Q&A for How to Seeing Dead Person Alive in Dream Meaning

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    Are dreams important in our lifes ?
    Kari Samuels
    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
    Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts.
    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
    Expert Answer
    Pay attention to your dreams because your dreams are always telling you things that your conscious mind doesn't want to pick up on or you can imagine yourself in that situation and notice what comes up for you.
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    I had a dream where I was sleeping with my dead aunt. What does it mean?
    Community Answer
    A desire for closeness, comfort, or a need for emotional support. It might reflect your subconscious mind's attempt to process grief or to find closure after your aunt's passing. Alternatively, it may symbolize a desire to reconnect with certain qualities or aspects that you associate with your aunt, such as wisdom, guidance, or unconditional love.
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    What if the person talked of changes that have occurred ever since they died?
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    It's probably just you wondering about what they would've thought of those changes if they were alive to witness them.
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    Meaning of my dream of my deceased father in law doing exercises.
    Community Answer
    It probably means you want to exercise too. The fact you dreamed of a person who is dead in reality being alive means you're reflecting the past (when he was still alive) vs the future (when you are going to start exercising). Especially if the dream made you feel really emotional after waking up, this type of dream is motivating you to do something important.
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    What if you are a widow and your deceased husband was abusive - and you keep having dreams where you're worried he will find your boyfriend and hurt both of you?
    Community Answer
    It means you are worried about something bad happening in real life. When you are awake, think about if something is seriously worrying or stressing you out right now.
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    To dream about your long dead niece driving a beautiful car.
    Community Answer
    Cars in dreams often symbolize the journey of life, one's sense of control, or even the body/physical self. It could be you imagining a continuation of her own "life journey" in the afterlife, or it could mean you are going to move to someplace beautiful or new in real life. This dream likely means something new and exciting is coming up for you.
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    What does it mean if you dream about yourself being dead?
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    Usually, a dream about yourself dying means you are dealing with a big change (e.g., moving to a new house or changing schools) or worried about losing something important such as a part of your identity. It means something related to you is metaphorically dying.
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    I had a dream where I was inside the store and I was holding 2 CDS, one in each hand, and comparing the 2 famous singers (who are both deceased now) saying they look alike. I am dealing with a big change.
    Community Answer
    A store can represent the "marketplace" of life, where you make choices and evaluate options. The CDs and singers may be symbolic stand-ins for the different options, personas or life directions you're considering. The fact that they are both deceased hints at a loss of the familiar as you move into new territory. In short, this dream means you're not sure what to do. In the waking life, try to think about what you need to choose.
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    What does it mean when you dream about a person who is deceased in real life, but in the dream, they're just asleep?
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    That likely means that you are finally starting to get over their loss, you are accepting the fact they passed away, and this is likely true if you felt peaceful or happy after the dream. If you had severe feelings of regret, guilt, sadness, anger, relationship issues, etc. about them when they were alive, the dream is telling you it's okay now. It's the term "Rest in Peace" (R.I.P.) in a literal, visual sense.
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    What does it mean if we dream of a dead person being alive and loosing a tooth..
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    It probably represents making a small change or starting small regarding something new. Losing a tooth changes the mouth, but only a little bit. The dead person losing a tooth could represent you or someone else losing something small in your life.
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    My late grandmother telling me she's back, I need to paint her nails. She's wearing a white jersey and black pants, her hair has also grown.
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    That type of dream usually means you are dealing with or want to make a change or transformation. In the dream, your grandma (dead in real life) is alive, possibly younger and healthier again, with longer hair, and she wanted you to change the color of her nails by painting them.
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    If you dream a dead person is sick and appearing sick what does it mean?
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    This would mean you're really worried or anxious about something. It could symbolize unresolved emotions or concerns related to their passing. The dead person being sick represents negative emotions like sadness, anxiety or grief.
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    My mother passed on 2015 and I had a terrible dream in the morning. I have a brother in jail and we are yet to get our inheritance money. My mother turned in a dream in danger. I don't get the dream.
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    This is because you are worried about a stressful event or change coming up in your life. Dreaming about someone in danger is a metaphor for a severe emotional problem or something that's really frustrating you. Talk to a trusted family member, friend, or counselor for guidance and support.
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    I see my dad coming back to life in my dream and he being gone was all a lie, and it's a sad moment there and I cry a lot what does it mean?
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    You are going through the denial stage of grief and trying to cope with his death.
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    A dream where my deceased brother who I saw on the porch with him, later in the dream I was talking to and riding with him in the car.
    Community Answer
    The riding in the car could mean you're looking for something (trying to sort out a problem) or you want to travel someplace you've never been to before. It could also mean you are ready to move to a new house or change your job. Your deceased brother represents the past, and you interacting with him is meaning: you are ready to move on from the past and start a new phase in the future.
  • Question
    My brother came to me in a dream. He's been dead for almost a year and he was young in the dream. Why did he come to me in my dream?
