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The starfruit, also called carambola, is one of the coolest-looking fruits. It is known as the starfruit because of its distinct shape, which resembles a star. This golden-yellow fruit is quite decorative, and can be sliced into thin, star-shaped slices that can then decorate salads or fruit bowls.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing to Slice Starfruit

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  1. Rinse it under cold water, scrubbing with your fingers until any loose dirt hiding in the crevices comes free. Washing the fruit will ensure that any chemicals or germs that may have been on it are removed and it is safe to consume.
  2. Using a cutting board is better than cutting the fruit on your counter, since it will prevent you from scratching up your countertop. Either a plastic or wooden cutting board will work well.
  3. Be sure that you are careful while using the knife so as to avoid accidentally cutting yourself. Clean the knife prior to use with hot water and soap.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Cutting the Green Edges Off the Fruit

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cut a Starfruit
    Slide the blade of your knife along the green edges of the starfruit. Remove only the non-orange edge of the fruit.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Cut a Starfruit
    After the edges have been removed, slice off the two ends of your starfruit. Remove about half of an inch (1.27 cm) with your knife. At this point, your starfruit should only be orange in color; all of the green or brown areas should have been cut off.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Cut a Starfruit
    On the widest side, slice the trimmed fruit into star shapes that are about a half an inch (1.27 cm) thick in size. [1]
  4. Your slices will have seeds in them, and seeds are especially found in the middle of the fruit. Poke through the center of your fruit with your knife to remove the seeds.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Cleaning Up and Serving Starfruit

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  1. Starfruit, like all citrus fruits, contains acids, so be careful to keep it of your eyes and away from open wounds. After you cut it, wash your hands with hot water and soap to prevent stinging in case you touch your eyes later.
  2. Display the starfruit however you see fit, depending on the occasion. All parts of the fruit are edible, so don’t waste or throw away any scraps that you would rather eat. [2]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Cut a Starfruit
    Wash your cutting board so that it will be clean and ready for future food preparations. Be sure the counter is clear of any fruit remains, as fruit can rot and smell over time.
  4. Starfruit can be used in a vast number of recipes, from starfruit chips [3] to mango-orange sauce. [4] Plan your recipe ahead of time so that you can be sure to account for all ingredients.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do I peel the star fruit?
    Community Answer
    No.Just wash it thoroughly.
  • Question
    Is it advisable to refrigerate starfruit?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You don't want the starfruit to go bad and rot. However, the starfruit will only be good for a few days after you cut it.
  • Question
    Are starfruits safe to eat?
    Community Answer
    Yes, starfruits are generally safe for consumption. However, some people are allergic to it, and it is unsafe for them to eat the fruit.
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      • If you want to sweeten the starfruit or strengthen its flavor, sprinkle a little salt on it. This will bring out and enhance the flavor of the fruit.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To cut a starfruit, start by slicing off the green parts of the ridges on the fruit with a sharp knife. Next, cut off about 1/2 an inch from both ends of the starfruit. Once the ends are off, lay the fruit on its side. Starting at one end, cut down through the fruit to make thin, star-shaped slices. Then, just pull out the seeds with the knife and you're finished! For tips on removing the starfruit seeds, read on!

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      • B. H.

        Jan 6, 2019

        "Never experienced starfruit before. Some were given to us, and I had no idea how to prepare them. The article was ..." more
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