Kateri Berasi, PsyD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
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Co-authored Articles (25)
How to
Discreetly Find out if Someone You Know Is Gay
Someone’s sexuality is personal, so it’s important to respect their privacy. However, you might want to know if a person is gay because you’re interested in dating them or want to support them as a friend. Being op...
How to
Tell if Your Guy Friend Is Gay
There are lots of reasons why you might want to know if your friend is gay. There are some important things that you have to understand about this situation before going forward, however. Someone's sexuality is highly co...
How to
Use Grindr
A crash course in making the most of your Grindr profile and chatting with guys near you Grindr is a mobile-location based dating app for men and gender non-conforming people on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, and using it as easy ...
How to
Crossdress As a Man (for Women)
This is for all you women who want to crossdress as a man. You might be presenting masculinely because of preference, crossdressing for cosplay or a party, or just bored and looking for something to do. Or maybe you're a...
How to
Change Your Identity
If you're the victim of spousal abuse or are testifying in a criminal trial, law enforcement agencies have the ability to help you assume a new identity. To learn how to change your name and register for a new social sec...
How to Tell if Your Best Friend Is LGBTQ+
Figure out if they swing the same way (and what to do if they do)Figuring out someone’s sexuality can be hard, especially if they’re your best friend and you’ve never talked about anything like that before. It can ...
How to
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out
Living with a roommate is a common part of adulthood, and unfortunately, it's also common to have a bad roommate. Whether your roommate is loud, messy, smelly, or doesn't pay the rent, sometimes it just doesn't work out....
How to Get Out of Going to an Event
Fake it ’til you make it with these effective and easy excuses So you’ve been invited to an important event, but instead of feeling excitement and anticipation, you’re feeling a sense of dread. If this sounds like ...
What Age Should You Come Out? The Average Age & Common Coming Out Experiences
When is the “right time” to come out? We’ll go over the average age people come out, but in reality, coming out is a personal choice, and the timeline will look different for everybody. You get to decide who you te...
How to
Do Shadow Work
Do you ever ask yourself, “Why did I do that?” or “Why did I say that?” Chances are, if you’ve done something out of character, it’s because of your Shadow. Psychologists and spiritual healers use the practic...
How to Quit Crossdressing
Stopping cross dressing in the healthiest way possible If you want to quit crossdressing (wearing clothes intended for the opposite gender), we’ll help you achieve that goal. However, you may not want or need to quit, ...
How to
Get Over Your Celebrity Crush
'''Developing a celebrity crush is a normal experience, and getting over one involves many of the same steps as getting over a crush on a person who isn't a celebrity.''' Everybody has a certain celeb that they like more...
Expert Advice for How To Move On From a Celebrity Obsession
Healthy habits to help you move on from your celebrity crushBeing interested in a celebrity, their life, and their work is nothing out of the ordinary, but when this interest turns into an obsession, it’s possible to e...
How to
Know if You Like Your Same Gender Best Friend
This is a really tricky question, but every question needs an answer. You are probably here because you are suspecting that you like them and that is totally OK. This article will help you know if you like your same-gend...
How to
Choose a Name when Changing It
Affirm your gender identity or reinvent yourself with our helpful guideYou've decided to change your name, but you aren't sure what to change it to. Pick a name that you love, and pick a name that feels right. Think abou...
What Does It Mean to Be "Fruity?"
Learn what "fruity" means on TikTok and in popular slang If you’ve been to certain corners of the internet, you’ve probably seen people use the term “fruity.” In a nutshell, it’s a reclaimed slur that queer peo...
How to
Tell Your Lesbian Friend That You Are Straight and Not Interested in Her
Do you have a lesbian friend that you think may like you as more than "just friends"? If this is someone new, you may need to find out if she actually is attracted to you before assuming that she's into you. But if it'...
How to
Overcome Your Fear of Going over Bridges
Fear of crossing over bridges (gephyrophobia) can be debilitating, but there are things one can do to cope and eventually move beyond this phobia. Gephyrophobia is experienced in different ways; for some, driving over hi...
How to
Start Dating (for LGBTQ Teens and Tweens)
Dating, particularly during adolescence, can be an important way for young people to develop self identity, social skills, learn about other people, and grow emotionally. When you're an LGBTQ teen or tween, dating can be...
How to
Deal With Homophobia
Are you a gay, lesbian, or bisexual person who is often teased or discriminated against? Do others scrounge up their faces when they see you holding your same-sex partners hands? Do people leave pamphlets for you to find...