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Learn how to talk to your cat and know its needs
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Cats are generally low-maintenance and fun pets to have in your house. Your cat can communicate with you by meowing, hissing, purring, and moving their body to signal wants, needs, and emotions. You can learn more about these noises and cat body language to understand what your cat is “saying” and respond to them with touch or words.

Communicating with Your Cat

To understand your cat better, take note of what sounds your cat makes when it needs something. Short yips or chirps usually means the cat is happy. Pay attention to the body language, and be alert when you hear hissing or spitting.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Deciphering Cat Noises

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  1. If the cat meows loudly 1-2 times, assume that they want you to do something for them. Try giving them food, water, and attention. For an indoor-outdoor cat, open the door to let them go outside or come inside. If the cat continues to meow, inspect their body to make sure they aren’t injured or in pain. [1] [2]
    • The louder the meow, the more urgency the cat is trying to communicate.
    • If kittens are meowing with their mouth open very wide, they may be signaling that it’s time to feed or that they feel scared.

    Did you know? Cats often use meows to get their human to come to them. If your cat is meowing, try giving it some love and attention first!

  2. When you hear shorter, quieter noises from your cat, observe them to see what they're doing. These are normally signs that they want you to know that they're there and might want you to follow them somewhere. Sometimes, chirps can mean that the cat is "hunting" something, like a bird or a cat toy. [3] Often, the cat just wants you to know that it’s excited! [4]
    • Cats will frequently make these noises when it’s time for food or when they are communicating with another animal.
  3. When you’re petting and playing with your cat, listen closely for a low, rumbling noise from their throat. Keep petting, playing, or feeding the cat in the same way, as this is a sign that they’re feeling happy and want it to continue. [5] [6]
    • Once the purring subsides, it’s okay to remove your hand. Cats can easily become overstimulated, so be sure to pay attention to the noises and body language cues that they make.
  4. These sounds are signs that something is wrong with a cat. When you hear these noises, look at the cat's posture to see if it looks like they're in pain or scared. Wailing is often a signal that an intact (non-spayed) female cat is in heat, so keep her indoors and away from male cats if you don’t want a litter of kittens. [7]
    • If you have more than one cat, growling can be a sign that two cats are about to fight. Try to separate them as quickly as possible to prevent injury.
    • Prolonged, repetitive yowling often occurs when a cat is in profound pain, and you should get medical help quickly. Since cats instinctively hide their pain to avoid predators, they might be seriously ill.
  5. When a cat is threatened, they will pull back their gums to show their teeth and make a hissing noise. If you see this occur or feel the cat begin to spray saliva, remove yourself from the immediate area, preferably out of the cat’s sight. Often, the cat will stay where they are and gradually calm down.
    • Never try to pick up or touch a hissing cat. They can bite and scratch you, which can cause serious injuries.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Understanding Cat Body Language

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  1. When a cat is feeling playful and excitable, they will crouch on their front legs and flick their tail. [8] Use toys, a string, or a feature to lure the cat into pouncing, running, or pawing to play. Keep playing until the cat walks away or begins to use their claws.
    • Keep in mind that when a kitten is learning how to play, they will often bite and scratch to see what they can get away with, since they don't know what will hurt you.

    Tip: If the cat is being too rough while you’re playing, mimic the sounds of a hurt cat by loudly yowling or wailing. This will signal to the cat that it’s hurting you and that it needs to be more gentle. If it continues to be rough, walk away from the cat to signal the end of play time.

