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The Pokémon card game is a fun strategy game. You can trade Pokémon cards, collect Pokémon cards , or battle with them. It is simple enough for young children to learn how to play, but complex enough to be difficult to master. To truly master the game, you will need to plan ahead, build a strategy to win and, if you lose, make a better deck that can defeat your opponents! [1] If want to know how to win at a Pokémon card battle, read this article and find out how!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Building a Winning Deck

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  1. The most important part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game is building your strategy with your deck. How you build your deck will influence whether you win or not more than your decisions in battle will be. You simply won't win with a bad deck.
    • In order to make a good deck, you will need 60 or more cards to work with, for a deck can only have up to 60 cards.
      • If you slightly don’t have enough, buy some booster packs; those will give you up to 10 cards each. [2]
      • If you really don’t have enough, then it is recommended that you buy a theme deck, which will give you a deck of 60 cards. [3]
      • You can always buy more cards online, and change your theme deck if you want.
  2. 2
    Decide what type of deck you want. There are many types of Pokémon to play with. Like playing with Electric, Fighting, Psychic, Grass, or Water types? Decks mostly have up to two different types of Pokémon, although some decks use more than two, or simply use only one.
    • If you are using more than one type of Pokémon, try to pick some that compliment each other. Electric and Water are good examples.
    • Take advantage of your types. Put in types that help boost each other. For example: If you choose to have an Electric deck, and most of your Electric Pokémon have Weakness to Fighting types, add is some Psychic Pokémon cards, for Fighting Pokémon mostly have Weakness for Psychic. This helps make your typed stronger.
  3. There are many ways to win a game. You can either knock out all of your opponent’s Pokémon until they have none in their field, take all six of your prize cards, or make your opponent run out of cards in there deck. How you want to win influences the types and amount of specific cards you will need in your deck. Just ask yourself:
    • How do I want to win?
    • What cards do I need to complete that goal?
    • How will my opponent counter my strategy, and how will I prevent it?
      • This is especially necessary if you know that it opponent has strong Pokémon, like EXs, and such. [4]
  4. 4
    Design your deck strategy. Simplicity is key. Choose a powerful Pokémon or pair of Pokémon to be in the spotlight. include multiple copies of this Pokémon. Envision a simple central strategy for victory revolving around the Pokémon you chose. Make the rest of your deck revolve around supporting your main strategy and your main Pokémon. Every card in your deck must have a reason for being there. Each card must support your main strategy.
    • Try to make your main Pokémon a strong one; since it’s the main part of your plan on your strategy, it isn’t crucial to make sure that it stays in the game.
  5. 5
    Choose secondary Pokémon to support and defend your main Pokémon. Include Pokémon that can counter your main Pokémon's weaknesses, defend your main Pokémon while it sets up, or alter the playing field with powerful abilities. Make sure your secondary Pokémon can be set up quickly and without too many precious resources that should be reserved for your main Pokémon.
    • Try to make you main Pokémon also supports your secondary Pokémon. That way, they both compliment each other, making them both stronger!
  6. 6
    Don’t try to overwhelm your deck with strong, evolutionary Pokémon. Making your deck packed with too much evolutionary Pokémon and not enough simple ones can make your deck unbalanced. Strong isn’t always everything. Make sure you have plenty of basic Pokémon for a good start when playing.
    • A good example is Regirock. That Pokémon has high HP, has very strong, effective moves, but at the same time is a basic Pokémon . Not all strong Pokémon have to be evolutions, GXs, EXs, or Break cards. Keep that in mind when planning your deck.
  7. 7
    Include draw support. Draw support is the mark of a competitive deck. [5] Include lots of powerful Trainers [6] that help you draw more cards (Ultra Ball is a good example). Some Pokémon have abilities,that can help you draw cards. The abilities of the Pokémon Tapu Lele GX, Oranguru, and Octillery are great examples. Use your Pokémon’s abilities to help you draw cards in a match. [7] [8] (You usually don't put these Pokémon in the active position).
    • Supporter cards [9] are special types of trainer cards that allow you to do extra things in a game that can really benift you. Most of the time, they allow you to draw cards. Include lots of supporters that help you draw cards.
