Diaper rash is a common occurrence in infants and toddlers. It is not a very dangerous condition, but it can make your baby very uncomfortable and can make it difficult for her to sleep. One way to ease the pain, provide relief, and get rid of the rash is to use diaper cream. There are numerous products on the market to cure diaper rash and they all work relatively the same way: by protecting the skin from irritation and by soothing inflamed, red skin. For severe diaper rash or skin infections, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic or antifungal diaper cream or an anti-inflammatory cream. Mild or moderate diaper rash should clear up within three days.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Knowing When to Apply Diaper Cream

  1. Every baby experiences diaper rash at one point or another. Over half of babies experience a diaper rash at least once every two months. Learn to recognize the most common symptoms of diaper rash so that you can begin to treat it immediately. Symptoms of diaper rash include:
    • Bright pink or red skin around your baby's groin, thighs, and bottom
    • Dry, inflamed skin around the diaper area
    • Bumps or sores
    • Your baby might also act fussier than usual when experiencing diaper rash
  2. Many diaper rashes can clear up on their own, as long as you use proper diapering techniques. You can avoid using diaper cream if you make sure your baby's diaper is changed frequently and that your baby's skin is clean and exposed to the open air. Proper diapering technique involves:
    • Changing diapers frequently — about every two hours or so, and after every poop [1]
    • Washing your baby's bottom gently with warm water [2] : do not rely solely on baby wipes to clean stool off of the skin
    • Only using a mild soap when cleaning stool off of the skin: do not use soap every time you wash your baby's bottom
    • Using baby wipes that are unscented and alcohol free
    • Giving your baby a lot of naked time to allow the skin to dry and breathe
    • Patting your baby dry instead of rubbing (rubbing can irritate the skin) [3]
    • Fastening a new diaper only after your baby's skin is completely dry and has had some time to breathe
    • Making sure the fresh diaper is loose, not tight, on your baby's skin
    • Washing cloth diapers very thoroughly to prevent the spread of bacteria — a vinegar rinse can help kill rash-causing bacteria [4]
    • Washing your hands thoroughly after every diaper change [5]
  3. Most babies do not require diaper cream at every diaper change. In many cases, diaper rash can be prevented by making sure that your baby's skin is dry, clean, has exposure to the open air, and does not come into contact with stool. However, all babies who wear diapers will experience a rash at some point. If your baby only experiences diaper rash occasionally, use the cream when you see symptoms of diaper rash begin to develop: you will not need to use it as a preventive measure.
  4. Some infants are especially susceptible to diaper rash. If your baby experiences consistent, ongoing diaper rashes despite your reasonable precautions and proper diapering technique, you can consider applying diaper cream at each diaper change. It is possible that your baby has sensitive skin and requires extra skin protection. [6]
  5. Diaper cream is very useful when your baby is experiencing a bout of diarrhea. Diarrhea can make it difficult for you to change diapers frequently enough to prevent a diaper rash, and the consistency of diarrhea makes it more likely to cause widespread skin irritation on your baby's bottom. If your baby has diarrhea, apply diaper cream between changes as a preventive measure.
    • If your baby has serious, ongoing diarrhea, talk to your pediatrician. You do not want your baby to become dehydrated.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Selecting the Best Diaper Cream

