Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Preparing to Submit a Request

  1. Begin by noting your reason(s) for wanting to unseal the records. For example, you may want to unseal your adoption records, because you want to find your birth mother. You might want to unseal a politician’s divorce records, because you think the public has a right to know about allegations made during the divorce.
    • Take some time to identify the records you want unsealed and your reasons why. Later when you write a letter to a judge or draft a motion you will need to explain your reasons, so it's best to start formulating them early.
  2. Your state has laws which define the situations in which records can be unsealed. Read those laws to see if your reason is acceptable. You can find the law by searching online for “unseal records” along with the name of your state and the type of record involved. For example, you could search "unseal records adoption Montana."
    • Adoption records are hard to unseal in some states (out of privacy concerns). Sometimes you can get records unsealed if you have a medical condition and want to know your biological family’s medical history. For more information, see Open Adoption Records.
    • Sealed criminal records are not often unsealed. It is possible for a defendant to have his/her own records unsealed. It's also possible for law enforcement to unseal records in order to defend a related civil lawsuit or for a prosecutor to decide if a defendant is eligible for a diversion program. [1] Appropriate reasons for unsealing will differ among the states and can be found by searching local statutes.
    • Other records may be unsealed more easily. One tactic is to claim a public interest in the information. Generally, unless the document relates to a juvenile, state secrets or business trade secrets, it won't be sealed in the first place.
  3. You increase your chances of unsealing court records if you meet with a lawyer. He or she can tell you whether a judge is likely to unseal records based upon your need to see them. A lawyer can also help you craft an argument the judge will find persuasive.
    • You may be worried about the costs of an attorney. Most states now permit lawyers to offer “unbundled legal services.” With this arrangement the lawyer performs (and bills for) only the specific tasks you request. This effectively keeps costs down.
    • To find an attorney, contact your state’s bar association and use their referral service. Consult with an attorney you're considering and ask how s/he bills and whether or not s/he offers unbundled legal services.
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Making an Informal Request

  1. Generally you will not get records unsealed without filing a motion in court. However, some reporters have had success sending a letter or even an email to a judge. [2] This type of request could save you a lot in legal fees.
  2. Not every judge will unseal records because of a letter. Your success depends on several factors: [3]
    • How long the documents have been under seal
    • Whether the material was properly sealed in the first place
    • The nature of the sealed material
    • Whether there is a reason for continued secrecy
  3. You should write your request as if it were a business letter. Line up all information at the left-hand margin. Include your address, the date, and the judge’s address. Then include a salutation: “Dear Judge Rosen.”
    • For more information on formatting a letter to a judge, see Write a Letter to a Judge.
  4. In the first paragraph you should explain who you are. You should also tell the judge what records you want unsealed.
    • For example, you could write, “I am Miranda Smith, a journalist at the Pittsburg Phoenix. I am researching Mayor Long’s recent divorce and see that the divorce records have been sealed. I am writing to request that they be unsealed.”
  5. You should briefly explain why you want to see the contents of the sealed records. In an informal letter you don’t need to include citations of court opinions or statutes. [4] Nevertheless, you should include thoughtful reasons. A judge will want to know why you hope to unseal records.
    • If you are a journalist, you will want to mention the public’s right to the information. For example, if you are investigating the divorce records of a public official or someone running for office, you could say, “As you know, Michael Smith is running for Governor this year. His divorce two years ago, when he was a state representative, garnered a good deal of attention. In the media, unnamed sources claimed that Mr. Smith had been accused of battering his wife. We believe the public’s right to know this information is critical, as the election is approaching, and voters need to be able to carefully assess each candidate’s character.”
    • If you are trying to unseal adoption records, you could write, “As you can see from the attachments to this letter, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. In order to properly assess my future course of treatment, my doctor needs to know my family’s genetic history. If you unseal my adoption records, I can attempt to locate my birth mother and retrieve the necessary medical information.”
  6. “Thank you for your attention to this matter. I would appreciate it if you would unseal my adoption records.”
    • You can also include your phone number in case the judge wants to contact you. Add an e-mail address, too, if you like.
  7. The judge may or may not respond to your letter personally. Instead, the judge might contact the two parties in the case and see if they oppose unsealing the records. If neither party opposes, the judge may unseal the records without your having to appear in court. [5]
    • You can call the judge’s clerk or secretary to check on the status of your request. Judges are not required to respond to personal letters, so the judge may have consigned your letter to a file with no intention of responding. Instead, the clerk may tell you to file a formal motion with the court.
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Motioning the Court

