Spicy Foods * Black pepper * Chili peppers * Horseradish * Salsa * Wasabi Caffeine * Black or green tea * Coffee * Chocolate * Soda Alcohol * Beer * Liquor * Wine Grains * Anything with high fat content, bran, or seeds * Biscuits * Croissants * Granola Vegetables * Raw vegetables * Tomatoes * Vegetables cooked with added fats such as butter or oil Fruits * Berries * Citrus fruits * Figs Dairy * Cream * Full fat cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, etc. * Full fat ice cream * Whole milk Protein * Fried or fatty meats or other proteins * Heavily seasoned meats * Lunch meat * Nuts * Sausages * Seeds Fats * Creamy soups and sauces * Gravy * Heavily seasoned condiments and salad dressings Snacks & Desserts * Buttered popcorn * Chips * French fries * Pastries such as cakes, cookies, and pies
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