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Learn Aries’ animal symbol & other animals that symbolize this sign
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Confident, fearless, and determined, the ram is the animal most associated with Aries. However, Aries is related to other spirit animals that represent their passionate, enthusiastic, and competitive personality. If you’re an Aries, these spirit animals can help enhance your traits and guide you on your life’s journey. Follow along with us below as we uncover Aries’ most powerful spirit animals and how they represent this boundary-breaking fire sign!

Aries Zodiac Animal

Aries’ zodiac animal is the ram. The ram represents their ambitious, brave, confident, and trailblazing personality. Aries’ other spirit animals include the hawk, cheetah, wolf, dragon, and tiger.

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What is the animal for Aries?

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  1. Aries’ zodiac symbol is the ram, which is an adult male sheep. Like the ram, Aries is determined and fearless. When this passionate sign wants something, they put their head down and charge through any obstacles that dare to get in their way. As the first sign in the zodiac, the ram also perfectly captures their pioneering attitude. Aries is bold, confident, and born to break boundaries, making them a natural leader. [1]
    • According to Greek myth, Aries is related to the winged ram with the golden fleece that saved Phrixus, son of Athamas. To show his gratitude, Phrixus sacrificed the ram to Zeus. Zeus then made the ram into the constellation Aries to honor it. [2]
    • The ram and Aries are also related to Amon-Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun, fertility, and war. He was often depicted as a ram or having the head of a ram.
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Other Spirit Animals for Aries

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  1. Hawks are strong, courageous, and competitive, just like Aries. Aries isn’t afraid of leaping into the unknown when it comes to love and work—with their unflappable confidence, they know they’ll soar to new heights. Like the hawk, Aries has a keen eyesight that allows them to spot opportunities from afar and race after them with focused determination. [3]
    • With the hawk as their spirit animal, Aries is encouraged to take risks in their personal and professional lives in order to achieve their goals .
    • Aries is related to the to the alder sign in the Celtic zodiac , which is associated with the hawk. Like Aries, alder signs are confident and ambitious leaders.
  2. Cheetahs are well-known for their speed, which mirrors Aries’ energetic personality. This impulsive sign likes to go, go, go—they’re always starting new projects and trying new hobbies to become their best self. Aries is also quick-witted and fast on their feet. When problems arise, they swiftly assess the situation and make a decisive decision. [4]
  3. Like the wolf, Aries is resilient, sharp, and fiercely independent. When Aries gets knocked down, they dust themselves off and go after what they want with new strength. And they usually get what they want—they have solid instincts and trust their abilities. This sign is also a true alpha leader who prefers to forge their own path in life. [5]
    • When it comes to love and relationships, Aries is incredibly loyal and protective like the wolf. They fight for their loved ones and rush to their sides when they’re in need.
    • As their spirit animal, the wolf helps Aries be mentally and emotionally strong and reminds them to trust their intuition .
  4. While the dragon is a mythical creature, it perfectly represents Aries’ fiery, passionate, and ambitious nature. Aries doesn’t do anything half-hearted: they have a zest for life and pour their heart into achieving their dreams. They are also known for being a bit hot-headed—this impulsive sign tends to do first and think second. [6]
  5. The tiger is the king of the jungle, symbolizing courage, strength, and respect. Similarly, Aries is bold and adventurous. They don’t wait for opportunities to find them—they hunt them down and don’t back down when problems arise. Instead, they bare their fangs and face the challenge head-on. This earns them respect from their peers and makes them a fearless leader. [7]
  6. Hummingbirds are small but mighty, representing energy, vitality, and resilience. Similarly, Aries is quick and action-oriented; they are always moving and working to push things forward and progress. The hummingbird also speaks to Aries' joyful and playful side. This lighthearted sign has an infectious enthusiasm for life that gives them a child-like charm. [8]
  7. Monkeys embody Aries’ adventurous, daring, and fun-loving personality. Like these curious animals, Aries is driven to explore the unknown. They love the thrill of learning and trying new things. Aries’ live loudly and fully, too. Their optimism and enthusiasm are inspiring, encouraging others to get outside their comfort zone and shine bright. [9]
  8. Sharks are fearsome and powerful predators. They reflect Mars’ influence on Aries, which gives this sign their fiery and assertive personality. Aries is direct and takes charge without hesitation, whether they’re leading a project at work or going after their crush. Their fierce competitiveness and unwavering self-assuredness can make them seem intimidating, but they’re really warm and loving under their cool exterior. [10]
  9. The spiky porcupine symbolizes protection, willpower, and honesty. Like the porcupine, Aries is unafraid to speak up for themself and enforce their boundaries when they’re threatened or provoked. Aries’ words can also come with a sharp sting. They’re blunt and straightforward with no patience for beating around the bush and sparing others’ feelings. [11]
    • Aries can be aggressive, just like the porcupine. While their hot-headedness can get the best of them, they usually say what they need to say and move on; they’re not ones to hold a grudge.
    • With the porcupine as their spirit animal, Aries is encouraged to set boundaries and speak their truth .
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What are spirit animals?

