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Q&A for How to Trade Items on Roblox
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QuestionCan I trade a game pass?guestishereonrobloxCommunity AnswerNo, you cannot trade a game pass. A game pass is what people make for their games.
QuestionDo I need to enter my email for trading?Community AnswerNo, you do not need to enter your email in order to trade since the trades are conducted from within Roblox.
QuestionCan I change these items into Robux?DucklinsCommunity AnswerYes, you can easily sell them by going onto the limited's link, pressing the "...," and clicking "Sell."
QuestionCan I trade if I have an OBC membership?Community AnswerYou can trade, because all types of Builder's Club memberships (BC, TBC, and OBC) can trade.
QuestionCan I trade free items?Bun bunTop AnswererNo. You can only trade limited items.
QuestionI have limited items that I bought with tickets back in the day. How can I trade them without BC?Community AnswerUnfortunately, without BC, you are not able to trade these items.
QuestionCan I still trade when my Builder's Club is expired?Bun bunTop AnswererNo.
QuestionCan I do this with my iPhone?Community AnswerYou cannot do it on the app. However, you can do it on the browser the same way you do it on the computer.
QuestionCan I trade non-limited things?AllGameConsoleThingsCommunity AnswerNo, you can't. You can only trade Limited and LimitedU items. Trading non-limited items using a hack/exploit may have a result of permanent ban.
QuestionHow do I display items for trading?Community AnswerYou can put it on your About page, or you can go to Trade Hangout to find people who want what you're selling.
QuestionHow do you get builder's club to trade items on Roblox?Community AnswerYou can purchase builder's club. Builder's club members are given daily robux that may be used to buy items to trade among other users.
QuestionCan I trade packages?Community AnswerNo. You are only able to trade limited items, as there are currently no limited packages.
QuestionHow do I display items to trade from my inventory?Community AnswerGo to your item's catalog page. Above the "Edit Avatar" button you'll find three dots. Click on that and press the "Add to Profile" button, and your item will be set to your profile collection.
QuestionDo I have to trade with friends, or can I trade with someone I just found?BryanWTLCommunity AnswerIt's best to trade with people you know. Strangers might steal all your items.
QuestionCan I trade shirts and pants on Roblox?Community AnswerNo. You are only able to trade limited items, and shirts/pants are unable to become limited.
QuestionIf I already have BC, do I still need Robux to trade?Nick LeongCommunity AnswerNo. Robux is not needed for trades, but can be used as a break-even option. Robux is applicable to a trade, but at a tax that Roblox keeps.
QuestionHow do I calculate value in order to value trade on Roblox?P7iceCommunity AnswerSubtract highest value by the lowest value. That way, you can determine if you gained RAP or lost RAP.
QuestionDo I have to get builder club membership in order to make this work?Community AnswerNBC can't trade. If NBC was able to trade, then they would be able to get Robux.
QuestionWhy do I have to go to the trade hangout?Community AnswerYou do not have to, but it is a good place to find people who want to trade items with you.
QuestionHow can I get higher RAP with lower RAP items?Community AnswerUse the method of upgrading. In upgrading, you give lower RAP items which have higher RAP than the better item. The better item will gradually increase in RAP.
QuestionHow come when I want to trade an item there are no items to display?Community AnswerYou probably don't have any limiteds, which are the only items you can trade.
QuestionWould the steps be the same if I am doing this on an iPad?Community AnswerYes, they should be.
QuestionHow do I know when to find a person?Community AnswerYou give the person the trade and be patient. If they accept, then you did it!
QuestionHow come I have items, but don't have anything I can trade?AnimebreadTop AnswererYou have to have limited items in order to trade.
QuestionSomeone wanted only two of the four items I had to trade. How do I trade only those two items?Community AnswerJust double click an item to un-select it if you don't want to trade it.
QuestionCan I not trade anything but limited items?Community AnswerNot necessarily, you can add Robux to trade if you want or need to.
QuestionDo I need to be friends with a person to trade with them?P7iceCommunity AnswerIt depends on that person’s privacy settings. If they set the trading to “everyone”, you do not need to send them a friend request.
QuestionCan I trade free items that are not on sale?Community AnswerNo, you cannot.
QuestionHow do I trade items on Roblox using my mobile phone?Community AnswerBy going to the Player Profile and pressing Trade. A new window should appear.
QuestionCan you trade if you don't have limiteds?Community AnswerNo, the only tradeable items are limiteds.
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