  1. Certain kinds of diaper cream are very thick: this can help prevent irritation. Other kinds of diaper cream are thinner and drier: this can help provide increased airflow to the affected area. In order to determine what consistency is best for your baby, talk to your doctor. He or she should have some sage advice about whether your baby's rash will do best with a thick paste or a thinner cream. [7]
  2. Diaper creams can be purchased at most drug stores and supermarkets. If you care for an infant, you should have a tube of diaper cream handy to help prevent and heal diaper rashes. Look for a diaper cream with ingredients such as zinc oxide, calendula, and aloe: these substances help to soothe and protect red and inflamed skin. [8] Petroleum jelly and other mineral oils are also common, safe ingredients. [9]
    • If your child has any allergies or skin sensitivities, be sure you read the ingredients of the diaper cream carefully to ensure that it doesn't make the rash worse. For example, babies with a wool allergy should not be exposed to diaper creams made with lanolin.
    • Most diaper creams are designed for use with disposable diapers. If you use cloth diapers, make sure that the diaper cream you purchase explicitly states that it is safe to use with cloth diapers. [10]
    • Only use creams that explicitly state that they are safe for infants. Stay away from adult-strength creams or any creams that contain boric acid, baking soda, camphor, benzocaine, diphenhydramine, or salicylates. These ingredients can be harmful to young children. [11]
  3. Some babies are sensitive to certain common ingredients in diaper creams. If one kind of cream seems to irritate your baby's skin, try another brand with different ingredients. Use trial-and-error and careful observation to determine which kinds of cream are the best for your baby.
    • This advice also applies to other substances your baby will encounter, such as laundry detergents, soaps, cleansers, and fabrics. If you are having trouble finding cleansers that do not irritate your baby's skin, try to find unscented, alcohol-free substances that are hypoallergenic.
  4. Even if you purchase a non-toxic diaper cream, it is not safe for your baby or toddler to ingest. Make sure that you store your diaper cream in a place where your baby cannot suck on it or grab it, such as a high shelf or a baby-proof drawer. Keep your tube of diaper cream sealed with a safety lid.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Applying Diaper Cream Correctly

