Casual Questions to Get To Know Her Better * You just moved here, right? Where did you live before? * What did you do this weekend? * How’d you get so good at math? * That’s awesome that you’re into art. Do you paint? Funny Questions * Want some help with those fries? Just saying, it’s a lot of fries. I don’t want you to feel bad if you can’t eat them all. * You’re planning the dance, right? Maybe it’ll be OK this time then… * You actually watch that show? I watched one episode and I was asleep in the first 5 minutes. Cute, Flirty Questions * Who do you think should make the first move: guys or girls? I’m asking for a friend. * You know that picture you posted? It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Not you—your dog. * Do you think this flower would look good in your hair? Cause I do. * I heard you guys won that soccer game over the weekend. You scored the winning goal again, right? Texting Questions * Forgot to write down the history homework, do you have it? * Hey what’s up? I’m bored haha * Did you watch that video yet? * What are you doing this weekend? Conversation Starters * What kind of coffee did you order? That looks amazing. * Do you know what this song is? I’ve heard it before but I can’t remember what it’s called... * Can you believe this line? There’s no way this burger will be worth it… * Are you watching this game? We might actually win.
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