  8. 8
    Include trainers to set up or boost your main Pokémon. Trainers and supporters should help you get your main Pokémon out of your deck, into your hand and into the action. Stage 2 Pokémon especially need support to evolve quickly. Use trainers/supporters to supply energy quickly. Some Pokémon become almost unstoppable with the right tool card. [10] Others thrive when the right stadium card is in play. [11]
    • Put in Trainer cards that benefit your types the best.
  9. 9
    Balance your deck. A good, balanced deck usually has much more trainer cards and much less energy and Pokémon cards than the theme decks do. This isn’t always the case, though. Some very good decks have 20 of each type or card; it all depends on what you want your deck to do. Just be aware that you don't need the majority of your deck to be Pokémon cards. Include cards that cover your deck's weaknesses and augment its strengths.
    • Ideally, your deck will only use one energy type, but sometimes this may be too risky. Rainbow energy or similar cards can sometimes be used instead of including energy cards that your main Pokémon can't use.
    • Be aware that Pokémon with colorless attack costs, which has a * symbol for the cost, can be used in any deck since they can use any type of energy.
      • Colorless Pokémon are normal or flying types can use any type of energy. [12] Because of this, they can be used in any deck to fill up spaces and gaps. Be aware, though, that no Pokémon has Weakness to Coloroless Pokémon.
    • Be sure to have enough Basic Pokémon. Leaving your bench empty is the quickest way to loose the game.
  10. 10
    Add in some evolutions . Evolution Pokémon include Stage Ones Stages Twos, and Break cards. These cards can help boost up your basic Pokémon, for they give them higher HP, and stronger attacks. They can also have very useful abilities, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other useful effects that can help you out in battle. [13]
    • Don't have more evolution cards than basic Pokémon; remember: a lot of basic Pokémon is the key to success.
    • Evolving Pokémon can also get rid of Special conditions , and nay others effects to that’s Pokémon. Use that to your advantage.
  11. 11
    Review your deck. Consider each card and consider why it is in your deck. If you can not explain how it helps your main strategy, consider replacing it with something better. Find what is missing from your deck. Is your deck too slow or vulnerable to common threats? Search the internet for cards that you don't own. Sometimes, you need to buy more cards to perfect your deck.
    • Remember that your deck has to have exactly 60 cards. If you don’t have enough cards, remember that you can either:
      • Buy a theme deck, which while provide you with a deck of 60 cards.
      • Buy booster packs.
  12. Start by drawing cards a few times as you would if you were battling someone. Try this a few times. This helps you know what to expect from your deck. You’ll know if your deck is battle-worthy if it usually gives you a decent starting Pokémon and some draw support on your first turn. Play it against yourself (using another deck) to get a feel for its play style. You don't have to play an entire game with yourself. Testing your deck is the best way to spot overlooked weaknesses in your deck
    • Be sure to shuffle your deck each time you do this to get a different result of cards, as this will happen when you’re actually playing.
  13. 13
    Edit your deck. Adjust your deck based on your testing. Add more copies of vital cards and remove cards that you found were not as helpful as you thought. Your deck is now ready for battle! Your deck is not set in stone, however. Consider what you can improve after each battle. Always keep an open mind and watch out for new cards in the latest set.
    • If your deck is based on a theme deck, and you have extra cards in hand, try changing it up a little. Add is some cards and take out some. If you don’t have any extra cards, then buy some booster packs, which will provide with 10 additional cards.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Winning During Battle

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  1. Stay calm . Being calm relaxes your mind. It makes it easier to think. It is hard to strategize with a stressed mind.
    • Breathe in and out. This is a very effective way to calm your mind. It is also quick, for you need to be quick on what your opponent is doing.
  2. 2
    Study your opponent’s cards. See what their disadvantages and advantages are. Guess what strategy they are using. Ask yourself:
    • How can I defeat those Pokémon?
    • How will they be able to defeat mine?
  3. 3
    Look at the weaknesses and resistance of the Pokémon in play. See if any of your opponent’s Pokémon have any weakness or advantages to yours or vice versa (the other way around). Weaknesses can make or break the game, and so can resistance. Try your best to use that information and make it to your advantage. [14] [15] [16]
    • The Weakness and Resistance of a Pokémon can be found at the bottom-left corner of the Pokémon card.
  4. 4
    Play the right energy on the right Pokémon. [17] [18] Planning ahead is key. Don’t rush to attach energy to just any Pokémon. Keep track of how many energies you have used and how many you have left in your deck or prize cards. Guess what the playing field will look like in a few turns. What will you need? Focus on setting up Pokémon you will need in the near future.
