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Want to compliment a girl’s eyes but aren’t sure what to say? Help has arrived! We’ll tell you everything you need to know about what to say, how to say it, and when to compliment a girl’s eyes. Follow our advice to craft a compliment and deliver it in a way that will make her swoon and keep her coming back for more.


Compliment the color of her eyes.

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  1. A comment about the specific shade of her eyes will make her feel special . Pay attention to how dark or light her eyes are, the individual colors in them, or what they make you think of.
    • “Your turquoise eyes remind me of the Caribbean Sea.”
    • “Your deep brown eyes are stunning.”
    • “The green of your eyes reminds me of the forest.”
    • “I love the gold flecks in your eyes.”
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Comment on the shape of her eyes.

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  1. A thoughtful compliment on the unique shape of her eyes will make her smile . She probably hasn’t had many people point out this feature, and doing so will set you apart. Take note of the way her eyes tilt or turn, if they’re round or almond-shaped, or how far apart they’re set. [1]
    • “Your round eyes are so gorgeous.”
    • “I love the almond shape of your eyes.”
    • “The way your eyes turn up is so alluring.”
    • “Your eyes are so big and incredibly beautiful.”

Compare her eyes to a celebrity’s.

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  1. Take note of the color, shape, or another feature that reminds you of a hot celebrity. Point out the comparison to show her that even a famous person has nothing on her.
    • “Your hazel eyes remind me of Rihanna’s.”
    • “Your eyes are even prettier than Megan Fox’s.”
    • “I thought Jessie J’s green eyes were pretty, but yours are even better.”
    • “Your eyes look just like Kerry Washington’s.”
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Note how her clothes or makeup bring out her eyes.

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  1. How does her outfit, hair, makeup, or accessories complement her eyes? Appreciating the time she took to get ready or her unique sense of style is a great way to go.
    • “Those glasses really complement your eyes.”
    • “That green dress really brings out your eyes.”
    • “Your red hair makes your eyes pop.”
    • “Your eye makeup looks gorgeous.”
    • Reader Poll: We asked 354 wikiHow readers and 53% of them agreed that the best type of compliment to give their girlfriend is one that points out something specific about her outfit . [Take Poll] So mentioning her outfit might be the best way to flatter the girl in your life!

Tell her what effect her eyes have on you.

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  1. Describe what you feel when you two lock eyes to explain how much she means to you.
    • “When you look at me, I feel like the most important person in the world.”
    • “Looking into your eyes makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.”
    • “I get weak in the knees when you look at me like that.”
    • “Staring into your eyes makes me feel alive.”
    • "I could stare into your eyes for infinity. I feel like I'm in heaven!"
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Explain what you see when you look at her eyes.

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  1. Are her eyes innocent? Commanding? Mysterious? Kind? Tell her what qualities you notice to make her feel empowered.
    • “You have the most intelligent eyes.”
    • “I love how gentle your eyes are.”
    • “Your eyes are so seductive.”
    • “I’ve never met anyone with eyes as mysterious as yours. What are you thinking?”

Compliment the way her emotions change her eyes.

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  1. Do her eyes darken when she's serious or shine when she's happy? Let her know!
    • “I love the way your eyes light up when you smile.”
    • “Your eyes are so mesmerizing when you laugh.”
    • “Did you know that your eyes sparkle when you have an idea?”
    • “When you’re determined, your eyes are so intense and beautiful.”
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Add some humor to make her laugh.

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  1. Whether you're nervous about saying something deep or just not the type to get all sentimental, compliment her eyes in a way that's fun and silly. If you know she'll appreciate a cheesy joke, try out one of these options.
    • "Your eyes are the exact same color as a granny smith apple. Think they taste as good?"
    • "You must be a thief because you stole the blue from the sky and put it in your eyes."
    • "You know what's awesome? Dinosaurs. Oh, and your eyes!"
    • "Are you an astronaut? Because I can see the stars in your eyes."

Make your compliment specific.

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  1. Something like “Your eyes are beautiful” can apply to anyone, so take the time to point out something specific to her eyes to make your compliment more meaningful. [2]
    • “Your green eyes are so intense.”
    • “You have the brightest blue eyes.”
    • “The ring of gold around your eyes is so beautiful.”
    • “Your eyes remind me of melted chocolate.”
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Be sincere.

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  1. Take the time to find something you actually do love about her eyes, then speak from the heart. It’ll mean so much more to her than a standard pick-up line she’s heard a dozen times. You have a better chance of getting her digits, scoring a date, or making her feel special if your words are sincere.

Look into her eyes when you give her a compliment.

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  1. Making eye contact will help you two connect. It also lets her know that you're sincere, and will help you better gauge her reaction to what you say. If her pupils dilate, rest assured that your compliment hit the mark and made her feel amazing. [3]
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Compliment her eyes once you have a connection.

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  1. Saying something to a complete stranger about her eyes might feel a bit creepy. Wait until you two are really vibing to sweep her off her feet with your sweet compliment.
    • Did you hit it off with a girl at a bookshop or café? In the middle of your convo, say something like "Your green eyes are stunning, by the way" to make her blush.
    • Dating or in a relationship already? Pick a moment when the two of you are alone to tell her just how much of an effect her lovely eyes have on you.

Examples to Compliment Someones Eyes

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  • Question
    What should I do if the person I compliment immediately retreats? How do I stop them from running away?
    Elliana Schweibinz
    Community Answer
    If somebody runs away after you compliment them, that might mean that you have made them uncomfortable. Take steps to make them feel safe and not think that you may just be a creep. You can do this by complimenting only people who know you and by not invading their personal space. If they show any signs of discomfort around you, don't try to compliment them.
  • Question
    How do I compliment someone's eyes if they have heterochromia (one dark brown eye and one amber-gold, to be specific)?
    Top Answerer
    You could compliment her by telling her how enthralling or fascinating her eyes are, or by calling them “unique” or “one of a kind” and beautiful.
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