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Send your boss off on their next adventure with a heartfelt goodbye
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Are you trying to write your boss a thoughtful farewell message but can’t figure out what to say? We’ve got you covered. Whether your boss is retiring or moving on to a new job (or you’re leaving the company instead), a farewell message is a polite, respectful way to end your working relationship on a good note. In this article, we’ll show you how to write a strong farewell message for your boss—and offer up a wide range of example messages, from professional to personal, funny, and encouraging!

Farewell Message to Boss: Brief Examples

  1. I feel fortunate to have had you as a boss. It’s been an honor working with you!
  2. Thank you for creating a positive and supportive workplace. I wish you continued success!
  3. You’ve been an incredible boss, but I also consider you a mentor and friend. All the best!
  4. You’re a talented leader, and your presence will be missed. Thank you!
  5. Here’s to new beginnings and continued success. Wishing you all the best in your new position!
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Professional Farewell Messages for a Boss

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  1. If you’d feel most comfortable keeping your goodbye professional (or you don’t know your boss that well), offer a polite message emphasizing your boss’s best achievements. You could also share how they’ve influenced you professionally.
    • Your professional integrity and commitment have always paved the way for this team’s success. Thank you for your contributions to the team, and best of luck.
    • I feel extremely fortunate to have had you as a boss. It’s been an honor working with you, and you will be missed.
    • Thank you for your leadership and support over the last few years. I appreciate your guidance and willingness to work with me.
    • Working with you has been a pleasure. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your mentorship during my time here.
    • We will do our best to follow in your professional footsteps as you move on to a new role. Thank you for working with this team with such dedication and passion.
    • Wishing you the best with this new opportunity and continued success. I look forward to seeing where your career takes you in the future.
    • Thank you for creating a positive and supportive work environment. I wish you continued success in your future endeavors!
    • I greatly respect and admire the legacy you’re leaving at this company, and I wish you all the best moving forward.
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Touching Farewell Messages for a Boss

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  1. If you have a strong working relationship with your boss, whether they mentored you or you simply get along well, you might have strong feelings about saying goodbye—and that’s okay! A heartfelt note can convey your earnest sadness at their departure (and hopes for their continued happiness and success). [1]
    • You’ve been an incredible boss, but I also consider you a mentor and friend. Farewell, and good luck in your new endeavors!
    • I’m so happy to see you going on to bigger and better things, but sad to say goodbye. Keep shooting for the stars, boss!
    • It’s hard to say goodbye to someone who’s been such a positive influence on my career and growth, but I know you’re bound for great things. Farewell, boss!
    • I wouldn’t be where I am today without your guidance and mentorship. You deserve all the best in the future, and I wish you every success and happiness!
    • I’m going to miss seeing you around the office, boss. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and this company.
    • You may no longer be my boss, but you'll always be a friend. Best wishes for your next chapter; I know you'll do great.
    • You’ve shown me what it means to be a great leader and taught me more about this industry than anyone else. I’ll always be grateful for your mentorship and will miss you greatly!
    • Although we won’t work together anymore, I hope we can keep in touch outside work. Thank you for everything, and best of luck, boss!
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Appreciative Farewell Messages for a Boss

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  1. If your boss is leaving the company (or you are), a goodbye message is the perfect place to thank them for anything they’ve done to help or guide you in the past. Call attention to any specific instances where your boss has really made a difference at work! [2]
    • Without your leadership, I wouldn’t be at the level I am now in my career. Thank you for your efforts on my behalf, and best of luck.
    • Your contributions to the company have been nothing short of irreplaceable, boss. Thank you for being such an inspiration!
    • Farewell, boss! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your insight, integrity, and leadership. Any team would be lucky to have you at the helm!
    • No matter where I end up, I’ll always credit you with helping me get my start. Thank you for taking a chance on me and showing me the way!
    • I can’t thank you enough for all the support, advice, and guidance you’ve given us over the years. Take care of yourself, and best of luck!
    • Thank you for continually inspiring the team and helping us succeed. Your hard work has made us who we are today!
    • I appreciate you and everything you’ve done to push this team to new levels of success. I know I’ve grown as a person and employee, thanks to your guidance.
    • Thank you for making this company such a great place to work. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences while working with you.
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Encouraging Farewell Messages for a Boss