  1. The best time to apply diaper cream is during diaper changes. Parents of very young infants will have to change their diapers every two hours and after every poop. Slightly older infants and toddlers might require less frequent diaper changes, since they do not urinate as frequently. Especially if your child has diaper rash or sensitive skin, you have to make sure that poopy diapers are changed as soon as possible: stool is the worst culprit of diaper rashes and skin irritation. [12]
    • If you baby has a rash, check your baby's diaper every hour during the day and once during the night to make sure it isn't dirty. [13]
  2. It will be easier for you and safer for your baby if all of your supplies are within easy reach. Having your supplies close to hand means that you are less likely to have to leave your baby unattended during a diaper change. The supplies you need include:
    • A clean diaper
    • A towel or changing mat
    • Diaper cream
    • Warm water, or unscented, alcohol free baby wipes
    • Soft towels or washcloths
    • A waterproof bag or wastebasket for the soiled diaper
  3. Do not leave your baby unattended on any high surface. If your baby has diaper rash, it might be best to change your baby on a towel on the floor. That will make it easier for your baby to have some naked time later on.
    • If you use a surface above the floor, such as a changing table, ensure you buckle the child safely onto the table or mat.
  4. Take off any shoes or pants, and unsnap any body suits. Pull shirts up and out of the diaper area. You want to keep the area totally clear: this will help prevent your baby's clothes from becoming soiled. Diaper creams may stain, and removing clothing will help prevent unnecessary staining as well.
  5. Unfasten the pins of cloth diapers or the tabs of disposable diapers. Open the soiled diaper and pull it down and out from under your child. Hold on to the baby's legs to prevent them from accidentally kicking into a soiled diaper. You want your baby to remain as clean and bacteria-free as possible. [14]
  6. A baby with a diaper rash will have very raw, sensitive skin. However, it is necessary to clean this skin thoroughly to make sure that she can heal properly. It is also necessary for you to clean away any old or stiff diaper cream from the last time you applied. Do not use scented or alcoholic baby wipes. Warm water is the best way to clean a baby with diaper rash. You can use a mild, scent-free soap if your baby had a particularly messy bowel movement. [15]
    • Use a squirt bottle filled with warm water to clean your baby. This helps prevent irritation from scrubbing or rubbing. You can also soak your baby's bottom in a tub of warm water for a few minutes. This will help soothe her bottom as well as cleanse it properly. [16]
    • Make sure that all urine, stool, and residue from earlier applications of diaper cream are removed.
    • If you have to use a cloth to finish removing traces of stool from your baby, be sure that you use a soft cloth, that you are very gentle, and that you rub front to back: never clean a baby from back to front. [17]
  7. Using a very soft towel, pat your baby dry with a gentle blotting motion. Do not rub or scrub: this can irritate the skin further. Moisture helps to feed the bacteria that cause diaper rash, so your baby must be as dry as possible.
  8. Keep the child's bottom exposed to the air for as long as possible. Exposing your baby to the air is one of the best ways to prevent and heal diaper rash. Her skin will be able to dry and breathe, and the air discourages the growth of bacteria and fungus. If possible, give your baby at least 10 minutes of naked time during each diaper change. [18]
  9. Get the new diaper ready to fasten beneath your baby's bottom and legs. Lift up his legs and slide the clean diaper underneath. Position the tabs at the back so that they are at the same level as the belly button. [19]
    • When your baby is experiencing serious diaper rash, you might want to consider going up a size in diaper for the next few days. A loose diaper will help encourage airflow and healing, and will prevent a buildup of moisture. [20]
  10. You can choose to use a glove or a clean tissue if you wish. Spread the cream onto any inflamed areas and in the immediately surrounding skin. Pay particular care to apply the cream around the anus, genital area, and folds of skin around the thighs. Feel free to apply as much cream as necessary to cover the skin beneath a diaper. The cream should create a nice thick layer to protect the rash from moisture. Just as with cleaning your baby, try to apply the cream using front-to-back motions instead of back-to-front motions: this will help prevent uterine tract infections in your baby.
    • Try to avoid touching raw or inflamed skin too often: simply dab it on and avoid rubbing or touching it further.
    • Some diaper creams have a nozzle that will allow you to squeeze the cream directly onto your baby. This can be especially useful if your baby has particularly raw or sensitive skin that you do not want to irritate by touching directly.
    • If your doctor has given you prescription medication, be sure to follow her instructions. There are some ointments that are designed to work alongside over-the-counter diaper creams, while other ointments replace over-the-counter diaper creams. Ask your doctor how a prescription cream and diaper cream might work together. [21]
  11. Some diaper creams are quite sticky, which can cause a baby's diaper to stick to her skin. This might cause further irritation. To help decrease this stickiness and to encourage proper airflow, consider adding a layer of petroleum jelly. A small coating of petroleum jelly on top of the diaper cream will keep your baby's diaper fitting loosely and flexibly, which will encourage healing. [22]
    • You may even choose to use petroleum jelly as the diaper cream in some cases.
  12. Pull the front of the clean diaper up and even with the back. Fasten tabs at a comfortable yet secure tightness. You want the diaper to be a bit looser than normal to help encourage healing and to prevent chafing.
  13. Once your baby has been cleaned, changed, and has fresh diaper cream, you can dress him in whichever clothing you like. It is good to give your baby as much naked time as possible, however — aim for at least 30 minutes a day of naked time.
    • If your baby soiled his clothing, be sure that you give him brand-new clothes. You do not want bacteria to spread and worsen the diaper rash.
  14. Because diaper rashes are caused in part by the spread of bacteria, you have to make sure that everything is clean after the diaper change. Your baby's clothing, the changing table, your baby's hands and feet, and your own hands all have to be thoroughly washed if they came into contact with your baby's stool or urine. Use warm water and soap to wash your hands (and your baby's hands, if necessary). Dispose properly of any soiled items, and place soiled cloths in the laundry to be washed.
  15. A regular diaper rash should be gone within three days of treatment. However, sometimes skin infections, fungal infections, or allergic reactions can look similar to diaper rash: these conditions will require different medication and more time to treat. If your diaper cream is not relieving your infant's symptoms, talk to a pediatrician. You might need to switch diaper creams, perform an allergy test, or get a prescription-strength medication to resolve the issue. [23]
    • If you notice any abnormal symptoms--such as fever, pus, or open sores--talk to a pediatrician immediately. [24]

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      • Removing your child's clothing from the waist down will prevent diaper cream from staining the clothing. Use a towel to cover the changing area to avoid getting the cream or gel on hard to clean surfaces.
      • Keep in mind that diaper rash is absolutely normal and happens to just about every baby. Do not overreact or panic: remember that cleanliness, dryness, and good airflow are the keys to healing diaper rash. Diaper cream can also help to speed along the healing process.


      • Talk to your doctor if your baby gets a stubborn diaper rash after taking antibiotics. She may have a yeast infection, which requires a medicated diaper cream.
      • Never leave a child unattended on a changing table or other high surface. Always keep a hand on your baby to make sure she doesn't roll off the table.
      • Do not use baby powder to prevent diaper rash: it can irritate your baby's lungs. [25]

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