SCRIPT TITLE Written by Name of First Writer Based On, If Any Address Phone Number FADE IN: EXT. EDGE - NIGHT Scantily clad clubgoers line the dingy, brick alley wall. At the front of the line is ZACH WYLAN (26), exuberant, this guy sweats charm like an old-time movie star. Zach shivers and turns to the BOUNCER. ZACH How much longer until you let me in? BOUNCER Look man, we just opened. We don’t have space for everyone. Zach huffs and relaxes back against the wall. A gorgeous couple skips the line, handing over black plastic cards with a red “e” etched on one side. The bouncer examines the cards before handing them back to the couple and waving them into the club. ZACH What was that about? BOUNCER They are members, sir. ZACH And what does one have to do to become a member? BOUNCER If you have to ask, you aren’t meant to know. ZACH Okay buddy, I didn’t want to have to pull this card, but I’m a member of the press-- Zach pulls out his press badge, and the bouncer glances at it. BOUNCER (firm) Please leave now. ZACH But I’m supposed to be covering the club. BOUNCER No journalists allowed. ZACH Are you sure that’s the case? I’d like to check with the owner. BOUNCER I’ll check with the boss now. (pause) Boss says no. ZACH But it’s free publicity. BOUNCER Does it look like we need it? Zach looks back at the line that curls around the block. BOUNCER (CONT’D) Now please leave or I’ll have you forcibly removed. Zach throws his hands up in surrender and leaves the line, ignoring the looks from the other club-hopefuls as he walks past. INT. THE DAILY OFFICES - IDRA’S OFFICE - DAY A small but polished room. Walls lined with shelves from floor to ceiling, all stacked with newspapers, books, and storage containers, all meticulously marked. Two chairs face the expansive desk, one wall lined with windows looking out over the newsroom. Zach hurries past the door. IDRA Zach! Get in here. Zach pauses halfway past the windows and backtracks into the room to face IDRA BARTON (46), a stern woman who commands the attention of every room she walks into. Turning on the charm, Zach slips on a broad grin. ZACH What can I do for you, Idra? IDRA Where’s that piece on Edge? ZACH About that-- IDRA Zach, I needed that piece yesterday. Every day that club is open we run the risk of losing the jump. ZACH I know, it’s just harder to get in than I thought. They won’t even let me in the front door. IDRA It’s a club, not the Vatican. Get in and get it done. ZACH It’s not that easy. IDRA I don’t care. You wanna be a journalist? Be a journalist and stop whining while you still have a job because that could change. ZACH If you would just let me do something more than hundred word write-ups on clubs, I could show you how valuable I am. IDRA How am I supposed to trust you with a major piece if you can’t even get into a club? ZACH I’ll-- IDRA Stop making excuses and get it on my desk by tomorrow, or don’t bother coming in. Zach nods as he leaves.
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