texted instead, am I obligated to call back or can I simply text?
    Community Answer
    You can feel free to just text them back, unless the text specifically asked you to return their call or they asked a question that requires a long, involved response.
  • Question
    Is it considered improper to call someone at 6 A.M. concerning work issues?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If work starts before or at 6, or if it's an emergency and only that person can help, it should be fine. Otherwise, you should wait until you know that person is available.
  • Question
    Is it rude while eating at the table to be looking at emails?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you shouldn't be on your cell phone at all while eating at the table. It is definitely rude and a display of bad manners.
  • Question
    Is it rude to text while a guest is in my car with another friend and the radio?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    First of all, never operate your cell phone when you are driving. If you are not driving, it all depends on the situation. Telling a friend to listen to the radio because you'd rather be texting than talking to them is rude, yes. But if the conversation has petered out, there's no reason why you couldn't be texting. Finally, consider that these people made the physical effort to be near you, which should be enough to merit your attention for the time being.
  • Question
    Is it rude to not reply to a call or text within 24 hours?
    Community Answer
    Think about how you would feel if you called or texted someone and they did not reply for an entire day. Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.
  • Question
    Is it rude to suggest that I need to go to bed early because I'm exhausted, and then spend two hours texting with others on the phone?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is pretty rude. Just be honest with someone and tell them that you'll talk to them later, but you're going to focus on other things for the moment.
  • Question
    My daughter-in-law is constantly on her phone while visiting. Nothing important, often just searching the internet or rereading texts.
    Community Answer
    This is very common nowadays. Many young people are addicted to their phones. It isn't good etiquette, and you can try telling her how this makes you feel, but don't take it personally.
  • Question
    What is the definition of cell phone etiquette?
    Community Answer
    It is just the rules and norms you should follow while using your cell phone in order to be polite to those around you.
  • Question
    What if during a meeting I have to answer an important personal call?
    Community Answer
    There are a few ways to deal with this situation. Firstly, if it is not too important, then put your phone on silent mode, and send a quick text explaining that you're in a meeting, and you're extremely sorry. But, if it is a very important phone-call, then say excuse me and step out to a corner or outside of the room and attend to the call.
  • Question
    What if I have to turn the phone on speaker because of my hearing?
    Community Answer
    As long as you try to step away from other people's conversations, you will not be seen as rude or inconsiderate by most people.
  • Question
    Is it rude to shut off my cell phone when it's ringing?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes. The caller will be hearing a ringing tone and it will end abruptly, telling them you have declined the call. Smart phones offer the option to send a standard message instead of just declining the call. Alternatively, you could pick up and immediately ask if it's okay to call them back, or use the volume settings to not be disturbed when you are busy.
  • Question
    Is it rude to not greet a person when they text you? For example, if you haven't seen or talked to the person in a while and they text out of the blue to ask a question.
    Community Answer
    If you're asking if you should respond with a greeting or just answer the question they've asked, you're probably fine either way. If you're asking if it is rude of them to ask a question without greeting you first, maybe a little, but a lot of people dispense with the greetings and niceties via text, it's pretty common nowadays.
  • Question
    When I invite a companion to an event, is it rude to spend the time exploring the options and features on the phone and talking about it, excluding any other conversation?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Well, no, not really. All those present have an equal right to decide what the topic of conversation will be. If one person is talking about phone features and the others agree to talk about this, then sure. If it lasts and lasts, eventually the others will either politely leave or force a different topic. But it is indeed rude to stick to one topic once you notice the others are no longer interested.
  • Question
    Is it rude for your significant other to take a 10-minute completely casual phone call in the middle of watching a TV show with you?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the phone call, on the significance of this TV-watching session, and to some extent on the established norms of your relationship. For example, if you spend hours watching TV or doing other things together on a daily basis, then that 10-minute time out probably shouldn't be a big deal. But if you have little free time to spend together, or if this is your one special show you watch together, then it's probably rude. Likewise, it's more understandable if the caller is someone your significant other hasn't heard from in a while than if it's someone they talk to on a regular basis - although it shouldn't be too hard to simply wait until the show is over to call back. You should take these factors into account, talk to your partner about your feelings, and make sure you are both on the same page regarding your expectations for your time together.
  • Question
    Is it rude to answer my boss's cell phone?
    Community Answer
    Unless your boss has given you permission to answer their phone, or instructed you to do so in their absence, then yes, this would be rude.
  • Question
    What is the proper time frame for returning a phone call?
    Community Answer
    Return the call whenever you have a minute of free time, not when you're talking to someone or busy doing something else. For casual and personal calls, try to return it within the week. Business or work related calls should be returned as soon as possible.
  • Question
    Is it rude to have your texts sent to other people without your knowledge?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If someone accesses your phone and sends your texts to someone else, yes, that is definitely rude. More than that, it is very likely illegal. But, if you sent a text to someone, and they forward it to someone else; there is nothing rude about that. Once it leaves your hands, it is out of your control as well as out of your property. If you're afraid others might forward it and get you in trouble, don't send it in the first place.
  • Question
    Is it rude to text around people when every key stroke makes an audible sound?
    Community Answer
    I don't think it's necessarily rude, but some people might find it annoying, so be careful. If the place is noisy and busy it shouldn't really be a problem.
  • Question
    If I have permission to text someone, does that permission extend to phone calls as well?
    Community Answer
    If you have permission to text, take that as a gift. Don't push and have a phone call without permission.
  • Question
    Is it rude to sit across a table in a restaurant and take a picture without asking or telling the person you are taking her picture?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Most countries nowadays have strict privacy laws that govern this. Even if the person is your friend, you need to ask permission to take her picture and ask permission again to post it on social media. Taking a girl's picture in a restaurant is considered harassment, and can be prosecuted. You can be asked to leave, or she could call the police and file a complaint and you'll be found guilty of harassment and invasion of privacy. It's also very creepy, immature and impolite.
  • Question
    Nobody ever replied to my chats and posts in a group and it feels awkward and rude to me? What should i do?
    Community Answer
    That depends, do you know if they're active on their phones at the times you text them? Sometimes people are busy. Another thing to think about is if the text is a necessary question or just a fun text. I do understand how you feel but try talking to your friends about it but also understanding some people don't do well in group chats because they expect someone else to respond so they don't feel as compelled to respond.
  • Question
    Is it rude to look at someone's cell phone pictures if they hand you the phone to look at one picture?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it is rude and is an invasion of privacy. Their pictures are none of your business.
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