  2. Observe your cat by looking at their posture as they lie on their belly or side. If the eyes are partially closed and the cat is still, run your hand along the top of their head and back. If the cat stays in one place, try petting their sides, face, and tail to see how they respond.
    • If the cat shrinks away from your touch or gets up, stop petting them. They may be trying to take a nap!
  3. When a cat squints or closes their eyes, this is a sign of happiness and relaxation. [9] Watch your cat's eyes as you pet them to see where they like to be scratched. If you want to tell your cat that you love them, you can slowly blink your eyes at them as a form of communication. [10]
    • When you slow-blink at your cat, try moving your head from side to side. Sometimes, if the cat is happy and relaxed, they will mimic your movements to show you that they understand what you're saying. [ citation needed ]
  4. Cats use their ears and fur to signal when they’re hunting, threatened, or irritated. Look at the ears to see if they’re pointed straight out to the sides or toward the back of the head. If the cat's back and tail fur is standing on end, slowly move away to make sure they aren’t frightened or threatened, which can cause them to attack.
    • Many cats will fluff their hair when they’re momentarily frightened, especially by loud noises. If your cat looks scared, try to find the object that they’re looking at and remove it from their sight.
  5. When you first enter into a cat’s territory, they may approach you. Stand still for a moment to allow them to rub against your legs, hands, and clothing, which makes you smell more like them. This is particularly important for indoor cats, because the outside can smell unusual and threatening to them, causing stress. [11]
    • Cats can also accomplish this by rubbing their face against your hands while you pet them.
  6. If you come across a cat laying on their back with their belly and paws in the air, try scratching their head or sides. A cat shows their stomach as a sign of trust, and if you touch it, they might claw or bite you to signal that you broke their trust. [12]
    • Your cat may show you their stomach to say hello when you come home from work or to greet a new visitor.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Speaking to a Cat

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  1. Unlike dogs, cats aren't likely to respond to verbal commands alone, so rely on your tone, facial expressions, and hand movements to talk to your cat. If you change your tone or gestures, this can confuse the cat and make communication more difficult. [13]
    • When dealing with kittens, remember to exaggerate your emotions so they can easily understand when you’re reacting positively or negatively.
  2. Associate positivity with feeding, play time, and petting. Speak in a clear, cheerful voice and make eye contact with the cat so they know you’re speaking to them. If the cat is resting, keep your voice quieter but still happy and positive. [14]
    • Since cats have large ears, they tend to be more sensitive to loud noises. If you frequently have to yell to get your cat’s attention, take the cat to the vet to have their hearing checked.
  3. Use an authoritative, louder voice (but don't shout!) when the cat does something that isn’t allowed. Say “No!” or “Down!” to alert your cat that you’re displeased with a negative tone. [15]
    • In general, try to use the same words when you’re disciplining the cat. Using too many or too long words can be confusing.
  4. When praising the cat, try petting their fur and speaking in a high voice to associate that tone with a positive experience. If you’re correcting a behavior, carefully move the cat away from the place where they misbehaved as you say “No” or “Down” in a stern tone. [16]
    • Never discipline a cat by harming them. This is ineffective and can seriously hurt the cat. In many areas, it is illegal to intentionally hurt an animal.
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  • Question
    Do cats like scratches under the chin?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, most cats love chin scratches. It's a typical favorite spot, along with the cheeks, forehead, and bridge of the nose.
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    Every time I play with my kitten, she bites me. She jumps up and scratches my arms when I'm trying to sit down on a chair. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's normal for kittens to bite and scratch as part of their play. You can manage this behavior by providing toys and avoiding rough play with your hands.
  • Question
    How do I get my cat to understand ‘good girl’?
    Community Answer
    Consistently use that phrase while offering treats, praise, or affection when she displays desired behaviors, reinforcing the association over time.
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      • Make eye contact while you communicate with your cat. This will help you to form a connection and keep the cat’s attention.
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      • When interacting with a cat who isn’t your own, always present an outstretched hand for them to smell before trying to pet them. If the cat seems to feel threatened, move away and don’t try to touch them.


      1. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 28 June 2021.
      2. https://www.cathealth.com/behavior/how-and-why/1207-translating-cat-talk
      3. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 28 June 2021.
      4. https://www.cathealth.com/behavior/how-and-why/1207-translating-cat-talk
      5. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 28 June 2021.
      6. http://www.pawschicago.org/news-resources/all-about-cats/understanding-cat-behavior/translating-feline-body-language/
      7. https://www.cathealth.com/behavior/how-and-why/1207-translating-cat-talk
      8. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 28 June 2021.
      9. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 28 June 2021.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To speak to your cat, use a high-pitched, happy voice when you want to praise it for good behavior or whenever you're petting or playing with it. If your cat does something that it's not supposed to, use a loud, firm voice to show that you're displeased. To understand what your cat wants based on the noises it makes, listen carefully to how long its meows are. If they're short, it's a sign that your cat is happy and content. If they're long and drawn out, it could be a sign that your cat is upset or in pain. To learn how to understand cat body language, scroll down!

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        Jan 18, 2021

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