Approach her when you’re both on your own and start the conversation casually. “Hey Taylor, what’s up? How did the test end up going?” “Hey Anika. How’ve you been?” Bring up something you know she’s interested in, or an interest you have in common. “Did you hear about that new pizza place that opened up downtown? It’s supposed to have the best Hawaiian style ever. Not sure it’s better than your homemade stuff, but…” “So I know how much you hate sports, haha. But I was just thinking, have you ever tried bowling? Because I just have a feeling you’d be great at it.” Talk about the plans you already have, then ask if she wants to come. “Anyways, I was planning on seeing that new Harry Potter this weekend but none of my friends can make it. Would you wanna come instead?” “It’s so hot, I was gonna go get some ice cream after school. Wanna come along? If you’re nice I might even buy yours…” If she says yes, make the plans! “Cool. Does 6pm on Friday work?” “Awesome, that’ll be really fun. Wanna meet at the theater on Saturday? I’ll look up the show times and text you.” If she says no, tell her it’s OK and change the subject, or make a polite excuse and leave. “No problem. I’ll make sure to tell you everything and spoil it for you, haha. Did you ever see the last movie in that series?” “No worries. Hope you have a good weekend anyways. See you Monday!”
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