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Coming out is a deeply personal process, and it’s important to remember that you’re in charge of your journey. Come out to your friends, family, and community on your own terms and when you feel it’s safe to do so. Even if someone is open and supportive, coming out to them can still be daunting. Try to relax, and know that being nervous is completely normal. Hang in there! Above all, love and respect yourself, regardless of how others react to your news.

How to Come Out as Gay to Friends & Family

Pick a relaxed, private place to have the conversation. When you’re ready, say something simple and straightforward like, “I want to tell you I’m gay. I’m telling you this because I trust you and know you’ll be there for me.” Give them a few minutes to react and let them know it's okay to ask you any questions.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Telling a Trusted Friend

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  1. An open-minded and understanding friend can support you and help you gain the courage to move forward. If your first experience coming out to someone is positive, you might be less anxious about telling other people in the future.
    • You might find it easier to come out to your friends before telling your family. However, keep in mind that you’re in charge. If you’d feel more comfortable telling your parents first, then that’s the path you should take.
    • Keep in mind people don’t always meet your expectations, and you can’t control anyone’s reaction. Don’t get discouraged if someone you tell doesn’t react the way you expected. Sometimes, people are shocked or upset at first, then become more accepting after they’ve had time to absorb the news.
  2. While there’s no ideal way to come out, a private, distraction-free time and place can make things easier. Avoid having the conversation when you or your friend are stressed, upset, or busy. That way, you’ll have an easier time expressing yourself clearly, and your friend will have a chance to process what you have to say.
    • For instance, you wouldn’t want to want to deliver the news when your friend has a basketball game in 10 minutes or is running late for work.
    • You don’t have to make a big deal about it. Just ask your friend to hang out, and say that there’s something you want to tell them.
  3. Take a breath, relax, and say, “I wanted to tell you something. I’m gay. I’m telling you because I trust you and know you’ll be there for me.” If you haven’t come out to anyone else, let your friend know that this is the first time you’ve told anyone, and that you’ve chosen to tell them because you trust that they’ll be there for you.
    • While it’s a big moment, it’s not like your confessing to a crime or informing your friend that you have a life-threatening sickness. You’re sharing something with someone you trust. This is a good, friendship-affirming thing, so do your best to keep your tone positive.
  4. Your friend might need a moment to process what you’ve said, so be patient. Give them a few minutes to react, and let them know they should feel free to ask any questions. [1]
    • Your friend might not have any questions, or they might say that they’re not surprised. Don't worry if the conversation is a little awkward, or if they don’t know what to say. Just give your friend the time they need to take in the news.
  5. Knowing that you're no longer alone and that you have someone to lean on can make things much less overwhelming. Be honest with your friend, and tell them that you could use their support through your coming out journey. [2] [3]
    • Say, “It’s such a relief that you’ve been so accepting. I’m still anxious about telling other people, and I’m hoping you might be able to give me a pep talk now and then. Knowing that I’m not alone in this would really make me feel better about telling people.”
    • Unfortunately, you might not get the support you expected when you come out to friends and family. If someone needs more time to process what you’ve said, or if their reaction is negative, don’t get discouraged. There are other people who can give you the support you deserve.
  6. Coming out to your friends can help you feel more confident about yourself. If you’re not sure how your parents will react, it’s also important to have people you trust who can lend emotional and practical support. [4]
    • If you’re legally a minor or still depend on your parents, it might be best to put off coming out if you think they'd stop supporting you.
    • If you feel compelled to tell your parents regardless of the outcome, make arrangements to stay with a supportive friend or relative just in case.
    • If you’re not ready to tell your parents, make sure your friends understand that your family doesn’t know, and ask them to respect your privacy.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Coming Out to Your Parents

