Q&A for How to Survive a War

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    What if I lost all of my family and friends?
    Community Answer
    It would be hard to survive without them (since you're probably young and have close ties to them), but staying self-sufficient is important. By protecting yourself and restoring your sanity, it will be easier to plan what you should do after the war.
  • Question
    How long does a war usually take, and if it takes a long time, how much food will we need?
    Community Answer
    There is no timeline for the duration of a war. They can last a few months to several years, such as both World Wars and the current conflict in Syria. Following news reports will give a person some info into the situation. As the political situation deteriorates, begin preparing, if you haven't done so already. Stock non-perishable foods, as they will not be affected (so long as the container/packaging remains intact). The more you are able to have on hand, the better.
  • Question
    How will I survive if I'm homeless?
    Community Answer
    You may want to try and find other people to stay with so they can keep you safe (and vice versa) until the war is over.
  • Question
    I wear glasses. Is there any way to plan ahead in case I break them?
    Community Answer
    Get spare glasses now!
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    I live in a capitol city, but I know a rural place that's five hours away by car. Should I pack the essentials and walk, even though the weather is hot?
    Community Answer
    I would, yes. Even if it's hot outside and you don't have transportation, you should leave if you think your life will be in danger at home. However, be sure that you pack enough essentials for several days, especially water.
  • Question
    How can I make some weapons with just sticks and a Swiss army knife?
    Community Answer
    The Swiss army knife itself is a pretty good weapon, but you could also sharpen the ends of the sticks into points and use them as spears.
  • Question
    I'm worried about a USA war with North Korea. If North Korea wins, how do I survive?
    Community Answer
    I heavily doubt North Korea will defeat the USA, unless they have China or Russia on their side, but if they do win, and invade the USA, moving to Canada or Mexico might be your best option. If you are worried about nuclear war, there only way to survive nuclear war is avoiding it. Go to a country far from the nukes, such as somewhere in Africa or South America.
  • Question
    I'm Chinese. Will my home country do anything during WW3 and if so, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Hopefully there will not be any more world wars. China is a large country that has acted peacefully in the past. It is possible that China may help to prevent future wars. If for some reason there is a world war, follow the steps in this article and try your best to survive.
  • Question
    Where can I find weapons during a war? Is a desert a good place to set up camp?
    Community Answer
    The desert, being isolated, is a good place as long as you have a source of clean water and experience in a dry climate. If you are in the desert, it will be quite difficult to source weapons; although it may be unethical, theft or raiding abandoned houses might be your best bet.
  • Question
    How will I survive if I get called to war?
    Community Answer
    Although it’s unlikely someone will walk up to your door and ask you to stand in the front lines, if this does happen keep a close eye out for snipers hiding in bushes and, once you hear gunshots, run for cover.
  • Question
    Can dogs eat canned stuff if you run out of fresh food and dog food?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    It would be your best bet to find fresh food or dog kibble, but if you have only canned food, use foods which aren't high in sodium.
  • Question
    What if l live in a very tall apartment? What shall l do?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    Team up with your neighbors and use the basement as a main base. You can retrofit the building into a survival camp and heavily armor the entrance to protect your supplies. If you have to, abandon rooms that would be unsafe in a raid.
  • Question
    Can I still have my dog?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Maintain food and water for your dog. It can help you by detecting danger, hunting small animals and providing companionship.
  • Question
    What if the war targets my ethnicity? What can I do to survive?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    If you are in a race war, move to a place that favors your ethnicity.
  • Question
    Can we go on a plane to escape?
    Community Answer
    It's possible, but air travel could be restricted during a war.
  • Question
    How will I survive if I'm on a plane?
    Community Answer
    If you are on a flight heading toward a country that is fighting in war, your flight will likely be rerouted to a safer destination. If you are on a flight that just left a country at war, you'd likely fly to your destination if it's a different country (and perhaps be rerouted if it's in the same country). If you haven't taken off yet, you might be stuck at the airport and your flight could get canceled.
  • Question
    What if you are injured hardly and don’t have any more healing resources?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    Use your clothes for bandages and take Tylenol or Aspirin. Try to find shelter and tighten your bandage as necessary to avoid blood loss. You can bite a stick to avoid passing out.
  • Question
    Should I make hard copies of important documents? Is it good enough to have copies on a pen drive?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    You should not resort to electronic copies, as many countries in wars use electromagnetic weapons to gain an advantage and they could destroy your pen drive. It would be smart to have at least one protected hard copy of each important document.
  • Question
    Where might I find food in a current war zone (Ukraine) in winter?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    You can check abandoned buildings or hunt animals. Harvesting plants would not work.
  • Question
    If I gotta poop but there’s no toilet paper, what should I do?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    Poop in the grass then. Old people used to use leaves as toilet paper. Survival is more important.
  • Question
    What if my country surrenders to a country like Russia, where their leader is a dictator?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    If your country were to surrender to a dictatorship, you should pack your belongings and go to a country that is not a dictatorship before your new leader creates any laws.
  • Question
    What should I do if the military captures me?
    Peyton Schmiege
    Community Answer
    Show them that you are a civilian and listen to anything they say. Escape when the time is right.
  • Question
    If it's World War 3, will all people die?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what happens during World War III, where you are when it happens and how you act upon it. Keep up with information and try to get through it, it's your best course of action for survival.
  • Question
    What if I can’t go anywhere else and I don’t have anything to survive and fight with?
    Community Answer
    Stay in your home if you're in a city likely to be targeted. After 24-48 hours, go out and search abandoned stores/houses, only if it is safe to do so. There's likely to be some resources, even if they're scarce. Get medical supplies too, just in case.
  • Question
    If my country should go to war, and my area is taken over with no chance of me escaping, would it be best for me to fight for my beliefs or comply?
    Community Answer
    Be submissive/comply. Always. Even if you don't believe in what they say. In such a situation, you may get injured, or at worst, killed.
  • Question
    How do you make sure your pets (specifically birds) are safe?
    Community Answer
    At the first sign, whether that be news, or the actual announcement, stock up on food that you usually feed your birds. Bottled water helps too. Try your best to keep them healthy, as vets will most likely be closed. Have carrier cages, backpacks or boxes ready if you need to leave in a hurry, and keep an emergency bag of food and pet needs packed at all times for grab and go.
  • Question
    I live in a family of 9. What happens when we run out of supplies?
    Pablo Matías Valdés
    Community Answer
    You will have to exit your home, asking your neighbors for whatever they can spare, searching abandoned homes or stores. Do not steal unless you are truly desperate as the consequences can be lethal as others are desperate too.
  • Question
    Is Iceland a good country to stay safe from war and nukes in general? This is my dream country to live in as I get older, but not if it’s unsafe.
    Community Answer
    Iceland is usually very safe. But in the event of a war involving the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) would step in to assist. Iceland, being a part of NATO, would be required to do the same. However, Iceland is not a target for invading forces.
  • Question
    How do I care for my pets during a war?
    Community Answer
    Gather food and other essential items (e.g. a carrier) that should last your pet for at least a few weeks. Realise, however, that except in limited cases a pet will often be more of a liability to you than a help, and if the chips really come down, then you may have to deal with neglecting your pet's needs in favour of your own or your family's. It really depends on the context, the length of the war, where you are and the type of pet. Research what happened to pets in London at the beginning of WWII; it makes for sad reading.
  • Question
    Is it safe to flee to the mountains during a war?
    Community Answer
    Usually yes, but defending forces will probably retreat there as well because they are great natural fortresses.
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