Salsa Step Dance with an eight beat pattern: Beat 1: Step forward with your left foot. Beat 2: Shift your weight to your weight to your right foot. Beat 3: Step back to your starting position with your left foot. Beat 4: Pause. Beat 5: Step back with your right foot. Beat 6: Shift your weight to your left foot. Beat 7: Step your right foot back to your starting position. Beat 8: Pause. Merengue Step Dance so that you’re stepping on each beat: Beat 1: Shift your hips to the right and stomp with your left foot. Beat 2: Shift your hips to the left and stomp with your right foot. Reggaeton Steps Dance so that you’re stepping on each beat: Beat 1: Take a wide step with your left foot. Beat 2: Tap your right foot next to your left foot while leaning to the right. Beat 3: Take a wide step to the right. Beat 4: Tap your left foot next to your right foot
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