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What it really means when a special someone pops up in your dreams
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A certain person appeared in your dream last night, and you can’t help but think that there’s something bigger at play. Is this person thinking about you, or was your dream a complete and total coincidence? We’ll take a closer look at what dreaming about someone really represents—and most importantly, if it means that you’re on that person’s mind. We’ll even walk you through some common spiritual and psychological interpretations of these dream varieties, so you can have the inside scoop on what’s going on in your subconscious.

This article is based on an interview with our international intuitive counselor and happiness coach, Kari Samuels. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Dreaming about someone is typically a sign that your brain is processing information, not necessarily that the person in your dream is thinking about you.
  • A person appearing in your dream could have manifested themselves there or may be trying to send you a telepathic message.
  • If a deceased loved one appears in your dream, they could be thinking of you and trying to send you a message.
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If you dream of someone, are they thinking of you?

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  1. Experts have a lot of different theories on why we dream, but the majority of them revolve around the way the brain creates memories, handles emotions, and processes information—not a mystical connection between 2 people. [1] All in all, the field of dream interpretation isn’t fully understood by sleep experts. With that being said, there’s nothing wrong with believing that your dreams could have more mystical and/or spiritual implications for your life.
    • Dreaming about a close friend often relates to your own personality traits that the friend embodies.
    • Dreaming about an old acquaintance could be your brain’s way of processing a moment when you passed by a similar-looking stranger on the street.
    • Dreaming about an ex could simply mean that your subconscious hasn’t quite let go of them (and what they represent to you).
    • Dreaming about a random male stranger could signify your brain working through combative impulses and desires in your memory. [2]
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Spiritual Interpretations

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  1. Some people believe in the potential power of dream telepathy, or the power to broadcast a message to someone in their own dream; in fact, some scientists even studied this potential phenomenon in the 60s and 70s. [3] By this school of thought, dreaming of someone could very well mean that someone’s thinking of you—or, more specifically, trying to send you a message.
    • There are some pretty compelling arguments both for and against dream telepathy. Some people doubt the human brain’s ability to “mesh” with another person’s mind, while other people have offered firsthand evidence of their telepathic dream experiences. [4]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 503 wikiHow readers if they believe that their dreams have meaning, and 64% said yes . [Take Poll] So if you feel that your dreams have special or spiritual meaning, most people agree with you!
  2. According to some spiritualists, it’s perfectly possible to manifest yourself into someone else’s dreams with steps like creating clear intentions, visualizing your success, and repeating affirmations. [5] By this logic, it’s totally plausible that someone has manifested themselves to appear in your dreams.
    • The idea of someone manifesting you in this way can be flattering, but also a little overwhelming and violating. To counteract this person, try repeating positive affirmations to yourself as well as visualizing a protective barrier surrounding you. [6]
  3. Some spiritualists believe that twin flames can get in touch with one another through dreams—especially when you’re separated. Your twin flame might be sending out strong enough vibes to be popping up in your dream; or, they might be astral projecting their way in. [7]
    • What is a twin flame? Twin flames are 2 separate people who each make up one half of a soul; because of this, they have a very unique, strong, and profound connection. Check out this guide to see if your potential twin flame is real or not.
    • Not sure if you’ve met your twin flame yet? Take wikiHow’s “Have I Met My Twin Flame?” quiz to find out.
  4. A soul tie is essentially a profound spiritual, mental, and emotional connection that tethers 2 people together (like friends, loved ones, lovers, and even business associates). If a certain person pops up in your dream unexpectedly, it could be proof that this individual is your soul tie—in fact, you could very well be popping up in their dreams, too! [8]
    • Thinking and worrying about a particular person a lot is another key sign that someone could be your soul tie. You might also feel like you’ve known them for an extended period of time.
  5. Many people have reported cases of “visitation dreams,” or experiences where a loved one appeared to them in a dream and passed along a message. If a deceased friend or loved one makes an appearance in your dream, they could also be contacting you from beyond the grave. [9]
    • Some people observe the presence of a deceased loved one through certain fragrances, voices, and special symbols.
    • Some people even report visits from angels in their dreams. [10]
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Common Dream Scenarios & Interpretations