    Community Answer
    Maybe there is an event or change coming up in your life that relates to an activity you and your brother used to do when the two of you were young. If you were feeling overwhelmed or stressed out lately, dreaming about being young means you want to feel carefree, young, and playful again, back when you didn't have to worry about big responsibilities yet.
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    I dreamed of my dead brother playing with his friend at home in the presence of mum and dad who are now divorced, he was very happy. This also comes at a time when I want to change my job too.
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    Especially if you were at first feeling worried or unsure if you should do it or not, your deceased brother appearing alive and happy reflects that you have made a concrete decision and are looking forward to a new change in your career.
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    Why did I dream of my now deceased wife lying on the couch with me?
    Community Answer
    It could mean that you are feeling stressed out or overwhelmed and you haven't had time to take a break and relax. Or, it could mean you are feeling lonely and want someone to hang out with. A couch is also associated with watching TV, so you might be thinking about watching a program that your wife didn't get to see when she was alive.
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    What if you dream about a friend and her family years after her passing and when you’ve not been thinking about or talking about her? It’s just very out of the blue and very realistic.
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    It could just mean you are randomly thinking about them or you're going through a big change (such as moving to a new house or breaking up with a partner).
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    What does it mean if the dead person in the dream was actually a deleted skin in a video game like Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    The virtual skin representing an actual dead person could mean you miss playing that game. Did you play that game in your childhood? If yes, then perhaps you miss being a kid and the freedom and feeling along with it. It can also be you playing the game with a person who died in real life, or if you only knew them online, it represents them being lost if you never found them again. It could also mean a big change is coming up in your life.
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    In the dream, there was trouble/conflict with teacher and parents who are now dead and the dream was about school conflict, what would a bittersweet dream like this mean?
    Community Answer
    This means that a big change is coming up in your life. You were likely having an argument or conflict with someone in the waking world. If you have been feeling very angry and upset lately, the emotional dream is telling you to sort your emotions out in a healthy way.
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    What does it mean if you dream about a famous dead person being alive for a few seconds, and that person died many years before you were born?
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    It most likely represents that you're dealing with a big change or something prominent in your life is coming to an end. A deceased person being alive in a dream represents the past. In this case, dreaming about a famous person who is deceased could signify your change will make you more popular or known. If you admire this dearly departed celebrity a lot, it means you want to change yourself to be more like them, and the fact they are dead causes an emotional reaction to get you thinking right.
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    I had a dream where I asked a dead person "I thought you are dead" and she replied that she is alive. What does it mean?
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    It means you are in denial of her passing. One of the stages of grief is denial, meaning refusing to accept the person is truly gone. The dream is you trying to process your grief about her loss.
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    My son has been dead for almost 10 years. I dream of him often. Last night I dreamt he said "goodbye mom". What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    Dreaming of a dead person saying "goodbye" is a sign that you're moving on from the loss, and it can also mean you're starting a new phase or a big change in your life. It is also a sign that he's happy for you and he's looking down from above, hoping you find peace in this difficult time.
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    What is it, I lost my husband 3 weeks ago. I dreamt he's alive.
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    You are dreaming about your deceased husband because you lost him recently and you are mourning in your sleep to deal with his loss.
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    Dreamed of my deceased father walking towards me smiling, in cream linen from head to toe. He held my hand and we were dancing in a circle holding hands. What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    The dream is you coming to terms with loss, a big life change, transformation, the end of a phase, and you're trying to cope. It could be a message from him in the afterlife, telling you that it's going to be okay. The cream linen he is wearing, plain, cozy, and simple and could represent starting over in a refreshing way (a clean start).
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    My friend is unwell but alive but I woke up with a vision of her dead white faced & dressed. It scared me to jump up in bed.
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    That likely means you're really worried about her health or something else. Check up on her in the waking world.
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    I had a dream of my deceased grandfather, I was in the backseat of his car while he was driving and he fell asleep
    Community Answer
    In a dream, metaphorically, a car ride represents the journey of life. Falling asleep at the wheel may represent dozing off or ignoring the important things you need to do in your life, as the steering wheel represents driving to your directions. The fact you were in the backseat and not driving could mean you lack control over something and the person who does have control is abusing it or not doing anything at all about it. It could also be grief, if he was very close to you, then your dream could mean you are feeling lost without him.
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    When you dream of a dead person being alive, do you know you are dreaming?
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    That depends on the dream. Some dreams, you're aware they died and you might even believe that they came back to life. Other dreams, it may feel like they never died in the first place and you feel sad and disappointed after waking up. In some dreams you might see them die all over again.
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    I had a dream where my deceased best friend was alive and trying to tell me something, but I couldn't hear her, she disappeared before I could hear what she was trying to say.
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    This dream represents unresolved feelings and missed opportunities with your deceased friend. Think about if there was anything you really wanted to tell to or do with your friend before she passed. Your deceased friend's voice being inaudible is reflecting that she is not alive anymore in the waking world. The dream is you wondering what she would say if she were still alive. You are trying to resolve these difficult emotions regarding her passing.
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