The security lines are one of the worst parts of airports, no matter which airline you’re traveling with. Thankfully, plenty of airlines like Southwest offer a TSA PreCheck line, which lets you speed your way through security without having to remove your coat, shoes, or laptop. [1]
Expert Source
Amy Tan
Travel Planner & Founder, Planet Hoppers
Expert Interview. 5 March 2020.
Ready to save some time before your next Southwest flight? We’ve got you covered. Keep reading for all the answers to your most common questions.
Click on the “Login” button in the top-right corner of Southwest’s homepage. Type in your account number or username and password to enter the site. [2] X Research source
- If you don’t have an account with Southwest, set one up by clicking the “Enroll” button.
Click on the “Security” button in the “My Preferences” section. Click on the “My Account” button in the upper right corner, which brings up multiple sections: “My Rapid Rewards,” “My Trips,” and “My Preferences.” Scroll down to the “My Preferences” section and click on “Security,” which has a symbol of a lock right next to it. [3] X Research sourceAdvertisement
Add your Known Traveler Number (KTN) in the corresponding field. The “Known Traveler Number” field is between the boxes for “Preferred First Name” and “Redress Number,” toward the top of the page. Click the yellow “Save” button, and you should be good to go! [4] X Research source
- Your KTN is the alphanumeric number ID that you receive after applying for TSA PreCheck. It usually starts with the letters “TT.” [5] X Trustworthy Source U.S. Transportation Security Administration U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring safety by setting and enforcing travel protocols Go to source
- If you’re a member of TSA Global Entry, you’ll receive a PASSID, a 9-digit number that can be used interchangeably as a KTN. This ID usually starts with the numbers “15,” “98,” and “99.” [6] X Trustworthy Source U.S. Transportation Security Administration U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring safety by setting and enforcing travel protocols Go to source
- Southwest states that adding your KTN to your profile will automatically add your KTN to future bookings. [7] X Research source However, TSA officially suggests manually adding your KTN to every flight reservation that you book. [8] X Trustworthy Source U.S. Transportation Security Administration U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring safety by setting and enforcing travel protocols Go to source
Edward Hasbrouck, Travel ExpertTSA PreCheck lets verified travelers bypass airport headaches. Enrolling saves precious minutes through faster security lanes where you can keep shoes and laptops stowed. Savvy passengers explore all such services beforehand, understand requirements, and complete necessary steps proactively. Check your airport for PreCheck eligibility, register missing info online, and know guidelines for permitted items. Staying informed and acting early makes transit less taxing for everyone. Travel smarter by preparing today.
Your KTN, birthdate, and name might not match what the TSA has on file. If your information is even slightly different from your TSA PreCheck or TSA Global Entry registration, the PreCheck label won’t show up on your boarding pass. [13] X Trustworthy Source U.S. Transportation Security Administration U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring safety by setting and enforcing travel protocols Go to source
You entered your KTN in the wrong field. Most webpages have at least 2 boxes: Redress Number and Known Traveler Number. If you enter your KTN in the “Redress Number” section, your PreCheck status won’t show up on your boarding pass. [14] X Research source
- Redress numbers have to do with TSA’s “Secure Flight” prescreening program, so they aren’t interchangeable with your KTN. [15] X Trustworthy Source U.S. Transportation Security Administration U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring safety by setting and enforcing travel protocols Go to source
Your TSA PreCheck or TSA Global Entry membership expired. Both PreCheck and Global Entry memberships last 5 years. [16] X Research source If you haven’t renewed your membership, you won’t qualify for PreCheck on future flights. [17] X Trustworthy Source U.S. Transportation Security Administration U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring safety by setting and enforcing travel protocols Go to source Visit this site to renew your PreCheck membership:
- Click here to renew your Global Entry status:
Expert Q&A
- Some customers have had trouble adding TSA Precheck to their boarding passes after checking into the flight. Call Southwest’s customer service line to clear up this issue: 1-800-435-9792. [19] X Research sourceThanks
Expert Interview
- ↑ Amy Tan. Travel Planner & Founder, Planet Hoppers. Expert Interview. 5 March 2020.
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- ↑ Amy Tan. Travel Planner & Founder, Planet Hoppers. Expert Interview. 5 March 2020.
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