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  1. If your boss is leaving the company for another job or moving away, offer them a little encouragement and inspiration to help them feel excited about the change. Wish them luck and express faith in their ability to succeed—and excel—wherever they end up next.
    • May your next role be as rewarding and fruitful as your time with us. Wishing you a future filled with success and joy!
    • Embrace the new adventures ahead and stay strong. May you find all the success and fulfillment in the world!
    • Wishing you nothing but success in your new role. Your passion and leadership greatly impacted this company, and I know you’ll do the same there.
    • We'll miss you here, but you’ll undoubtedly move on to even greater things in your new company. Congratulations!
    • Here’s to new beginnings and continued success. Wishing you all the best in your new position!
    • May this new chapter exceed all your expectations. Thank you for everything, and best of luck in the future!
    • All the best for your next chapter; I know it’ll be a great one. Best of luck in your new home and new company!
    • Your departure is our loss but the world’s gain. Thank you for your leadership! You’ll be greatly missed.
    • Wishing you the best of luck and continued success wherever you go in life!
    • Your leadership has set a standard of excellence at this company. May you continue to excel and inspire in your new role!
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Funny Farewell Messages for a Boss

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  1. Not all bosses joke around their employees, but if you and your boss often trade funny quips at work, a humorous send-off might be something they’d appreciate. Keep your jokes lighthearted and respectful, and make sure it’s clear when you’re joking!
    • We’ll miss your jokes around the office, boss. Nobody else nails a professional knock-knock joke quite like you!
    • Congratulations on your successful escape plan, boss! You always were a strategy wizard.
    • Farewell and best wishes, boss! …Does this mean anyone can call dibs on your office space?
    • Things won’t be the same without you, boss. Maybe they’ll be even better! (But personally, I doubt it.)
    • Best of luck in all your future endeavors, boss—but we’ll hang onto your computer password just in case!
    • For your last action as the boss here, might I suggest giving us all a week of paid time off to process your departure?
    • I’m not sure how we’ll make it without you reminding us of our deadlines, but we’ll do our best! Farewell, boss!
    • You might have a better salary, but there’s no guarantee you’ll get employees this cool at your next job. Just saying!
    • Farewell! Is it wrong that I’m kind of hoping your next job is terrible, so you’ll come running back here? Just kidding! All the best, boss.
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Personal Memory Farewell Messages for a Boss

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  1. A little reminiscing and nostalgia can help remind your boss of good times (and offer concrete reminders of their impact and legacy at the company). So, mention a memory or two of your boss that feels significant to you. [3]
    • I’m sad to see you go when I have so many fond memories of you as my manager. I wouldn’t trade my time learning from you for anything.
    • So long to the boss who taught me what true leadership is! I’ll never forget how you coached me and offered advice during my first few months here.
    • From company picnics to presentations, you were always ready with a joke. I’ll miss your sense of humor—and, of course, your steady leadership. Goodbye, boss!
    • Farewell, boss! I’ll miss your ability to effortlessly liven up team meetings and inspire us with your enthusiasm.
    • With you as our leader, we smashed even our loftiest goals and learned important lessons along the way. Even after you leave, we’ll carry those lessons with us!
    • We faced plenty of challenges as a team, but you always made them feel more doable. I’ll always remember your encouragement and passion!
    • Even during that week we were all working early in the morning, you kept our spirits up (and got us coffee) because that’s just the kind of thoughtful boss you are. Thank you!
    • Truly great bosses don’t come around every day, but I have so many memories that prove you’re one of them. Farewell and best wishes in the future!
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Short Farewell Messages for a Boss

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  1. Short and sweet may be the way to go if you’re saying goodbye in a group card (or giving your boss a goodbye card with a pre-written message). You can also write a short message regardless, especially if you don’t know your boss well and want to keep the farewell brief.
    • Thank you for being such a kind and thoughtful leader. Wishing you the best!
    • You’ll definitely be missed around here! Farewell, boss.
    • It’s been an honor working with you. Good luck and farewell, boss.
    • Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me to do my best, boss.
    • Wishing you the best in your next chapter.
    • Thank you for your dedication to this team. We’ll miss you!
    • I’ll miss working with you. Farewell and thank you for everything, boss!
    • Thank you for your leadership, boss. Best wishes moving forward!
    • You’re a talented leader and your presence will be missed. Thank you!
    • All the best in your future endeavors, boss. Farewell!
    • I have such respect for your strong leadership and work ethic.Farewell and best of luck!
    • Thank you for being the team leader we needed. Cheers from all of us!
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Farewell Quotes for a Boss