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  1. The best case scenario is that they will be completely accepting, that they might have already known, and that this conversation won’t cause tension. However, coming out to your parents could be risky, especially if they’ve demonstrated discriminatory behavior towards LGBTQ+ people in the past. [5]
    • If your parents have expressed positive views of the LGBTQ+ community, have supported other people coming out, and are generally open-minded, then there’s a good chance they’ll be supportive.
    • Keep in mind that, while your parents may be accepting or have LGBTQ+ friends, they might still react strongly when you tell them.
  2. Unfortunately, there are some cases where you’re better off not coming out to your parents. If they’ve expressed anti-LGBTQ+ views, and if you’re financially dependent on them, it might be in your best interest to wait to tell them until you’re independent. [6]
    • Ask yourself if they might withdraw their support, stop paying your school tuition, or kick you out of the house. While keeping it to yourself might be tough, you shouldn’t come out to them if your well-being is at risk.
  3. Whether your parents react positively or negatively, it’s helpful to know that you have friends on whom you can rely. If you’ve already come out to friends or relatives, tell them when you’re planning to come out to your parents. Your supportive loved ones will be there for you to vent to regardless of how things go with your parents. [7]
    • If you decide to come out to your parents but are worried they’ll get upset, ask a supportive loved one if you can stay with them in the event things with your parents turn sour.
  4. Pick a time when you and your parents aren’t stressed, busy, or distracted. Additionally, you might have an easier time if there are no major life events happening. For instance, avoid telling them if a relative has just passed away or the night before your sister gets married. [8]
    • Make sure the emotional climate at home is stable. If your parents are fighting or if you’ve just gotten grounded, you might want to wait for things to settle.
  5. You may feel tempted to come out in the middle of an argument with your parents, but you shouldn’t use the news as a weapon. If you tell them out of spite, you’ll make it harder for them to come to terms your identity.
  6. Start by letting them know that you want to have an honest, loving relationship with them. Tell them that you want them to be a part of your life, and that their love and support mean a lot to you. [9]
    • Take a deep breath and keep your cool. Even if you’re worried that they’ll react negatively, your parents might surprise you and thank you for being honest. Do your best to stay positive, and tell them, “I’m gay,” or “I’m bisexual,” in simple, matter-of-fact terms.
  7. Even to the most accepting of parents, your news may come as a complete shock. They might be afraid that you’ll face a more difficult life, or that you won’t be able to get married and have children. Their fears may or may not be justified but, either way, try to be empathetic instead of taking it personally. [10]
    • Try saying, “I get that this is a lot to take in, and you have a right to have strong feelings. But this is who I am, and I’m happy with it. This isn’t a bad thing, so please don’t be angry or blame yourself. This doesn’t have anything to do with you or your parenting.”
    • Assure them that you’re happy and healthy, and that life poses challenges for everyone, regardless of their orientation or gender identity.
    • Remind them that, in general, people are becoming more accepting of other lifestyles. If your country or local government has non-discrimination or same-sex marriage laws, tell your parents about them.
  8. Sometimes, parents already know and are supportive right away. For other parents, accepting the news can take months or years; some, unfortunately, aren’t able to accept it. Try to be patient, and be prepared to answer any questions they may have.
    • While you wait for them to process your news, make sure you feel safe. The environment may feel a little tense and uncomfortable, but as long as you’re safe, you can remain at home.
    • While you give your parents time to process this information, lean on your friends. Spending more time with your support network can help you get through a rough patch with your parents.
  9. Even if your parents don’t want to be educated at first, they might come around in time. Try not to start with terminology beyond their understanding. Just give them some resources for parents of members of the LGBTQ+ community. [11]
    • For example, suggest that they check out the website of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) at www.pflag.org.
  10. When you come out to your parents, let them know that you intend to come out to the rest of your family on your own terms. If you don’t want other relatives to know right away, ask your parents to respect your privacy. Remember that you get to choose when and how you come out to the people in your life. [12]
    • Of course, it’s fine if you think it’d be less stressful for your parents to tell other family members. You’re in charge, so take the steps that make you most comfortable.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Coming Out on Your Terms

