Q&A for How to Survive an Earthquake in Your Car

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    What happens if I get stuck in my car?
    Community Answer
    Use your cell phone to call for help. If that's not an option, wait till the shaking subsides, and see if there's any you can use to shatter your window and climb out.
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    What can I do to prevent an earthquake?
    Community Answer
    An earthquake is a tremor caused by the plates underneath us moving and sliding against each other; that is why earthquakes are always on fault lines. Fault lines are the edges of where those plates meet. An earthquake cannot be prevented -- humans cannot dictate the Earth and its natural movements.
  • Question
    What happens if I am stuck under a bridge during an earthquake and there is traffic?
    Community Answer
    Exit the car and lay close and flat to the driver's side door. If the bridge collapses, the "pancake" effect the car might encounter could protect you from the bridge debris and hopefully will not collapse the car all the way to the ground, leaving you a safe zone.
  • Question
    What if I'm outside, like on a picnic, away from a safe place?
    Community Answer
    Well you should be safe as long as nothing falls onto you and hope that the ground doesn't open up underneath you. Just stay low.
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    Can you think of any situation in which you might want to leave a car during an earthquake?
    Community Answer
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