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Learn the ins and outs of this sensitive moon sign, from how they operate to which signs they’re most compatible with
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Anyone with a cursory interest in astrology likely knows what their sun sign is, but some people believe a person’s moon sign represents their “real” self—the self that shows its face once the drapes are drawn. If you’ve got a moon sign in Cancer, it means that no matter how extroverted, brash, or chaotic your sun sign is, underneath it lies a sensitive, introspective, maternal tenderheart. Want to learn more? We’ve got the scoop on how Cancer moons operate, including their personality traits and even which signs they’re most compatible with. Keep reading for the full deets!

Things You Should Know

  • Cancer moons tend to be protective, introspective, and extremely emotionally sensitive.
  • As cardinal signs, Cancer moons are action-oriented, meaning they’re not just empathetic, but nurturing on a mama bear-level: they take care of their loved ones.
  • Cancer moons tend to be most compatible with Taurus moons, who are also homebodies, but they may pair well with other water sign moons such as Scorpio and Pisces moons.
Section 1 of 7:

Cancer Moon Overview

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  1. Cancers are water signs (fittingly, they’re symbolized by the crab). As such, Cancer moons are extremely in tune with their own emotions and the emotions of others—and they’re darn protective of the people they care about. Because Cancers are also cardinal signs, this means they’re very action-oriented. In other words, if you’re a Cancer moon, you don’t just sense how other people feel and what they need: you actively take care of them .
    • Cancer is the mama bear of the zodiac. If you’ve got a moon in Cancer, you may not necessarily come off the nurturing, sensitive type (depending on your sun and rising signs), but you’re a mama bear at heart.
    • If you’re a Cancer moon, you’re in good company: famous Cancer moons include Keanu Reeves, Taylor Swift, Steven Yeun, Michael B. Jordan, and Dua Lipa.
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Cancer Moon Personality Traits

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  1. Cancer moons are notoriously sensitive and intuitive. They seem to just… know things, especially when it comes to emotions—theirs, and other people’s. They may sense what’s about to happen before it happens, or they may just know when the right time to act is.
    • Cancer moons may struggle to operate according to logic or reason, and often rely on their emotions and instincts to guide them. As long as they learn to understand their internal rhythms and trust their instincts , they thrive this way.
  2. Because Cancer moons are ruled by their emotions, they tend to be…well…a little moody at times. This should come as no surprise, since their ruling planet isn’t really a planet at all, but the moon itself—influencer of tides, of time, of light and dark. Emotional fluidity may render them extra-sensitive to perceived slights or changes in their loved ones’ attitudes, or it might just cause them to break down sobbing because the moon is so beautiful. You never know.
    • Cancer moons may flip-flop unexpectedly from one emotion to another, and they may struggle to disguise their moods.
    • Their inability to be anything other than themselves makes them a generally trustworthy pal to have, but their hot-cold personality can be a little overwhelming from time to time.
  3. Cancer moons aren’t just sensitive to other people’s emotions—they really relate to what others feel, almost as if they were experiencing the emotions themselves. While Cancer suns’ outward identity tends to be centered on being the emotional glue holding a group together or offering their pals free therapy, Cancer moons are less overt with their emotional sensitivity and empathy, but may feel it more deeply.
    • A Cancer moon is the friend you turn to for emotional support as well as for reliable advice: their empathy means they don't just understand how you feel and want to comfort you, they may have keen insight into what's really best for you.
  4. Since Cancer moons are so in tune with others’ emotions and needs, they tend to be very maternal and tender. And since they’re cardinal signs, they’re prone to take action. This combination of traits renders them super mama bearish: they won’t just offer a shoulder to cry on, they’ll fight whatever made you cry in the first place ( and offer a shoulder to cry on, and bake you cookies, probably).
    • Cancer suns often act the same way, but while a Cancer sun might act nurturing because they value being a caretaker and respect others’ emotions, Cancer moons operate purely on instinct: they don’t just value caretaking, they are a caretaker.
  5. Cancer moons' nurturing sides may make them prone to take action when necessary, but the rest of the time, they're all about the comforts and privacy of home. Because Cancer moons are so sensitive, they tend to be homebodies, hiding from the world in their comfy, safe lairs.
    • A Cancer moon's home is their nest. It's comfy and cozy, and they likely spend a lot of time and energy decorating it to make it just right , like Goldilocks.
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Cancer Moon Love & Relationships