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  1. Work on coming to terms with your identity. If you’re comfortable with who you are, you might have an easier time telling your friends and family. It’s normal to feel confused, so don’t feel like you need to have all of the answers. Just try to accept that your LGBTQ+ identity is part of who you are, and know that you have no reason to feel ashamed.
    • Coming out to yourself can be tough, but it’s an important first step. Tell yourself, “I’m gay,” “I’m bisexual,” “I’m transgender ,” or “I’m questioning right now, and that’s okay. I have no reason to feel guilty or ashamed.”
    • Reminding yourself that you’re not alone can help. Try reading books or online articles about other people’s coming out journeys.
  2. Never let anyone pressure you into coming out. Don’t let a friend or siblings pressure you into telling your parents, or allow a loved one to pressure you into coming out at work or school. You are in control of whom you tell and when, so take each step of your journey at your own pace.
    • You may have friends who came out years ago, but that doesn’t mean you need to follow their timelines. What’s right for them isn’t necessarily what’s right for you.
    • Coming out can lift a heavy weight off of your shoulders, and it can help you feel closer to supportive loved ones. However, it can be risky. You shouldn't feel like coming out is your only choice, especially if you don’t feel safe doing so. [13]
  3. Adopt a label, such as “gay” or “bisexual” once you’re comfortable with it. If you’re unsure or aren’t ready to put a label on your orientation or identity, don’t let someone else define it for you. Keep in mind you might feel pressure to adopt a label from both non-LGBTQ+ and LGBTQ+ friends. [14]
    • For example, suppose you tell your friend that you think you’re bisexual, and they say, “Well I’m sure you’re really gay, but you’re more comfortable saying ‘bi’ for now.” No one knows you better than you and, even if your friend is right, no one can force you to adopt one label or another.
    • An LGBTQ+ friend might tell you that you need to tell everyone in your life your specific orientation or label in order to be your authentic self. No one, whether they’re supportive or not, has the right to dictate another person’s identity. [15]
    • Being gay, bi, or queer is only part of your identity, just as a straight person isn’t purely defined by their sexual orientation. You don’t need to change who you are to fit anyone’s standards or stereotypes.
  4. Do your best to ensure the first person you tell is open, accepting, and supportive. [16] Try bringing up issues with friends and family like gay marriage or transgender teen homelessness, or mention an LGBTQ+ movie or TV character. [17]
    • You could say, “I saw a story on the news about same-sex marriage. What are your thoughts on it?”
    • Before you come out to someone, think about how accepting they are of other people. Do they have a loved one who’s openly LGBTQ+, and do they treat that loved one with love, support, and respect? Do they make offensive jokes or disparaging comments?
    • If you have a trusted friend who’s a member of the LGBTQ+ community, they might be the best person to tell first. They’ve been in your shoes, and there’s a lower risk that they’ll react negatively.
  5. The first people you tell should be absolutely trustworthy. [18] When you come out to them, be sure to tell them that they shouldn’t tell anyone what you’ve confided in them. [19]
    • Before coming out to someone, ask yourself if they tend to gossip. Have they ever broken your trust in the past? Do they tell you about other people’s secrets?
  6. If coming out to a loved one face-to-face is too intimidating, or if you’re afraid of getting tongue-tied, you could write them a letter instead. Start by letting them know that you trust them and want to share something important with them. Then tell them about your LGBTQ+ identity in clear, simple terms.
    • For example, you might write, “I’ve wanted to tell you that I’m gay for a little while now, but I’ve been so scared. I think part of me has known most of my life, but I’ve never really accepted it until recently.”
    • Be sure not to give your loved one the letter at school, work, or a crowded place.
    • You could ask them to read it in private, or you could hand them the letter and ask them to read it in your presence. It might be easier to get the conversation going if you put everything you want to say in writing.
    • Writing a letter could be a good method if you’re worried about coming out to your parents.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Living Openly in Your Community

