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Interpret this Major Arcana card both Upright and Reversed
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True to its name, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card is a constant reminder that life always goes on, and that change is an inevitable part of being human. What does this Major Arcana card mean for specific aspects of your life, though? We’ll help you dive deeper into this tarot card, so you can know what it means for your love life, career, finances, and more.

Things You Should Know

  • The Upright Wheel of Fortune represents both good luck and positive fortune.
  • The Reversed Wheel of Fortune points to bad luck and a lack of success.
  • The Upright Wheel of Fortune can signify an upcoming change in your love life, while the Reversed placement might represent a listless relationship.
Section 1 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Upright & Reversed Meanings

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  1. The Wheel is always turning—and with it, good things will follow. You and the Universe seem to be tuned into the same wavelength, and this synchronization will be apparent in the luck and fortune you come across. At this point, take a closer look at different aspects of your life and ensure that everything is headed in the best possible direction. [1]
    • Tip: Do you feel like you’re in a comfortable financial position? Take a look at some of your upcoming bills and try to take care of them ahead of time. If you’re feeling especially charitable, try paying it forward to a friend or random stranger.
    • Upright keywords: Change, chance, circumstance, good luck
    • Associated planet: Jupiter
    • Associated element: Fire
  2. The Reversed Wheel of Fortune can be an important warning that things aren’t going your way—but above all else, this card placement encourages you to consider why that might be. Did you make an ill-advised choice at work, or make a bad decision while hanging out with your pals? Discerning what went wrong is half the battle, as well as understanding that things will get better. [2]
    • Tip: Instead of viewing unpleasant events (e.g., getting yelled at during work, fighting with a friend) as a round of bad luck, self-reflect and identify what caused the negative situation in the first place. This can help you get a clearer perspective on how things went wrong, and how you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
    • Reversed keywords: Absence of control, control issues, negative chance, bad luck
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Section 2 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Yes/No Meaning

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  1. When you’re asking a general question or querying something related to your career or love life (like an existing relationship or making up with an ex), the Upright Wheel of Fortune placement can be viewed as a “yes.” A Reversed Wheel of Fortune card can also represent “yes” when pulled in response to general queries or career-related questions. [3]
    • Exception: Pulling a Reversed Wheel of Fortune card for questions related to relationships (including new, old, and existing ones) typically means “no.”
Section 3 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Appearance and Symbolism

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  1. On many versions of this tarot card card, the letters T, A, R, and O are visible on the 12-o-clock, 3-o-clock, 6-o-clock, and 9-o-clock positions of the wheel. When shuffled around, these letters can spell TORA (the sacred text of Judaism), ROTA (the Latin word for wheel), or TARO (like a tarot card). The Hebrew letters ה, ד, ה, and י can sometimes be found on the 2-o-clock, 4-o-clock, 8-o-clock, and 10-o-clock positions of the wheel. [4]
    • When combined, these letters create the Hebrew word for God (YHWH, also known as the Tetragrammaton). [5]
  2. Common iterations of the Wheel of Fortune card feature the alchemic symbols for mercury, sulphur, water, and salt in the 12-o-clock, 3-o-clock, 6-o-clock, and 9-o-clock positions of the inner wheel. [6] Some interpret these symbols to represent the four major elements, with sulphur signifying fire, mercury representing air, and salt representing the element of earth. [7]
  3. The Sphinx typically appears at the top of the titular wheel, and represents stability and clear thinking. The slithering snake along one side of the wheel stands for evil, while the Egyptian god Anubis stands for positivity and good luck. [8]
    • Just as the wheel continues to turn, both the snake and Anbuis embody the good and bad moments and experiences that life has to offer.
  4. Many versions of the Wheel of Fortune card sport a winged man, an eagle, a winged lion, and a winged bull. These animals represent the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac ( Aquarius , Scorpio , Leo , and Taurus, respectively). Each animal signifies a different element (Aquarius for air, Scorpio for water, Leo for fire, and Taurus for earth), and each creature appears to have a tome of Wisdom. [9]
    • “Fixed” zodiac signs are signs that span the middle portion of any given season. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, Aquarius is the fixed winter sign, Scorpio is the fixed autumn sign, Leo is the fixed summer sign, and Taurus is the fixed spring sign. [10]
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Section 4 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune in Love