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  1. Dreaming about an ex can represent different things in a dream—the most obvious one being past pain and trauma. As you recover from the uncomfortable events that happened in your old relationship, your ex can make an unwanted appearance in your dream. Some other interpretations could be: [11]
    • You crossed paths with your ex and your brain is processing the memory of seeing them.
    • You’re struggling with an issue that your ex represents, like infidelity or abuse.
    • Your ex personifies negative emotions that you associate with that individual, like irritation.
    • If you’re dreaming about an ex in a romantic way, it could be a sign that there’s something about the relationship you need to uncover and process.
  2. It never feels good when someone you dislike pops up in your personal dreamland—but they might be showing up because of some negative, unresolved feelings that you’re experiencing. Dreaming about this individual could also be your brain’s way of analyzing the reasons you dislike them so much. Some other interpretations include: [12]
    • You shove down your strong negative feelings for someone during your waking hours, so the feelings manifest in your dreams instead.
    • You’re anticipating crossing paths with this person in the future and are preparing for it.
    • You’re processing the regret of a lost friendship or relationship.
    • The hated person symbolizes a fear that you don’t want to face.
  3. Dreams about cheating tend to represent fear more than the act of cheating itself. For instance, a prior victim of infidelity might have dreams that revolve around cheating as they continue to grow and heal from the experience. [13]
    • For some people, dreams about cheating might represent something more abstract, like a desire to enter a polyamorous relationship.

    Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC

    Marriage & Family Therapist
    Moshe Ratson is the Executive Director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a coaching and therapy clinic in New York City. Moshe is an International Coach Federation accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He received his MS in Marriage and Family Therapy from Iona College. Moshe is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).
    Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC
    Marriage & Family Therapist

    Don't worry—cheating dreams don't mean you actually want to cheat. If you're in a relationship, though, these dreams might show a need that your partner isn't fulfilling. Don't be afraid to use this experience to explore your feelings and analyze your relationship.

  4. Recurring dreams are often linked to personal fears and experiences—because of this, they tend to revolve around frequent themes like falling, being completely nude in public, getting chased, and so on. With that being said, these dreams don’t have a universal theme across everyone’s psyche, and can mean different things for different people. [14]
    • Some experts believe that recurring dreams give the brain a chance to practice being in dangerous situations. Another popular theory highlights recurring dreams as a means of working through something traumatic.
    • In some cases, recurring dreams could be a symptom of a mental health disorder such as generalized anxiety disorder or PTSD.
  5. Dreaming about someone you’ve never met before can be a definite sign that this mystery person is thinking about you —but it can indicate other things, too. An unknown figure, for instance, might represent the universe extending a message to you, or it could symbolize a spirit guide that’s trying to get in touch. [15]
    • An unknown person might just be personifying some of your innermost desires, like the type of relationship you’d like to experience.
    • Ask yourself what it is about this person in the dream that you’re attracted to. Chances are, they’re highlighting something you need to bring or express in your life right now.
  6. If an ex-friend appears in your dream, it could symbolize that you’re still grieving and recovering from the break-up itself. Their appearance could also highlight the negative emotions you associate with this person, like the frustration or humiliation you felt when the relationship ended. [16]
    • This type of dream doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s time to reconcile with your ex-friend. Ultimately, you have to take a moment of reflection and decide what’s best for your mental health.
  7. Dreams about conversations are often meant to shed light on your current relationships—so, take a closer look at who the person is, as well as the message they’re communicating. Your brain might also be conjuring a fictitious conversation as a way of helping you process certain difficult emotions.
    • There’s a good chance that your brain is disguising your own wisdom and knowledge as guidance from a friend or loved one.
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Join the Discussion...

So I bumped into somebody last week and thought nothing of it, and boom, there they were in my dreams the last few nights. They really haven't been on my mind while I'm awake, but it's weird that they keep showing up while I'm dreaming, right? I'm a little freaked out tbh. Why is this specific person all of a sudden coming into my dreams and what does it mean?
Jason Zuk
Intuitive Psychic Medium
When people have dreams, there's probably a reason those dreams are connecting the people to one another. It's not just about the mind and it's not just about some random occurrences in your dreams. The dream might also be a way for us to play out certain things in our consciousness before we actually interact with each other again. If you find out something through a dream and you're not aware of it yet, then it might be pointing to something that might happen later that you're not necessarily privy to yet but will likely become known to you as time goes on and you're closer to that timeframe.
In the past when I have dreamt about someone, I took it as a sign to reach out and check on them. The last time this happened to me I reached out to a friend I hadn't heard from in a while and she was actually having a rough time, so she appreciated hearing from me.

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      • If you dream about the same person over and over again, it could be a sign that you have unresolved issues with them.
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