Kayla Tschumper

Kayla Tschumper is a DONA-trained birth doula and assistant midwife based in Rochester, Minnesota. Prior to getting into birth work, Kayla was a pediatrics nurse for nearly 10 years and now is the founder of My Birth Choices, a business providing birth education and doula services. Through My Birth Choices, she partners with families to achieve a peaceful and powerful birth. Families served by Kayla’s clients have offered 5 star reviews of her services on Google and other online testimonial sources. She is Gilligan's Guide trained and has supported births at Mayo Clinic, Olmstead Medical Center, and in homes across Southeast Minnesota. As a mom of three herself, she is passionate about providing tools to mothers-to-be that promote a peaceful and powerful birthing experience. She received a BS in Nursing from Winona State University.


  • BS, Nursing, Winona State University
  • Certified Birth Doula, DONA International

Certifications & Organizations

  • Registered Nurse
  • Trained Midwife's Assistant
  • Trained in Gilligan's Guide for Maternal and Fetal Positioning
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Certified

Favorite Piece of Advice

For Mothers and Fathers-to-be: you make the best decisions for you, your child, and your family when you have the full scope of information regarding your care. Connect with a professional doula who knows the birth world to increase your confidence, preparing you for an empowering transition to parenthood.

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Co-authored Articles (6)