Personality Profile
Your personality type is The Dreamer.
The Dreamer
Your core traits are:
  • Imaginative
  • Wise
  • Hopeful
What does it mean to be The Dreamer?

You see the world through fantastical, rosy lenses—you’re the closest thing that this world has to magic. You’re creative, imaginative, and pure of heart.

You’re wiser than people give you credit for. As a daydreamer, people may sometimes think that you’re disconnected or naive, but that’s not true. In reality, you don’t miss a detail. You see the world in a unique way, and if everyone saw things like you, the world would be a better place.

Why do you have The Dreamer archetype?

Your results reflect a heart that is nurturing and a spirit that is imaginative, indicating you resonate with the Dreamer archetype. The indication of Sadness suggests a deep emotional understanding, while your Oracle result highlights your ability to see beyond the surface. With a pink aura signifying love and compassion, you are someone who wishes to experience the full spectrum of human emotion. As a Poet, you creatively express your thoughts and feelings, and being an extrovert allows you to share your dreams with the world, making it a much brighter place.

You’re Sadness.
Human Emotion
You’re Sadness.
You’re an Oracle.
Main Char. Type
You’re an Oracle.
Your aura is pink.
Color Aura
Your aura is pink.
You’re a Poet.
Soldier, Poet, King
You’re a Poet.
You’re in Gryffindor.
Hogwarts House
You’re in Gryffindor.
You’re an extrovert.
You’re an extrovert.
You have a Yellow Dating Style.
Dating Personality
You have a Yellow Dating Style.
Your love language is words of affirmation.
Love Language
Your love language is words of affirmation.

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