This is for all you women who want to crossdress as a man. You might be presenting masculinely because of preference, crossdressing for cosplay or a party, or just bored and looking for something to do. Or maybe you're a trans guy who wants some extra passing tips. No matter the reason, we got you. Here's how you can pass as male without permanently changing your body.
Think about your characteristics as a woman. Play to the personality traits you already have; humor, music and literature tastes, even your clothing style. You will make a more convincing man by shifting your current persona, rather than taking on a completely new identity.
- If you want to wear clothes made for men, you can talk to your parents about it. [1] X Research source
- The right way to have this conversation will depend on the closeness you have with your parents and whether they have a good sense of your identity and preferences. [2] X Research source
- If they are not close to you or know your preferences, you may need to have more foundational conversations about who you are and what you like to be. [3] X Research source
Choose male clothing that will suit your body type. You can try low hanging jeans, male shirts and hoodies. Before buying all these new clothes though be sure that they fit correctly and don't stick to your curves.
- Keep your undergarments in mind when choosing your male outfit(s). Perhaps you can purchase some male boxers - they make your bum look flatter and less prominent.
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Hide your chest. There are several options for this: [4] X Research source
- Option 1 - Wear baggy upper half clothing, or layer your upper body in tight to loose clothing. The number of layers of either tight or loose tops depends on your preference and how well your bust is hidden.
- Wear a sports bra or swimming suit top that doesn't emphasize the breasts. The sports bra or swimming top should be fairly tight but comfortable, enough to hide your breasts under clothing
- Wear compression shirts (you can get compression pants too.) These are just tight fitting t-shirts that support your breasts as well as compressing them, but do not bind with bandages, as they can be very harmful.
- Binding. [5] X Research source You can do this by wearing one sports bra facing forwards, and one facing backwards, or buying a binder from places like gc2b. Move around after binding to check for comfort; if you are not comfortable, loosen the binding. No matter what breast size you are, however, binding may not be for you as it is rumored to cause long term damage to the back. WARNING: You have to be incredibly careful with binding, if done with elastic bandages it can cause tumors in the breasts and extreme lung problems that could result in death. Only bind if you know what you're doing, and are using safe materials.
Mimic male behaviour. Watch other men—your brothers, cousins, friends, and note the details of their behaviour. This ranges from how they speak, where they put their hands, to how they show excitement.
- For example, work on sloppier posture. Men don't commonly sit with their knees together or their hands in their lap. Practice walking with a bit of a slouch, not too much though or you won't fool any one! Also try sitting with your legs widespread and your arms out. Don't be afraid to be a little boisterous or clumsy - not all men are ballet dancers.
Make your hair more masculine. You can use make up in a costume style to emphasize male features. [6] X Research source
If you have short hair already, don't worry about keeping it too tidy, however don't neglect it and let it become greasy and off putting. If your hair is long and you want to follow this through you might want to either consider getting a shorter hair cut, or tie your hair in a low ponytail at the base of your neck. A wig with short hair can also be used.
Use make up to appear more masculine. You can use make up in a costume style to emphasize male features.
- If you wish to create the illusion of facial hair, you can apply eyelash glue to your cheek, chin, or upper lips and then press small pieces of crepe wool, or a similar material, to the glued area.
Make your eyebrows appear bushier with mascara.
Break Out of Gender Norms with this Expert Series
You have the right to dress however you like, and, if you're looking to dress as a man or just look more masculine, we have an expert series just for you. These articles will help you crossdress, present as male, and generally look more masculine.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat about cross-dressing without my parents knowing?Community AnswerYou could make a habit of carrying a bag with you - blame it on how small girl pockets are. Put the cross-clothes in your bag when no one's looking. Then, when you get to wherever you're going, just run to the nearest bathroom or hiding spot and change clothes.
QuestionHow do I crossdress without my parents thinking I'm gay?Community AnswerIf they find out, tell them that boy clothes are more comfortable and you feel less restrained wearing them. If they ask you if you're gay, just tell them you're not.
QuestionWhat if you have long hair and don't want to cut it or you can't wear a wig?Community AnswerPull your hair up in a low bun, but don't make it any higher than the bony nub on the back of your skull and keep it a little messy. "Man buns" are in style, after all, and makeup can help disguise any feminine features that will be exposed by the pulled back hair. You can also wear caps and other men's hats and tuck your hair up into those.
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- Don't be afraid to try out new things - you don't have to play to your personality strengths, if you want to be a new man and re-invent yourself, get out there are go for it!Thanks
- If you consider yourself to be transgender and want to make a smooth transition from female to male, either try looking for some more articles on here or use your Google searching skills.Thanks
- Don't worry about getting it right the first time. You may get a few off looks, comments or questions, but coming across as a man will come with practice and perseverance.Thanks
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- Be careful when binding as mentioned in the tips. Make sure to use a binder made out of comfortable material and not to wear it for a long period of time.Thanks
- Don't bind with elastic bandages: They are designed to get tighter (like a boa constrictor). They may be harmful, such as cut off breathing.Thanks
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- "It helped just having it here for a discussion. I don't know why I have been thinking about this lately, because I have always had a lot of male to female transgender and cross-dressing friends, but I think I just want the freedom to be." ..." more