Target Heart Rate Calculator
To calculate your target heart rate (THR), you can use a commonly used formula based on your age and desired exercise intensity level. The formula estimates the range at which your heart rate should be during exercise to achieve optimal cardiovascular benefits. Here's how to calculate your target heart rate:
1. Determine your maximum heart rate (MHR): Subtract your age from 220. This provides an estimated value of your maximum heart rate.
2. Choose your desired exercise intensity level: Target heart rate ranges are often expressed as a percentage of your maximum heart rate. Depending on your fitness level and goals, you can aim for different intensity levels. For example:
Light intensity: 50-60% of MHR
Moderate intensity: 60-70% of MHR
Vigorous intensity: 70-85% of MHR
Calculate your target heart rate range:
3. Multiply your MHR by the desired intensity level (as a decimal) to get the lower end of the range.
Multiply your MHR by the upper end of the desired intensity range (as a decimal) to get the upper end of the range.
For example, if you're 30 years old and want to exercise at a moderate intensity level (60-70% of MHR):
MHR = 220 - 30 = 190 beats per minute (BPM)
Lower end of target heart rate range = 190 BPM × 0.60 = 114 BPM
Upper end of target heart rate range = 190 BPM × 0.70 = 133 BPM
So, your target heart rate range for moderate intensity exercise would be approximately 114-133 BPM.
It's important to note that target heart rate ranges are estimates and individual variations exist. If you have any underlying health conditions or are starting a new exercise program, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and to determine the most appropriate target heart rate for your specific needs.