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  1. The Wheel of Fortune continues to spin and bring new change—so, it’s no surprise that some new changes are in store for your relationship status, whether you’re single or currently dating someone. These changes could be really good, like a marriage proposal or the dawn of a new relationship; or, they could be indicative of something more turbulent, like a fight or disagreement. Either way, the upcoming changes in your love life will only serve to help you learn and grow in the long run.
    • If you’re in an existing relationship: Remember that communication is key to any successful relationship. No matter what happens, you and your partner can make it through anything if you’re willing to practice good listening habits and speak to each other in a healthy and open way .
    • If you’re single: Relationships can appear when you least expect them! Be on the lookout for love in all aspects of your life, whether it’s at work, through a dating app, or at someplace random, like the grocery store.
  2. If you’re already in a relationship, the Reversed Wheel of Fortune could be a sign that things are getting a little blase and boring between you and your partner. If you’re single, you might be having trouble connecting with that special someone, and are now wondering when it’ll be your turn to find love. Try not to worry—the Reversed Wheel of Fortune is still a wheel, and the wheel of life always turns in a positive direction eventually.
    • If you’re in a relationship: Sit down with your partner and try to have a deep conversation about your relationship . What doesn’t seem to be working between you both, and what steps can be taken to guide the relationship in a healthy direction again?
    • If you’re single: Take a close look at how your past romantic conversations and interactions have gone. How did you contribute to the ultimate outcome? Instead of shouldering the blame for any unsuccessful encounters, take some time to learn, grow, and be the best version of yourself in the future .
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Section 5 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune in Career

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  1. Big things are afoot when it comes to your long-term career, but there’s no need to be afraid. Treat this card placement as a nudge to take the next big step on your career path, whether that’s transitioning to a different job title or applying for a new job altogether. During this time, take all the upcoming changes in stride—treat them as an opportunity to grow, rather than resisting them.
    • Tip: Chat with your boss about the future of your career—is there a potential promotion you could be working towards, or a different position that’s better suited to your skillset? It can also help to keep your eyes peeled for any new career postings that are up your alley. You never know what kinds of opportunities could be waiting out there!
  2. You might feel caught between a rock and a hard place at work—things might be moving at a pace you just can’t stay on top of, or you feel like your job’s expectations and responsibilities are shifting very rapidly. At this point in your career, the Reversed Wheel of Fortune reminds you to go with the flow rather than resist these change.
    • Tip: Try to adjust your plans and expectations when it comes to your work schedule and routine, rather than expecting everything to be exactly as it was before. For example, if you’ve switched to the night shift, try thinking about all the ways you can adjust your schedule to this new change.
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Section 6 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune in Money

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  1. Some new changes appear to be on the horizon when it comes to your financial situation—but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing! If you’re already feeling financially comfortable, take some extra steps to save some money and prepare for the future . If you’re struggling to make ends meet, this card placement could mean that your finances will start heading in a better direction.
    • Tip: Always be on the lookout for new opportunities that can help your financial standing, whether that’s creating a household budget, asking for a promotion, or searching a new, higher-paying job .
  2. Be wary of any big financial opportunities that head in your direction, since the Reversed Wheel of Fortune often signifies financial difficulties and hardships on the horizon. Instead, make sure that you’re consistently putting your money into your savings, so you’ll be better prepared for any and every financial situation that comes your way.
    • Tip: Create an emergency fund for yourself and your household—this is a special type of money that’s dedicated to unexpected financial events, like a sudden medical issue or family emergency. An emergency fund prevents you from dipping into your actual savings when it comes to financial surprises. [11]
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Section 7 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune in Health

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  1. Feeling less than 100% when it comes to your health? The Upright Wheel of Fortune could be a sign that you’re finally headed in the right direction. On a different note, this reading can also be a gentle nudge from the Universe to put your health and well-being first.
    • Tip: Pay attention to your energy levels as they relate to your school/work schedule. Are you starting to feel a bit drained and run-down? If so, it could be time to practice self-care and put yourself first .
  2. Be it work, school, or something else entirely, certain elements of your life seem to be heading in a downward spiral. This spiral, in turn, may be affecting your health in a less-than-positive way. As negative as the situation may seem at the moment, focus on taking care of yourself and keeping a positive attitude as you continue to recover.
    • Tip: Instead of focusing on your health as a whole, focus on what you can control. For example, you can’t control when you’ll recover from a bad cold or a bout of the flu, but you can take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest and eating nutritiously .
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Section 8 of 8:

Wheel of Fortune in Spirituality

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  1. You’re in a really comfortable place with your faith and spiritual beliefs. If you’re pulling this card for a spiritual reading, take it as a green light to take the next step forward in your faith journey, whatever that may be for you. Chances are, everything in your spiritual life will be smooth sailing in the coming future.
    • Tip: Be on the lookout for chances to grow and flourish within your spirituality, like joining a spiritual study group or signing up for a faith-based retreat.
  2. You might not be feeling very confident in your faith these days. No matter what you pray, petition, or hope for, it feels like you continually hit a brick wall. Try not to give up, though! The Reversed Wheel of Fortune is an important reminder to dig deep and really focus on how and why you connect with your spiritual beliefs and principles. In times, your spiritual well-being will continue to improve.
    • Tip: Talk with a trusted friend or spiritual leader about the difficulties you’re facing. They might be able to shed some wisdom based on their own experiences and past struggles.
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