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Your boyfriend is getting another year older, so of course you want to celebrate him! Try fun activities like themed parties, a nice dinner together, or a fun new experience. If you're far apart, take steps to make his birthday extra special, by doing things like mailing him birthday wishes from all his friends and family or sending him a care package. Top his birthday off by finding him the perfect gift.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Celebrating Together

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  1. [1] A nice way to celebrate is to take him out to one of his favorite restaurants. You don't have to pick something super fancy. Just pick something you know he'll like. [2]
  2. You don't have to just celebrate with just you and him. Invite his friends over, and everyone can celebrate along with you! Create a fun theme that your boyfriend will love, and he'll feel all the more special. [4]
    • For instance, if your guy loves football and has a fall birthday, try a tailgate party with a bloody Mary bar.
    • You could also try a decade-themed party, like a 1940s party or a 1980s party.
    • Make a party theme out of his favorite food. Try a taco bar , for instance, where you set up taco shells, different meats, and all the toppings. You could also do a nacho bar or a make-your-own pizza party.
  3. Take your boyfriend out for a fun, new experience you'd think he'd enjoy, from a class on beer making to a one-night paint class. Alternatively, invite the whole gang along for a group experience. [5]
    • For instance, you could try a zero-gravity flying experience, an escape room, or a wine tasting cruise on a local lake or bay.
  4. Bake or buy a really good cake. You can't have a birthday without cake or some kind of sweet! Whether you buy or make the cake, make it a flavor your boyfriend loves.
    • Make it silly and ridiculous, like a unicorn cake, if your boyfriend likes a good laugh.
    • Try a themed decorated cake, like a football cake or golf cake, to tailor it to your boyfriend's interests.
    • If your boyfriend doesn't like cake, get him something sweet he does like, such as cookies, pie , or brownies.
    • If he doesn't like sweets, try making something special he does like that takes some time, such as beef jerky or Chex Mix.
  5. Pamper your boyfriend with massages and a relaxing day. Make your boyfriend's day special by setting up an ultra-relaxing day. Give him a massage yourself, or book a couple's massage together. Hang out in a hot tub afterwards, and then enjoy a quiet meal together.
    • Think about what relaxes your boyfriend. Maybe his idea of a relaxing day is going out fishing or working on a project in the backyard. Focus on what he loves.
  6. Whether you're an adult or a teen, you can still have a fun time like you're kids. Plan something that may be a little ridiculous, but ultimately a lot of fun.
    • For instance, at home, put together a water balloon and water gun fight or have a hula-hooping contest with friends.
    • Go on a roller coaster ride together, or set up a random road trip where you just take to the open road together for a day, picking destinations as you go.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Working out a Fun Gift

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  1. A great gift shows you know what your boyfriend likes. Think about his main interests, and find something related to those interests. [6]
    • For instance, if he's into a fandom, get him something related to that fandom.
    • If he loves movies, buy him a pack of movie tickets to the local theater.
    • If he's an awesome baker, try a fancy baking pan or a new cookbook.
  2. Practical gifts show you've paid attention to what he needs, which is a loving gesture. Your gift can be fun as well as practical, too, which your guy may appreciate. [7]
    • For instance, if you've noticed his gloves or scarf are wearing out, buy or make him a set.
    • Alternatively, if he's been talking about a tool he needs for a project he's working on, pick it up for him.
    • As another option, buy a new gadget he's been wanting, like a streaming device or game controller.

    Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC

    Marriage & Family Therapist
    Moshe Ratson is the Executive Director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a coaching and therapy clinic in New York City. Moshe is an International Coach Federation accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He received his MS in Marriage and Family Therapy from Iona College. Moshe is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).
    Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC
    Marriage & Family Therapist

    Make your boyfriend's birthday special with a gift that reflects his interests. For example, travel lovers would adore a trip to a dream destination, while music fans would love tickets to an in-demand concert. Plus, try adding a personal touch to gifts, like pairing flowers with a heartfelt poem.