  1. A motion is a formal legal document submitted to a court, in which you ask the judge to do something. Be sure the motion has been drafted properly. Some courts will provide motion forms you can fill out. Contact the court in question and ask about this.
    • If you have to draft your own motion, make it look professional. Look for sample motions or petitions on the Web.
    • A motion should have the court’s name at the top of the document with the parties' names listed in a column on the left-hand side. [6]
    • For additional information on how to format this document see File a Motion in Court Without an Attorney.
  2. In bold, capital letters title your motion “MOTION TO UNSEAL COURT FILE.” Center the title two lines beneath the caption.
  3. In the opening paragraph identify yourself like this: “COMES NOW, Linda Jones, and moves that the Court unseal the records in [case name and number]. As grounds for this motion, movant shows to the Court as follows:”
  4. In a formal motion you should make mention of the authority that gives the judge power to unseal records. Cite either a statute or a court case. Your own research can provide this information. Go to a local law library and ask the librarian how you can look up cases. This can involve a lot of work.
    • A quicker but more expensive way to find such authority is to consult with an attorney. Lawyers are skilled in doing legal research and finding cases applicable to your situation.
    • Once you can cite the authority, you should write a paragraph that contains the legal arguments. It might read something like, “The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States protects the rights of the people to receive information about court proceedings. These rights are well-established in the state of Colorado. See In re People v. Thompson , 181 P.3d 1143, 1148 (Colo. 2008).”
  5. State in the next paragraph your reasons for wanting to unseal the records. Mention that your reasons are authorized by current law.
    • For example, you could write, “As Movant is reporting on the upcoming Gubernatorial election, she wants to confirm rumors of domestic violence which circulated in the press last year. Unsealing the divorce records directly advances the public’s right to know, as protected by the First Amendment. The substance of someone’s domestic relations is directly relevant to any inquiry into his or her character and fitness for public office.”
  6. End the motion by saying, “For the foregoing reasons, Movant requests that all documents related to the matter be unsealed.” [7]
  7. Each motion must be signed by either an attorney or a party to the motion. Conclude with “Respectfully submitted,” then move down several lines and insert a signature line. Type your name and address below the signature line. Also include your phone number and e-mail address. [8]
  8. 8
    Insert the date to the left of the signature block.
  9. The court may want you to get the motion notarized. Notaries may be available at the courthouse. Bring personal identification to show the notary. A valid driver’s license or passport should be sufficient.
    • You can find a sample notary block for your state by searching the Internet. Add the notary block directly below your signature block.
  10. You will file the motion in the court where the sealed records are kept. Tell the court clerk what you want to do. If you have a lawyer, he or she can file for you.
  11. If the original case involved a lawsuit, you need to serve a notice of your motion on the parties involved. If you are trying to unseal criminal records, you should serve notice on the government and the defendant. If you want to unseal records of a civil lawsuit between two people, serve notice on both of them. Notice can be served in a variety of ways. Ask the court clerk about methods the court finds acceptable.
    • Get valid addresses for these people. Do some digging to find out where to deliver notice. If you fail to make proper delivery, your motion might be rejected.
    • The government’s address should be easy to find. Call a public prosecutor’s office and ask where to send notice. For tips on how to find a private citizen, see Find Someone.
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Attending a Hearing

  1. You may be given a hearing date when you file the motion. Alternately, the court clerk might send you the date in the mail. Be sure to write down the date so that you don’t miss the hearing.
  2. Before attending your hearing, you need to review your motion. The judge might ask you questions at the hearing, and you will want to remember the reasons that you gave in the motion.
    • Pull together any supporting documents. What qualifies as relevant supporting documents will depend on the reasons you want to unseal the records. If you want more information about a public figure, bring press clippings that tipped you off that important information might be in the sealed records. If you want to unseal adoption records for medical reasons, bring copies of medical reports.
  3. Give yourself plenty of time to find parking and go through any security at the courthouse. You want to arrive at the courtroom about fifteen minutes before your hearing. [9]
    • Turn off your cell phone before entering the courtroom. Do not bring food or drinks into the courthouse.
    • Dress appropriately. See Dress for a Court Hearing for helpful recommendations.
  4. Each hearing is different. The judge might have made up his/her mind already and simply give you a ruling. The judge might instead allow each party to present an argument. As the person bringing the motion, you will speak first.
    • When your name is called walk to the table or bench in front of the judge. [10] Introduce yourself and briefly summarize your motion. Explain why you want to unseal the records, and cite the law that authorizes the unsealing. If the judge has questions, answer them as best you can.
    • Keep the following in mind: Don’t ramble or talk too quietly. Do not interrupt the other parties or the judge, and listen carefully to what everyone is saying. [11] Answer only the questions asked, and be careful not to misstate someone else’s argument.
    • If you are nervous about speaking to a judge, review Address a Judge in Court for some good tips.
  5. The judge may decide at the hearing whether or not to unseal the records, or the judge might take the issue under advisement and issue a written opinion at a later date. If you win your case, you may be asked to write the order yourself. This is not as hard as it sounds:
    • Most courts have order forms you can fill out. Ask the clerk for help if you don’t know how to fill it out.
    • After you complete the order form, give it to the clerk for the judge’s signature so that the order becomes effective. [12] Ask when the records will be unsealed and become accessible.
  6. If you lose, you can appeal the judge’s decision. At this point you should definitely retain an attorney. The appeals process is pretty complicated.
    • Ask the clerk for a Notice of Appeal form, fill it out, and return it to the clerk. Your lawyer will tell you what to do next. Basically you just wait.

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