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Q&A for How to Survive an Encounter with a Crocodile or Alligator
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QuestionAre saltwater crocodiles more aggressive than freshwater crocodiles?Clint Bartley is a Herpetology Expert based in Chandler, Indiana. He has over 30 years of experience working with reptiles, and opened Metazotics in 2022, a large reptile breeding facility and specialty store where he oversees a breeding colony of nearly 500 reptiles. Metazotics specializes in reptiles such as colubrids, ball pythons, geckos, tortoises, and more, and serves a national audience with their state-of-the-art online merchandise platform. In particular, Clint is known as an industry leader in Asian rat snake and black rat snake mutations. Clint has successfully reproduced more than 60 species of reptiles in captivity. He was the second person in the United States to produce Archelaphe bella chapaensis (bell rat snakes), and the first person in the U.S. to produce them twice. Metazotics carries a comprehensive line of supplies and habitats, offers all bioactive enclosure needs, and works with local organizations to further their knowledge and understanding of reptiles.Saltwater crocodiles, also known as "salties," are widely regarded as more aggressive and dangerous towards humans compared to freshwater crocodiles. This heightened aggression is attributed to their larger size, territorial nature, and preference for a wide range of habitats, including estuaries, mangrove swamps, and coastal areas. Saltwater crocodiles are opportunistic predators known to ambush prey that ventures too close to the water's edge, including humans. Their powerful jaws and ability to strike swiftly make encounters with saltwater crocodiles particularly perilous. As a result, caution is advised when navigating waterways inhabited by saltwater crocodiles, especially in regions where they are prevalent, such as Northern Australia and Southeast Asia.
QuestionCan I push down on a crocodile's upper jaw if I spot it slowly coming towards me? I heard somewhere that crocodiles have weak jaw-raising muscles, is this true?Community AnswerIf a crocodile is approaching you, it's best to back away. They indeed do have very weak jaw opening muscles, but the muscles for closing their jaws are very strong, so be careful. They can also still attack you with their actual bodies.
QuestionIf one of my friends is getting attacked in the water is there anything I can do?Community AnswerYou can attack the crocodile/alligator. If they are weakened or severely injured, you can try to hit its head and eyes while it attacks your friend. This way you have a better chance of landing hits, since they are occupied. Realize that in trying to help your friend you are at risk from that crocodile/alligator or other ones but a life without caring for others is no life at all.
QuestionDo alligators live in Southwest Florida?Community AnswerYes, they do. American alligators can be found in Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Texas.
QuestionAre alligators and crocodiles faster than humans?Community AnswerAlligators and crocodiles are faster in water, but on land, they can only run for a short time. The average human should be able to outrun an alligator or crocodile.
QuestionWhat if the crocodile/alligator starts to perform the so-called death roll?Community AnswerTry to hold your breath for as long as possible, and gauge its eyes. If you can reach the valve, rip at it and the croc should let you go.
QuestionCan the alligator's babies attack me?Community AnswerYes, it is possible for young alligators to attack.
QuestionWhy do crocodiles attack?Community AnswerCrocodiles usually attack if they are feeling threatened or territorial. They may also attack if they are feeling hungry, especially if they associate people with food and have lost their fear of people over time.
QuestionCan I keep a crocodile's mouth from closing by wedging an upright stick into its jaws?Community AnswerUnfortunately, this tactic rarely works. Unless the stick is positioned in a very precise way, the croc can easily crush it. It has a bite force of around 3,700 pounds, depending on the species. However, a thick log or branch may temporarily keep the animal's mouth open.
QuestionDo crocodiles live in Ontario?Community AnswerNo.
QuestionAre there any major differences in temperament between American alligators and American crocodiles?Community AnswerCrocodiles tend to be more aggressive than alligators, but the differences are more evident between individual species.
QuestionDo alligators live in the ocean surf?Community AnswerNo, alligators are freshwater reptiles. They can only survive in saltwater for a few days. If there is a heavy rain, alligators can be flushed out of their marsh or riverbed into the ocean, but they do not live in the ocean.