  3. Everyone has those little luxuries that they enjoy but don't always spend the money on, whether it's a nice watch or just a specialty coffee every now and then. Get your guy something he would love but wouldn't necessarily buy for himself. [8]
    • For instance, maybe your guy loves sunglasses, but he doesn't typically buy the more expensive kind. Opt for a slightly more expensive pair.
    • If your guy loves coffee, get him a more expensive brand for him or get him a gift card for his favorite coffee shop.
  4. Whether you like to crochet or you enjoy painting, making your boyfriend something can show you really care. Try to think about what he likes, and incorporate that into what you make.
    • For instance, if you make your boyfriend a blanket , use colors he likes.
    • If you make your boyfriend a painting, include something he's interested in it, like a fishing scene.
    • If you're not as crafty, start with something more basic. Pick up a raw wood box from a craft store, and paint it in colors you'd think he'd like. Try adding a picture of you two on the inside to make it more sentimental.
    • Need more ideas? See what wikiHow users are saying on the "I want to learn how to give my boyfriend gifts he'll love" forum page.
  5. If your boyfriend doesn't have Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO Go, consider purchasing one of the ones he doesn't currently have a subscription for. You can decide how much time to give him based on what you want to pay. [9]
    • For instance, you could pay for a year if you don't mind shelling out the cash, or just stick to 3 months if you don't have a lot of money.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Celebrating Long-Distance

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  1. If you are apart from your boyfriend, you likely make use of video chat services anyway. For his birthday, make it a special date by both of you cooking the same meal and eating "together" while chatting. [10]
    • Alternatively, have takeout delivered to him where he is and get the same food for you to enjoy.
    • You could also read him a poem you wrote or play him a special song, one you wrote or one that makes you think of him.
  2. Nothing says you're missing him like a package from you! If he's far from home, he'll appreciate some little things that he misses. If you're the one that's far away, send him some special items from where you are. [11]
    • For instance, if you're still at home while your boyfriend is in another state or country, send him some snacks he loves that he can't get where he is. Throw in a homemade baked good or something else he misses, such as his favorite shampoo he can't find where he is.
    • Alternatively, send him something special from where you are, such as a local food item or a novelty item.
    • You could also send him something sentimental, such as a rock from a local park you hung out in or sand from a beach where you're visiting.
  3. That is, print out a picture of him, and then take him around to special sites where you are. Take a picture with the photo, and then send him a collage of all the pictures you took.
    • This present will make him feel like he's there with you!
  4. Gather messages, notes, and small gifts from your boyfriend's friends and family, and then mail them altogether in a package. Your boyfriend will feel the love even from a distance! [12]
    • Alternatively, take video of different friends and family wishing him happy birthday. Put them together into a single video, and send it to your boyfriend for his birthday.
  5. Have each person hold up one letter of a birthday wish, such as "Happy Birthday, John," and take a picture of each one individually. Put them together on a card, and have everyone sign it before you mail it off. [13]
    • You can also just have them all hold a banner in one large picture.
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  • Question
    My boyfriend and I live in a one-room, so how can I make his birthday special without going out?
    Fizzy Hacks
    Community Answer
    If it's possible, do try to go out, like going to a park and have a picnic together, so you can feel less crowded. If it's too cold or the wrong time of year for that, turn the bed into an indoor picnic. Cover it with a tablecloth or rug, put a picnic spread across the bed and play some lovely music in the background. When he comes in, he'll get a lovely surprise.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To celebrate your boyfriend's birthday, try taking him out to eat at a restaurant he likes or cooking his favorite meal at home. Or, you could throw your boyfriend a party with a fun theme, like a 1980s party or a space-themed party. Alternatively, you could sign you and your boyfriend up to do a fun, new activity, like an escape room, a wine tasting, or a painting class. You could also plan a low-key relaxing birthday at home by pampering your boyfriend with massages and baking him a cake. For tips on how to celebrate your boyfriend's birthday when you're in a long-distance relationship, scroll down!

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