How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Waste Time
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QuestionHow do I waste time in school?Community AnswerDoodle in the margins of your notes or just zone out, but make sure to at least look in the general direction of your teacher every few minutes.
QuestionHow do I waste time when I lost my voice?Community AnswerWrite out everything you are going to say on a slip of paper or whiteboard when in a conversation with someone. If you have no one to talk to, try reading or playing video games.
QuestionHow do I waste time in life?Community AnswerDon't be productive at all.
QuestionHow do I waste time without electrical devices?Community AnswerReading, writing, taking a bath, dancing, finishing an assignment, or sleeping.
QuestionHow can I waste time alone?Community AnswerListen to music, play with electronics, use your imagination, go for a walk or read a book.
QuestionHow do I waste time when I'm injured?Community AnswerYou can do things from your bed or a chair. Turn on the TV, turn on your computer, or just snooze.
QuestionIs sleeping time wasted?Community AnswerNo, sleep is essential for physical and mental health (and ultimately, a good life). Sleep is the time when most of your healing takes place - whether you know it or not, you incur some damage every day, especially on a cellular level; with chronic lack of sleep, this damage piles up and can eventually lead to serious mental and physical problems. In the shorter term, you will look worse, feel worse, function less efficiently, and just get less out of life if you don't sleep enough. Sleep is also when your memories are consolidated, when your brain sorts through the experiences of the day and prepares for the future, and when toxins are flushed out of your brain. If you're young, sleep is when most of your growth and development (body and brain) takes place. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to be your best and get the most out of life.
QuestionHow can I waste time at night if I can't sleep?Community AnswerIt's important to sleep, but you could do some physical activities and then try to sleep again.
QuestionHow do I get the time back that I wasted?Community AnswerJust make the most of now, the present. You can only make up for lost time -- not get it back.
QuestionWhat is a good way to waste a night with the kids?Community AnswerThe best way to waste time with kids is by going outside with them. Play sports with them, take them swimming, go shopping, and teach them how to bake!
QuestionHow can I waste time while grounded?Community AnswerRead books, paint a picture, or do some chores around the house. (That last option might even get your punishment ended earlier.)
QuestionHow do I waste time for an entire week while waiting for something?Community AnswerSet up a series of challenges, buy a new video game to play and go on story mode, or just restart or continue a game, binge watch a long show, try to make a detailed drawing of something you're good at drawing. You could also read a book or a series of comics.
QuestionHow can I waste 6 hours without sleeping?Community AnswerRead a long novel, like one of the Harry Potter books. This will probably take you longer than 6 hours, and the time will fly by.
QuestionHow do I waste time in detention?Community AnswerRead a book or work on your homework. If you can't do those things, then you could work on some breathing exercises or write a story in your head.
QuestionHow can I waste time on Craigslist while waiting for a reply?Community AnswerYou can check out the "free" section for your city, which usually has some interesting items. You could also explore what jobs are available or what pets people are trying to give away. You can sometimes find pretty exotic animals on there!
QuestionHow do I waste 10 minutes in just 2 minutes?Community AnswerYou cannot actually make 10 minutes only last 2 minutes, but try finding a YouTube video that's about the length of time that you're trying to pass. Look for an educational video and learn something new!
QuestionWhat about making a website?Community AnswerThat's a great idea. Making a good website takes a lot of time. If you're not sure how to get started, check out the wikiHow article on How to Create Your First Website .
QuestionIs just lying supine on the floor/ground & doing nothing a good way to waste time?Community AnswerYes, and you shouldn't be thinking about anything productive either.
QuestionHow do I waste time when I am grounded?Mb_d1470b6441feCommunity AnswerTry reading a book if you enjoy it, take a bath or shower, meditate, or go outside for some fresh air.
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