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Easy step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting
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It’s normal for a Bosch dishwasher to have a little bit of water around the base of the machine after a cycle, but if it’s enough water to submerge a stray utensil you’ve got issues. Luckily, Bosch makes solving these problems very easy and the odds are we’ll get your machine draining in less than 5 minutes with minimal effort. To break down the potential solutions, we spoke to appliance repair specialist Gevorg Grigorian. He’ll also help us explain what the problem was based on the solution that worked for you so you can avoid the issue in the future.

Bosch Dishwasher Troubleshooting

Press and hold the reset button for 3-5 seconds then close the door to see if the machine drains. If it doesn’t, remove the filter and clear out debris. If you still have issues, clean the pump and confirm the drain hose loop is installed correctly.

Section 1 of 3:

Fixing Your Dishwasher

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  1. Most Bosch dishwashers have a reset button. Normally, it’s the same thing as the start button–you just need to hold the button down. Try holding the start button down for 3-5 seconds and close the door. The dishwasher should drain. [1]
    • Why did this fix the problem? If this works, it means the dishwasher was interrupted mid-cycle or there was some kind of bug that caused the cycle to end prematurely.
  2. Remove the bottom rack. Look at the round opening in the floor of the machine–this is your filter. Gently twist the filter counterclockwise until you feel it unlock. Lift the entire filter out and rinse it under water. Then, reach in the filter’s opening and pull out any food scraps that may be blocking the water from draining .
    • Grigorian explains, “We find a lot of glass, lemon seeds, food, and even plastic wrappers inside filters. All those things can obstruct the flow of the water draining out of the dishwasher to your sink.”
    • Wear gloves if the water looks kind of gross and you don’t want to get anything nasty on your hands.
    • Why did this fix the problem? The filter is designed to keep larger food scraps and gunk from clogging the drain hose, so if the filter is full of stuff and the dishwasher drains after you remove it, the filter is just doing its job!
  3. Look inside of the opening at the bottom of the machine where you removed the filter. This is where the drain pump is located. Gently remove the cover of the pump and check for any debris. Remove anything you find and put the cover back. Press the start button and the dishwasher should drain. [2]
    • While the cover is off, go ahead and clean the pump entrance with a clean cloth or sponge.
    • This is pretty unique to Bosch dishwashers; most of the other major brands don’t have an easy way for you to clean out the pump.
    • Why did this fix the problem? Something got underneath the filter and it was blocking your pump.
  4. Grigorian points out that a clogged disposal can keep the dishwasher from draining. Run the water at your sink. If it doesn’t drain well, it’s probably the source of your woes. Use any/all of the following solutions to resolve any blockages in your sink or garbage disposal :
    • Pour boiling water and dish soap down the sink. This will break up any organic blockages or grease.
    • Use a commercial drain cleaning solution if the sink still won’t drain smoothly.
    • Snake your drain (only if there is no garbage disposal).
    • If you have a garbage disposal and you can hear or see a blockage inside, disconnect the power. Then, carefully reach inside to remove whatever’s blocking the drain.
    • Why did this fix the problem? Dishwashers drain through the sink pipe, so if you have any blockages in your sink or garbage disposal it can keep water from draining out of the dishwasher.
  5. Look under your sink for a clear tube running from the dishwasher to the drain. This is the drain loop hose. Check the maximum height of the loop. If the apex of the loop is below the point where it feeds into the drain, the hose is too low. Lift it up and attach it to a higher point with a zip tie. [3]
    • Confirm the air gap is open, too. Grigorian says that if you don’t have a garbage disposal, you’ll have an air gap to help the water drain from the dishwasher. Find the small pipe sticking up where the hose connects to the drain and confirm it’s unblocked.
    • Why did this fix the problem? The drain hose loop won’t be able to get rid of all the water if there isn’t a high point above the drain.
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Section 2 of 3:

What if the dishwasher still won’t drain?

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  1. If you’ve cleaned blockages from the filter and pump, reset the machine, and confirmed your sink is draining correctly, you probably have a mechanical issue. The odds are high that it’s the drain pump if your dishwasher works but the water won’t drain. Contact an appliance repair specialist to have them inspect the machine and replace the pump. [4]
    • Did you recently buy your dishwasher? Bosch offers a 1-year manufacturer warranty that covers bad pumps. Call Bosch at 1-917-421-7209 or reach out online to get help.
    • Is it just a little bit of water? It’s actually kind of normal for dishwashers to have a very thin layer of water around the filter after each cycle. If you just see a bit of water but the dishwasher is otherwise working just fine, don’t worry about it
Section 3 of 3:

Preventing Drainage Issues in the Future

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  1. Every time you finish a cycle, a little bit of debris and food ends up in the filter. Keep all of that junk from building up and blocking the flow of water by removing the filter every few cycles and cleaning it out. Dump any scraps in the garbage and then rinse the filter with soap and water. [5]
    • If the filter is really dirty, use an old toothbrush and soap to scrub the filter thoroughly.
  2. Once a month or so, run an empty cleaning cycle. Put a dishwasher cleaning tablet in the soap dispenser and press the cleaning cycle option. This will get rid of any gnarly odors or microscopic debris inside of your dishwasher. [6]
    • What about deep cleanings? Bosch recommends adding descaler to the machine instead of using a dishwasher cleaning tablet if you want to deep-clean the machine.
  3. Your dishwasher drains through your garbage disposal if you have one. So, if you’re doing something to clog or interrupt your garbage disposal, it can keep your dishwasher from draining correctly. Follow these tips to prevent issues with your disposal: [7]
    • Only use the disposal for soft foods. Tougher items like hard bread, bones, dry meat, or veggies can clog the drain.
    • Clean your garbage disposal periodically. Fill your disposal with ice cubes and salt. Run the disposal while pouring distilled white vinegar down the drain. This will clean any gunk stuck inside.
    • Avoid using the disposal for coffee grounds. Coffee grounds seem like they'd be fine in a disposal, but the blades actually can’t break them up.
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