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  1. You may only want to tell your close friends and family members, and hold off on coming out at work or school. You’re not obligated to tell anyone, even after you’ve come out to a few people. [20]
    • It’s perfectly fine if you don’t feel safe coming out at work or school. You might have straight/cisgender/perisex or LGBTQ+ friends who try to convince you to come out in all areas of your life. Remind them that you know what’s best for you.
  2. Some communities are more accepting than others, so assess your local climate. If you live in a more tolerant community, coming out might not be a big deal for your neighbors, coworkers, or classmates. If you encounter homophobia or transphobia regularly, coming out is a lower priority than staying safe.
    • If LGBTQ+ discrimination and bullying at school or work are commonplace, or if being LGBTQ+ is illegal in your country, it’s not your responsibility to come out and try to change society. People do need to learn how to treat others with dignity and respect, but that doesn’t mean you need to put your safety at risk. [21]
  3. Before coming out at work, make sure you’re protected from discrimination. Without a non-discrimination policy or legal protection, your employer might be able to fire you for coming out. [22]
    • Additionally gauge the climate at work. Do people make offensive jokes? How close are you with your coworkers? If you have any openly LGBTQ+ coworkers, you could ask them for advice.
    • If you feel compelled to live openly at work, you don’t need to pull everyone aside and come out to them individually. Without making a big announcement or speech, you could simply bring your partner or a date to a work event.
  4. For some people, coming out on social media is easier than telling dozens or hundreds of people individually. You could talk about it in a status, change your “Interested in” setting, or just let people figure it out from the photos you’re tagged in or post. [23]
    • While you get to decide how and when you come out, your close friends and relatives will appreciate it if you tell them one-on-one before posting on social media.
  5. You don’t need to suddenly drop all of your non-LGBTQ+ friends as soon as you come out. However, try to spend time with friends who are LGBTQ+. Talking to people who’ve faced similar challenges is a great way to build confidence and resilience. [24]
    • If you don’t have many LGBTQ+ friends, see if there’s a local organization or other outlet that connects members of the LGBTQ+ community. You might have an alliance or club at work or school.
  6. Even if you live in an open, accepting community, you will encounter ignorance at some point in your life. If someone makes a hateful comment, don’t waste your time or energy fighting with them. [25]
    • Don’t let them lower your self-esteem. You can’t control what other people do, think, or say, but you can control your reaction. Love and respect yourself no matter what anyone says.
    • When you’re upset or frustrated, vent to a supportive friend.
    • If someone is genuinely misinformed and has your best interests at heart, they might be receptive to a rational conversation. You could try to tell them what it’s like to walk in your shoes.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Is it normal to be nervous about coming out?
    Lauren Urban, LCSW
    Licensed Psychotherapist
    Lauren Urban is a licensed psychotherapist in Brooklyn, New York, with over 13 years of therapy experience working with children, families, couples, and individuals. She received her Masters in Social Work from Hunter College in 2006, and specializes in working with the LGBTQIA community and with clients in recovery or considering recovery for drug and alcohol use.
    Licensed Psychotherapist
    Expert Answer
    It's totally normal to be nervous about coming out. Even in this day and age, people still struggle with how to tell their family, how their family will respond, and what's expected of them by the heteronormative society we live in.
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      Reader Videos


      • If you're nervous about mumbling or getting tongue-tied, try writing down what you want to say or practice coming out in the mirror (ensure you have privacy when you do so).
      • Find some people who you know are LGBTQ+ and have came out to people in their lives for tips.
      • If you want to come out on social media, try to do something small but recognizable like changing the background of your profile picture to rainbow.
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      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • It's very likely that you aren't actually going to come out just once. You might come out to your parents, then come out to your friends, then come out to future coworkers and so on. That might seem scary to you right now, but it means that you don't actually have to worry about "screwing up." You'll have plenty of opportunities to come out so you'll have plenty of chances to refine and perfect what you say! Don't sweat it if you feel like you don't get everything perfect the first time.
      • If you happen to be coming out as trans or nonbinary and your parents are Christian, it might help to remind them that the Bible actually never says anything about not being cisgender being a bad fact. In fact, Galatians 3:28 specifically talks about "man" and "woman" being pointless categories under God's love!
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      • Always put your safety first when deciding whom you should tell and when. If you believe your safety is at risk, call a supportive loved one and stay with them. If you’re in immediate danger, call emergency services .
      • If you are targeted or threatened at work or school, get help from a school counselor, supportive teacher, your employer’s HR department, or authorities.
      • For a list of international hotlines, see http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html .
      • If you’re dealing with hate or abuse and are overwhelmed, do not give up hope. If you don’t have a supportive friend or relative, call a hotline for people who are LGBTQ+ or a suicide prevention line. You could call The Trevor Project hotline 24/7/365 at 1-866-488-7386 in the United States, or call or text a suicide crisis helpline at 988 in the United States and Canada.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you're ready to come out, try starting out by telling a friend or family member who's accepting and supportive. If you're worried about doing it face-to-face, you can always write them a letter and ask them to read it in private. Once you've told someone and you feel a little more comfortable, consider telling more of your friends so you can build a support system. If you're worried your parents might respond negatively or cut you off, you may want to wait until you're out of the house before you tell them. To learn how to live openly in your community after you come out, scroll down!

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