    • Don't put energy on your dying active Pokémon. It might be better to let it be knocked out so you can set up it's replacement.
    • You don't have to play an energy just because you have it.
    • It’s also a good idea to put in a specific type of energy in the right type of Pokémon. For example: fighting energy should go with fighting Pokémon, and electric energy should go with electric Pokémon.
  5. 5
    Evolve your Pokémon . [19] [20] If you know that your Pokémon is really weak, but you have the Evolution for that Pokémon in your hand, then evolve it. That make sit stronger and have more HP. You can evolve multiple Pokémon of you can. Use strategy on when to evolve it on the right time, though.
    • You can’t evolve a Pokémon more than twice. You also cannot evolve a Pokémon if it was just put in play, or of it is your very first turn.
    • If your basic Pokémon has a Special Condition, that’s a perfect time to Evolve that Pokémon.
  6. 6
    Retreat your Pokémon . [21] [22] This is an option that is frequently underused. Retreating is a great way to save an EX or GX with low HP. [23] Just be sure to have something ready to switch in. A well placed retreat can also serve as a devastating surprise attack. Quickly set up or evolve a Pokémon your opponent didn't account for and switch it in on the same turn to really ruin their day.
    • Be aware that it’ll cost you some energy cards to retreat. Strong Pokémon with no retreat cost are very valuable.
    • If you can’t retreat, then try to use the cards you have in your hand, like potions, to heal and revive your Pokémon’s health. Some Pokémon cards have abilities, or attacks, that can heal other Pokémon. Chaney is a great example. Use those specific Pokémon cards to your advantage.
  7. Many amateur trainers attack right away on their turn. Be sure consider what trainers/supporters are available. Before you at attack, ask yourself:
    • Did I draw a card from my deck yet?
    • How have things changed since last turn?
    • Have I played an energy yet?
    • Can I activate an ability or stadium card effect?
    • Will my Pokémon get knocked out on my opponent’s turn after I attack?
    • Do I have any cards in my hand to make the effect of the attack stronger?
  8. See if you have any Trainer, Stadium, Energy, or Pokémon that you can use in the game. Your hand can provide you lots of assistance while playing. Be sure to really think about what you want to do with the cards in your hand first, before putting them in play. Sometimes it is better to save some cards for a rainy day. Remember to:
    • Evolve your Pokémon in play.
      • You can’t evolve a Pokémon if it was just put in play on your field. Plus, if you evolved a Pokémon, you can’t evolve that Pokémon again for that turn, for it counts as a new Pokémon in play. You can evolve many different types of your Pokémon per turn, though. Evolving a Pokémon also gets rid of Special conditions, if your Pokémon happens to have one. It also gets rid of other effects.
    • Attach tools to your Pokémon.
      • You can do this as many times as you want. Be aware, though, that a Pokémon can only have one tool attached to it, so be wise on which tool you put on a Pokémon.
    • Attach energy cards to your Pokémon.
      • You can only do this once per turn. Mostly all Pokémon need energy to attack . The energy cost of an attack can be found at the left side of the attack move. If it has a grey spot, then the attack is free, and you can use it any time; you don’t need attach energy in order to use that attack.
    • Use any potions or other Trainer cards that can help revive your Pokémon’s health.
      • You can do this as many times as you want for your Pokémon. Once you use a your trainer card that heals, discard it.
    • Play Stadium cards.
      • They can give you power-ups or abilities that can favor your Pokémon. Be aware that only one stadium card can be in play; once a different stadium card is put in play, discard the other one.
  9. Improvise . Sometimes, you don’t always get the cards you need. If this is the case, try your best to see what you can work with. Sometimes, your very opponent can play a move that can benefit you. For example: your opponent may happen to play a stadium card that, yes, benefits him/her, but can also benefit you. Some things to do, or look out for, when no good come from your deck is:
    • To seeing if your Pokémon can attack or not.
    • To analyzing you Pokémon if they have any special abilities that can benefit you and your Pokémon.
    • To spend the time planning in your head on how to defeat your opponent’s Pokémon.
  10. Although this is pretty tricky, it is important to anticipate what is coming next. Does your opponent feel threatened or confident? Will he bide his time or strike fast and hard? Adjust to your opponent's play style and watch as he adjusts to yours.