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  1. One-night-standers, they are not. Or, if they are, odds are you’ll both spend more time talking about your feelings than actually having sex. Cancer moons tend to be serial monogamists, in it for the long haul. They’re romantics at heart, as well as homebodies: they’re looking for another kind soul to create a beautiful home—and probably a family—with them.
    • Just because Cancer moons tend to be nurturing doesn't mean they necessarily want to have children, but regardless, home, commitment, and domesticity are very important to this sign, and they're looking for someone who shares their values.
  2. What can we say, they know what they want when they want it: somebody just as sensitive, nurturing, and loyal as they are. While Cancer moons are prone to putting others' needs ahead of their own, in matters of the heart, these signs would likely rather be alone than be with the wrong person. That said, they love love! They tend to believe in the idea of soulmates, and they're constantly on the lookout for the meaningful meet-cute.
    • Sometimes Cancer moons’ commitment to finding “the one” can be a hindrance, as they could be too quick to cast off potential mates who aren’t “perfect.”
    • Once Cancer moons meet their match, however, they’re loving, loyal, and committed.
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Cancer Moon Compatibility with Other Signs

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  1. Cancer moons could make it work with anyone in the zodiac, but they tend to be attracted to Taurus moons. Taurus moons are just as invested in creating a cozy home life as Cancer moons, so the two won’t have any friction surrounding what to do for date nights (stay in and cuddle! Obviously!) and they’ll prioritize their family life, whether it’s just the two of them or they have children or pets.
    • A stubborn, headstrong Taurus moon—an earth sign—may also help to balance out a Cancer moon when they get overwhelmed by their emotions.
  2. The 2 other water sign moons—Scorpio and Pisces—are natural matches for a Cancer moon. However, these signs’ emotional sensitivity risks making the relationship a little too intense (after all, too much water is, well, a flood).
    • Because Scorpio moons and Pisces moons can be just as emotionally intense as Cancer moons, these signs may make better platonic friends than soulmates.
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Cancer Moon Friendships

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  1. If you've got a Cancer moon in your corner, you're set. As friends, they're in tune with what their buds are feeling and will work hard to make them happy. They're always around for a hug or to lend an ear.
    • Cancer moons can sometimes be empathic to a fault: they tend to focus so much on their loved ones' needs that they forget their own. Over time, this can lead to the Cancer moon feeling drained or resentful, so it's important that they make time for themselves regularly to emotionally recharge.
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Cancer Moon Career & Ambitions

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  1. Whether they're a teacher, a doctor, or a parent, or they go into some other people-centered field, Cancer moons are drawn to positions where they can care for others and protect them. Their fiercely nurturing and emotionally intuitive natures make them perfect for jobs where they get to not just interact with people, but help them and even heal them. [1]
    • Cancer moons just need to make sure they don't get too drained: certain people-facing fields can be equal parts fulfilling and emotionally taxing, and Cancer moons are more susceptible than other signs to losing themselves in other people.
    • A job where they can take time off as needed or work remotely may help ensure they manage their emotions and get enough domestic time to protect their energy .
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Section 7 of 7:

What does your moon sign tell you about your personality?

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  1. Arguably the most important elements of your astrological chart are your “big 3”: your sun, moon, and rising signs. While your sun sign represents your goals and values and your rising sign represents how you appear to others, your moon sign—which pertains to the position of the moon in the zodiac when you were born—is the self that lies beneath the surface. It’s the person that comes out after the honeymoon phase has passed and people get to know the real you .
    • Your moon sign might become more apparent to people the longer they know you, or when you’re in a state of intense emotion: when the stakes are high (or when you’re just very, very sleepy), your real self and your real values come out.
    • Think of your moon sign like the werewolf when he turns into a wolf: he might present a different version of himself to the world, he might even consider himself a very different sort of person from the wolf, but the wolf always comes to the surface.
    • You can find out what your moon sign is by checking an ephemeris (that is, a list of the different planetary placements), asking an astrologer, or using an online app, like Astrology.com .

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