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  1. According to astrological and spiritual beliefs, spirit animals are divine beings that were once animals on earth. They appear in their animal form to help guide you on your life path, protect you from negativity, and teach you lessons through the characteristics and symbols they embody. [12]
    • Note : Spirit animals are often associated with Native American spiritual beliefs. However, the pop culture/astrological idea of spirit animals is considered a non-Native concept.
    • To be respectful of Native American culture, do not use totem poles or other sacred objects to represent your spirit animal if you aren’t Native American. Also avoid using “spirit animal” in relation to Native American culture, as it can be disrespectful to the importance animals truly have to their spiritual beliefs. [13]
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Finding and Connecting with Your Spirit Animal

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  1. To help find your spirit animal , meditate and reflect on any animals that come to you or repeatedly appear in your life. Also, consider any animals that you’re naturally drawn to or are important to your culture or ancestry. [14]
    • For instance, you might find that a certain animal constantly appears in your dreams or pops up when you’re reading or watching TV. You might see it a lot in person, too.
    • It’s totally okay if your spirit animal doesn’t match one of Aries’ spirit animals above! Your spirit animal is unique to you and resonates with your personality, beliefs, and lifestyle.
  2. To help connect with your spirit animal , wear charms of them as jewelry, decorate your house with artwork or figurines of them, or add their colors and patterns to your wardrobe. Or, speak to your spirit guide out loud or focus on them as you meditate to ask for advice and guidance. [15]
    • If possible, adopt your spirit animal as a pet.
    • When your spirit animal appears in your life, express gratitude for their help and guidance.
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Aries Sign & Personality Overview

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  1. Aries is the initiator of the zodiac—they never stop searching for a new mountain to climb. With their fearless spirit and self-assured attitude, they achieve everything they set their mind to. This sign also burns bold and bright. They live life to the fullest and seek out new experiences (and challenges!) with a smile on their face. [16]
    • Dates : March 21 to April 19
    • Element : Fire
    • Modality : Cardinal
    • Strengths : Courageous, assertive, enthusiastic, passionate, ambitious
    • Weaknesses : Impulsive, arrogant, aggressive, blunt, impatient
    • Symbol : Ram
    • Planetary ruler : Mars (action, energy, passion)
    • Compatibility : Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius
    • Birthstone : Diamond
    • Lucky color : Red
    • Lucky numbers : 9, 6, 7
    • Lucky days : Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday
    • Famous Aries : Lady Gaga, Lil Nas X, Mariah Carey, Robert Downey Jr., Emma Watson, Pedro Pascal, Halle Bailey, Simu Liu
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Spirit Animals for Every Zodiac Sign

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  1. In astrology, each sign in the zodiac is thought to have a spirit animal that mirrors their personality, strengthens their traits, and helps guide them through life. [17]
    • Taurus : Bull
    • Gemini : Fox
    • Cancer : Crab
    • Leo : Lion
    • Virgo : Fox
    • Libra : Wolf
    • Scorpio : Snake
    • Sagittarius : Owl
    • Capricorn : Sea goat
    • Aquarius : Zebra
    • Pisces : Fish
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