    • Try not to be too obvious when doing this. Example: bending over constantly to look at your opponent’s Pokémon card information. Also, think to yourself when doing this, for you don’t what your opponent knowing what you’re doing.
  11. 11
    Take your time. Don’t rush what you’re doing. Be calm and steady. Once you’re sure that you want to attack, make the move. Be aware, though, that you cannot attack on your first turn in a game.
    • Be sure to remember your strategy on winning.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Using a Battle You’ve Lost to You’re Advantage

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  1. The first step in loosing a battle is not getting angry. Tell the person that they have a good deck, and that next time, when you and your opponent battle, you’ll be stronger. Tell th person that, next time he/she is going down (in the most nicest and friendliest way possible). This builds up relationships when two people battle.
    • If you get mad and loose it, your opponent will look at you as a sore looser, and won’t want to battle you again.
  2. Your opponent could have had some Pokémon types that the majority of your Pokémon have a Weakness to. For example: Lugia EX has a weakness to lightning types. The other most likely thing is that your opponent had resistance to your types of Pokémon. For example: Raichu GX has resistance to metal types. Once you figure out the disadvantages that your Pokémon have with your opponent’s, add in different Pokémon types that back each other’s weaknesses, or effect your opponent’s Pokémon’s weaknesses. For example: Grass has a weakness to fire, but fire has a weakness to water, so have a Grass and Water deck! Or, add in types that have resistance to your opponent’s types.
    • The Weakness and Resistance of a Pokémon can be found at the bottom-right side of the card.
  3. Trainers can be essential in a game, and some can even make some Pokémon invincible . Stadium cards are good examples. Knowing what Trainer cards your opponent has can really help you a lot, for you can decide what extra cards you can add into your deck that can counter those Trainer’s effects.
    • For example: Luxio from Sun and Moon’s attack stops you’re opponent from playing Item cards, which is a type of Trainer card. That prevents lots of effectived, which can help you a lot!
  4. 4
    Look through your deck again. Make a thorough sweep of the cards you have. This can help you to see what cards were in your deck while you were battling with your opponent. See if your deck is missing any critical cards, like a specific Trainer or Pokémon. Your deck could be overwhelmed by some cards that throws off your deck, or just doesn’t seem to fit in.
    • Be sure to see if your energy cards, Pokémon cards, and Trainer cards are balanced. In other words, see if the numbers of all of them correspond with each other, and that one number is way bigger or smaller than the other.
      • Remember that you should roughly have about 20 of each.
  5. Once you’ve figured out what you need to do with your deck, edit and revive it. Think about the steps above and what you’ve chose to take out and what to add in. Be sure that, once you’re done with editing, you recheck it; even one wrong card can mess up the whole entire deck. Be sure that your cards are balanced, and that you have what you think is necessary to beat your opponent.
    • Remember that your deck must have 60 cards, unless you’re both using a trainer deck, which has half that amount.
    • If you don’t have the cards you need, trade with your friends for card. Be aware, though, that you made need to give up so things in your deck. If they’re nice enough, they may even give them away for free!
  6. If your deck provides you with the cards you need (one Basic Pokémon, a few energies, and some Trainer cards) then, it’s all set.
    • If it doesn’t, look through your deck again, edit what you think you left out, and try again.
  7. If you can, find your opponent and ask to battle. See how the match turns out, for your new deck may chance the results of the game, or make the game process change.
    • If you loose, do not get upset. Do the steps above over again, expect try even more to narrow down what you want your deck to do, and make sure it has the cards needed to do so.
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Expert Q&A

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      • Always remember to have fun! [24] Playing with Pokémon cards is an awesome and a bonding moment with your opponent.
      • Don't cheat, especially at a tournament. Play be the rules. [25]
      • There are packs for beginners called “Starter Packs”. Those hold up to 30 cards. If you want to start low with a 30 card deck, for you can also battle with 30 cards in a game, then you can get a Starter pack. [26]
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      • Do not cheat. If you cheat, and your opponent catches you, it’ll make you have a bad reputation, and an unworthy opponent. Play by the rules, and you’ll injoy yourself.
      • People tend to steal other people’s Pokémon cards; don’t let that happen to you. Put them somewhere safe.
      • Keep your cards safe and secure; they can get damaged pretty easily. [27]

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