QuestionWhat do I do when a crocodile attacks my head?Community AnswerIt's probable you won't be able to do much if this is the position you're put in and you will most likely already be dead. Crocodiles have a bite force value of 3,700 pounds for a 17-foot saltwater crocodile (as well as tooth pressures of 350,000 pounds per square inch). Don't put yourself in a position to be taken by a crocodile or alligator in the first place and all will be well.
QuestionIf a crocodile bites you, will you survive?Community AnswerProbably. If it attacks you, shout for help. You will need medical attention. If you are alone, you are less likely to survive.
QuestionDo alligators or crocodiles live in Mankato, Minnesota?Community AnswerNo. In the United States, alligators live primarily in the Gulf Coast states, such as Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida. American crocodiles are found only in the southernmost parts of Florida and Puerto Rico.
QuestionWill an alligator in particular attack someone in a kayak?Community AnswerYes, because of the splashing of the paddles and your kayak might give off a wake attracting them.
QuestionWhat can I do if it has both of my arms or legs and starts thrusting me or dragging me?Community AnswerTry to get someone's attention so that they can help you, or use the tactic at trying to get at their head again. This is a very difficult situation to come out of alive, so hopefully you can avoid it in the first place!
QuestionHow do I survive an encounter if I am weak?Community AnswerOkay, rule number one is know where the crocodiles/alligators are and behave accordingly so that you do not put yourself in harm's way. If you see one, move away and stay away. Follow the article contents for what to do if things escalate.
QuestionCan I kill an alligator without stabbing it in the head or eye?Community AnswerYou can kill an alligator without stabbing it in the head or eye, but it is relatively difficult. If you cannot stab an alligator, use another method to stop an alligator without killing it. Hit the alligator's soft spots in the nose, neck or groin.
QuestionIf it has both of my arms, can I bite it on the nose?Community AnswerYes, biting a crocodile or an alligator can be used as a last resort if they have incapacitated you by biting both of your arms.
QuestionIs it possible to tame a crocodile?Community AnswerAlthough some people keep alligators as pets (and sometimes crocodiles), these reptiles are never able to be completely tamed. It's extremely dangerous to try to keep one as a pet because they will always see you as potential prey.
QuestionDo crocodiles and alligators live in the Philippines?Community AnswerYes, crocodiles do, but I'm not sure about alligators.
QuestionWhat are the biological differences between the American alligator and American crocodile?Community AnswerAmerican crocodiles tend to be larger and live in coastal areas with brackish water such as estuaries, while American alligators only live in freshwater. The American alligator has a more rounded snout as opposed to the pointier snout of the American crocodile. There are also differences in the dentition, but it is not recommended you get close enough to make such an observation.
QuestionHow dangerous are crocodiles (not alligators) in Florida?Community AnswerThey are very dangerous, under any circumstances. They are masters of stealth, most commonly waiting for their prey close to the waters edge, and once they've got a hold of you, it is more or less game over.
QuestionAre there alligators or crocodiles in the southern part of Georgia?Community AnswerYes, especially in the lakes.
QuestionIf I accidentally drop food in the water, will it attack me?Community AnswerIt depends on what the food is and if it saw it. It might just pick up the food and leave you be, it may also try and attack if it wants more.
QuestionIs an alligator able to remain submerged and attack prior to surfacing by striking, or must its eyes be above water to see prior to launching an attack?thefrogguy woahCommunity AnswerAlligators will mostly just keep their eyes and snout above the water, but they are very smart and will go underwater when necessary. They will also hide around vegetation, making themselves appear to be a log.
QuestionCan I kill an alligator with a shotgun?Community AnswerYes, a shotgun will kill most things, including an alligator.
QuestionWhere are the most of the crocodiles or alligators found in India?Community AnswerNicabor, Andam and the eastern coast have crocodiles. There are no alligators in India.
QuestionAre there any alligators or crocodiles in Arizona?Community AnswerWild alligators live only in Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Texas.
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