Eat Small Easy-to-Digest Meals
At the onset of symptoms (and for the next couple days), your body will be busy fighting bacteria so don’t overload it!
Eat slowly and pause every so often to notice any stomach grumblings or signs that you might start to feel nauseous. If so, stop eating until your symptoms subside.
Plain baked potatoes, rice bowls, toast, oatmeal, bananas, applesauce, and saltines are all good choices.
Eat Soup
If you’re still experiencing nausea 2-3 days later, stick to light soups made from vegetable and chicken broth. This will help keep you hydrated and nourished.
If your stomach is feeling better, start mixing in vegetables for added bulk and nutrients.
Potato-leek, butternut squash, split pea, and mushroom soups are all a little thicker but still easy to digest.
Avoid Spicy Foods
Many Indian, Thai, Ethiopian, Mexican, Chinese, and Japanese dishes can be spicy and incorporate a plethora of different spice blends.
Avoid these hard-to-digest foods at the onset of your symptoms and until your intestines have completely healed.
Avoid Food-Poisoning Trigger Foods
It’s best to stay away from the food you think may have caused your illness for the duration of your symptoms and a few days after. These may include:
Chicken, turkey, and duck
Raw vegetables, particularly lettuce, spinach, cabbage, celery, tomatoes
Fish and shellfish
Uncooked or stale room temperature rice
Ham, bacon, salami, and hot dogs
Unpasteurized milks and cheeses
Raw or undercooked eggs
Cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew
Raw alfalfa, sunflower, mung bean, and clover sprouts
Take probiotics after your symptoms have cleared.
Probiotic supplements and foods containing lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus will help restore the balance of healthy bacteria in your gut.
Look for products and supplements that say “live active cultures” on the label.
Kombucha, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, kefir, kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, tempeh, and miso all contain gut-healing probiotics.