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  1. The quotes below are all about how it feels to say goodbye while also wishing someone well in the future. If you’re not sure what to write in your own words, borrow an iconic quote instead! For example:
    • “The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” — Ivy Baker Priest
    • “Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    • “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always with you, may the sunshine warm you always till we meet again.” The Hobbit
    • “Be well, do-good work, and keep in touch.” — Garrison Keillor
    • “Life is a journey, not a destination.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
    • “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” — Semisonic
    • “So long, see you around, but never a final goodbye.” — Fred Flagler
    • “Sometimes you have to say goodbye to the things you know and hello to the things you don't.” — Steve McQueen
    • “No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.” —Robert Southey
    • “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
    • “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” — Ernie Harwell
    • “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we will take a little of each other everywhere.” — Tim McGraw
    • “Sometimes you’ve got to walk away from something to walk into better things.” — Temi O'Sola
    • “So, for now, I say goodbye to this chapter of my life, and I look forward to what comes next.” — Brooke Davis
    • “Hello is a beginning, and so is goodbye. Goodbye is like a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly.” — Refiloe Moahloli
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Farewell Messages For a Retiring Boss

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  1. Retirement is a big step for anyone and a huge transition from working life! Your boss may be excited or nervous about retirement, or even both; to give them a warm send-off, wish them happiness and fulfillment in the next chapter of their life.
    • Your retirement is hard-earned and well-deserved. Thanks for all your contributions over the years, boss.
    • As you retire, know that your legacy will continue to inspire us. I wish you a retirement full of contentment and happiness.
    • Welcome to retirement life, boss! Enjoy all the relaxation; you earned it. Best of luck!
    • Your wise words of support will always stay with me. Congratulations on your retirement; we’ll all miss you.
    • I can’t believe you scored my dream job! Happy retirement, boss.
    • Your enthusiasm never failed to liven up the office, boss. Congratulations on an amazing career and enjoy retirement!
    • Retirement marks the end of one phase and the beginning of a new and exciting life. Congratulations and all the best!
    • Here’s to your retirement! We’ll miss having your capable presence here, but hope you enjoy all the peace and relaxation to come.
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Farewell Messages For a Boss Who’s Moving

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  1. Moving is typically a big deal, especially if it means moving to a new town, state, or even country. So, be sure to acknowledge the excitement of your boss’s move and express the hope that it’s everything they hope it’ll be (and more).
    • Safe travels, boss! Thank you for everything you’ve done for this team in your time here, and here’s hoping the move opens even more doors for you.
    • Wishing you a fond farewell, boss. Have a safe move and enjoy your new city. It’s been a privilege to learn from you!
    • Congratulations and good luck on the big move! We’re all wishing you the best here.
    • Bon voyage! Wishing you a safe and happy move. It’s been wonderful to work with your team, boss!
    • So long and farewell, boss! I hope your move goes smoothly and your new town is as lovely as this one.
    • May your new town bring opportunities, adventures, and fulfillment. I’m confident that you’ll do great things there!
    • So excited for you and your upcoming adventure, boss. Enjoy, and thank you for being such a spectacular manager.
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What to Include in a Farewell Message for a Boss

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  1. Before you start putting your farewell message together, figure out what sort of tone to aim for (professional, casual, or funny, for example). Consider your relationship with your boss and the tone that best fits your dynamic, then write your message with that tone in mind. [4]
    • For example, if you mainly had a cordial, professional relationship with your boss, use a formal, professional tone.
    • If you had a more casual, friendly relationship with your boss, you might opt for a heartfelt, personal, or funny tone instead.
    • Even if you have a friendly relationship with your boss, remember to choose a message that isn’t overly personal and would still be appropriate to read at work.
  2. Thank them for any positive effects they’ve had on your career or lessons you’ve learned from them. Gratitude is a powerful tool, and your appreciation may lift your boss’s spirits. So, if this may be one of your last chances to acknowledge the good things your boss has done, make sure they know you’re thankful for them. [5]
  3. Etiquette coach Tami Claytor emphasizes the importance of being specific when expressing appreciation for someone. Don’t just tell your boss you appreciate them; explain why they’ve made such a difference in your professional life with examples and memories of them.
    • For example, maybe your boss set aside one-on-one time to coach you or put a lot of effort into a particularly successful project.
    • Highlight events like that to show your boss their actions and efforts truly mattered to you while working together.
  4. You don’t need to write an entire overcomplicated letter; a brief, thoughtful note is all that's necessary. Get right to the point, thank your boss for everything, add a few personal touches, and wrap the message up. The longer your message is, the less effective it may become. [6]
    • Whether you write this message on a card, paper, or email is totally up to you.
  5. For a goodbye message, avoid talking about disagreements or rough patches in the past. Stick to positive words, happy memories, and enthusiastic well-wishes! Toward the end of your message, wish your boss a fulfilling, happy future—whether they’re leaving, changing jobs, or retiring. [7]
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      • Ideally, try to give your boss the farewell message a couple of days before their last day. That way, you’re not reaching out too late, and they’ll have time to get back to you.
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