Atthena Breitton, E-RYT 500
Yoga Instructor & Educator
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Co-authored Articles (6)
How to
Do the Lotus Position
Learn the proper form for this common yoga position Named for the lotus flower, the Padmasana position is a power yoga exercise designed to open the hips and create flexibility in the ankles and knees. Spiritually, the l...
How to Try Tantric Yoga: Individual and Partner Poses
Tantric yoga focuses on spirituality and mental clarity. This is not as physically-demanding as other forms of yoga, but usually requires more concentration. Many tantra poses look like normal yoga poses, but the differ...
Can Christians Do Yoga?
A comprehensive look at Christianity, yoga, and sin There are a lot of varying opinions out there when it comes to the relationship between yoga and Christianity. Is yoga a sin, a religion, or nothing of the sort? The an...
How to
Do Pilates
Try these pilates moves during your next workout to tone your bodyPilates is a type of fitness system that consists of movement exercises that are designed to tone the body, strengthen the muscles, increase flexibility a...
How to
Clean a Yoga Mat
No matter how often you use your yoga mat, it will get dirty, sweaty and possibly stinky with use. At the very least, this is not conducive to a pleasant yoga experience! Skin and product oils, sweat, and dirt can pene...
How to
Make a Homemade Yoga Mat
Want to get into yoga without spending a lot of money on yoga gear? Though there are several yoga tools you can use in your practice, from yoga straps to blocks to great yoga pants, a yoga mat is probably the most afford...