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Q&A for How to Test Silver
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QuestionI've got a bracelet and chain that have 925 on the clasps does this mean it's silver?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, "925" means the bracelet and chain are 92.5% silver, which is also known as sterling silver.
QuestionI have several dinner ware that might be silver. How do I sell them even I don't have a way to test them?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou probably can't sell them until you know what they're made of (since buyers will want to know that before spending their money). Try one of the simple tests in our article to check your silver!
QuestionI have 2 oblong plates with Chinese carvings on, they are non magnetic and ice melts fast on them how can I find out what they are?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf they're non-magnetic and ice melts immediately on them, it sounds like they're silver (since those are two of the tests you can do it home). If you want to know for absolute certain, have the plates appraised by a professional.
QuestionDo you recommend a method to remove the bleach tarnish?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerPolish the silver with toothpaste or silver polish to remove the tarnish from the surface.
QuestionI have a ring that has 925KP engraved on it. What does that mean?Community AnswerKP means Karat Pure or Plum, term used in 70's and 80's. Meaning Pure (Real).
QuestionI have a sterling set, but the knives only have one mark on them stating stainless. Do sets typically have knives with stainless blades, and will those knives necessarily also be marked sterling?Community AnswerMost sterling sets have stainless or good quality steel blades -- only the handles are sterling. Sterling is too soft a metal to hold a sharp edge.
QuestionWhat does 626 mean if it's imprinted on silver?Community AnswerIt means it contains 62.6% pure silver and the remaining 37.4% containd one or more other metals.
QuestionWhat does 1844 mean on a silver dish?Priscilla SheldonCommunity AnswerIf "1844" is listed below the maker's mark, it is likely the year of production. Numbers seemingly randomly placed are the model or pattern number of the item.
QuestionAre there different markings on silver in different countries?Community AnswerYes. It depends on when and where it was made. Most modern items will have 925, .925, or "sterling" stamped on it. Some older items from Germany may have "stirling" or "starling." Items made in England before the 20th century may have hallmarks instead of words/numbers. For example, a sterling silver item might have the profile image of a lion.
QuestionHow can I tell if something is actually silver?Community AnswerThe ice method from this article works really well. It is easy and costs nothing.
QuestionIs silver always stamped?Community AnswerNo, not always. Some countries do not require their silver to be stamped.
QuestionDoes silver plated dinnerware have any value?Community AnswerAny value it has is not because of the silver content. Its value is due more to design and decorative desirability.
QuestionHow do I test silver dinner pieces?Community AnswerSmell them. This works best with older things of silver. If they have a strong, distinctive, metallic smell, they're probably real silver. Compare the smell to another metal that you know is not silver. For more accurate testing, go to a pawn shop or jewelry store and ask them to do a free test for you.
QuestionCan't hallmarked silver bars still be given those signs or numbers by forgers? Or are these bars always trustworthy?Community AnswerIt is illegal to mark fake silver with those signs and/or numbers, but that doesn't always stop swindlers. So, unless you are buying from a reputable dealer (who wouldn't want their business to go under for selling fake items), then trusting the symbols or numbering alone isn't a good idea.
QuestionIf the ice melts quickly is the silver pure or not?Community AnswerYou have to compare the melting rate of the ice on the silver to the melting rate of the ice in the pan. Put your silver in a hot pan, put a cube on the pan and one on the hot silver. The real silver will melt the ice much faster than the pan.
QuestionSo if I have an antique coffee pot and I think that it might be silver, what is the best test to see if it is silver or not?Community AnswerHold a magnet to it. If the magnet sticks to the surface, the pot is either not silver at all or is only silver plated.
QuestionWhat are the other metals that do not attract to a magnet?Community AnswerGold, brass, and nickel.
QuestionI see a square engraved on the bottom of my candle holder. Does that mean anything?Community AnswerIf it is a small square with a lion, this is a hallmark of sterling silver made in England.
QuestionIs it possible to scratch ,925 silver?Community AnswerYes, of course. You can scratch .925 silver with stainless steel, for example.
QuestionIf I leave a fingerprint on real silver, will it disappear?Community AnswerNo, fingerprints do not disappear on real silver. If they did, that would be the easiest way to test silver!
QuestionAre there any silver wires used in the telephone business?Community AnswerThere are wires that are SPC or silver-plated copper. They are used to improve the quality of sound for certain wires.
QuestionAre all stamped pieces silver?Community AnswerNo. Unfortunately, lots of Chinese suppliers are stamping their silver plated items.
QuestionWhat other metals that look like silver pass the magnet test?Community AnswerPure tin. A friend picked up a homemade ingot of what he thought could be silver. It passed the magnet test.
QuestionI have an old wedding set, rings that I believe have fake diamonds, but the ring itself appears real silver. If so, is there any value?Community AnswerDiamonds are not set in silver, but in white gold. Silver is too soft as a wedding band, so you should check the metal first.
QuestionWhat does "IS" stamped on silverware stand for?Community Answer"IS" stands for "international silver."
QuestionWhat kind of silver is found in forklifts?Community AnswerElectric fork lifts will have a panel with a few industrial grade silver contacts. The silver content can be quite high to only 50%. It will be fused to either brass or copper.
QuestionWhat do the letters EP mean on a silver tray?Scott WhiteCommunity AnswerElectroplated. This is a process of electrodeposition that leaves a thin layer of (in this case) silver over a less-expensive base metal.
QuestionIs German silver valuable?Community AnswerNo. German silver is a name given to fake silver developed in Germany. The usual formulation is 60% copper, 20% nickel, and 20% zinc.
QuestionI have a flatware set that says, "Tradition Stainless USA," but I can’t find any numbers. Should I assume the set is just plated?Stuart GoddardCommunity AnswerIf you can't locate any markings or stamps on your set, it is probably safe to assume that it is only plated. The other possibility is that the item is described as "stainless," not "stainless steel", so the set could be lacquer-coated, which is a common method of protecting silver or silver-plate items from tarnishing. The practice is much more common for plated items, due to the very thin covering of silver over the base metal.
QuestionWhat if I can't find the stamp on the item?Community AnswerThe absence of any stamp or marking on an item doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't made from silver or isn't silver plated. If you have an antiques dealer nearby, take your item to them to ask for their opinion.
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