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So you've set your heart on a sweet, dependable Taurus man—but how can you flirt with him? When you get involved with a Taurus guy, remember that he's a stubborn and slow-moving sign who likes to take his time with romance. [1] Be patient, compassionate, and positive to make him absolutely obsessed with you. Here's our complete guide to flirting with a Taurus man!
This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

How does a Taurus man flirt?

  • Taurus guys are very sensual and flirt with physical touch, so use hugs and light touches on the arm or thigh to show you’re interested.
  • Taurus men also appreciate a great aesthetic. Always try to look your best around him with natural hair and makeup, good grooming, and clean, classic clothes.
  • A Taurus guy also likes to feel helpful and practical. Ask him for advice, reach out for help (even when you don’t really need it), and be sure to thank him.

Offer sincere compliments.

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  1. At the end of the day, any compliment you give him will make him smile, as long as it's genuine and straightforward. Astrologer Stina Garbis recommends, "try not to get too emotional and wordy too quickly because it may go over their head." In addition, Taurus guys can easily detect a fake comment, so be authentic and compliment the qualities you find most admirable.
    • "You're so handy! Is there anything you don't know how to do?"
    • "You look so handsome in that shirt. It matches your eyes perfectly!"
    • “I really admire your work ethic. I don’t know anyone who works as hard as you do!”
    • Love astrology? Take this quiz to discover your soulmate’s sign.
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Use flirty body language.

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  1. As Astrologer Stina Garbis puts it, "Taureans like eye candy and touch" [2] This sensual sign likes to get physical, and if he likes you, he's probably making a point to sit closer to you and initiate soft, simple touches to communicate his interest. You can do the same! Get close to him physically, and he'll feel closer to you emotionally too.
    • Start by greeting him with a hug; that sets a precedent for physical touch between you. [3]
    • Try small, subtle gestures. Sit down close enough that your thighs lightly touch, graze his hand when you walk next to each other, and gently pat his shoulder or hand to get his attention.
    • When your relationship progresses, you can do even more with physical touch. Offer to give him massages from time to time and cuddle with him often.

Dress to impress!

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  1. Make sure you look well-groomed, stylish, and put-together whenever you see him. Apply an enticing perfume or cologne to make yourself smell irresistible, too. He loves it when all of his senses are engaged, and because Taurus is ruled by Venus—the planet of love—he's naturally drawn to a pretty face.
    • Try a scoop-neck top or something with a gentle v-neck. It should show off your neck and collarbone without being too low-cut.
    • Wear soft, muted colors and lots of earthy tones like tan, blue, and green.
    • Whatever you wear, make sure it looks elegant and classy. Taurus guys want to date someone who looks attractive but covers enough skin to be respectable.
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Ask for advice.

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  1. Astrologer Stina Garbis explains, "you can’t play hard to get with [Taurus] because they don’t want to run, they don’t want to jump through hoops, or chase. You have to somehow make it easy for them to be with you. " [4] One way to do this is to ask him for help with an activity you know he's knowledgeable about, or for his opinion on a simple matter like which book you should tackle next. This will let your Taurus flaunt his smarts and take the lead in the conversation, which he'll appreciate. Plus, he'll be flattered if he sees that you value his input.
    • "I thought that DIY shelf you made was so cool! Any chance you could give me some tips?"
    • "You're a total movie buff! What should I watch tonight?"
    • “Any idea where I can find the best sweet treats? I trust your judgment!”

Be coy and subtle when you flirt.

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  1. Take a gentler approach when you flirt with your Taurus, and steer clear of dirty talk or crass jokes. Encourage him to take the lead whenever possible and only start to get bolder with your flirts once he does it first. Be sweet, positive, and sincere in the meantime.
    • "Hanging out with you is so much fun. Think you could make time for me this weekend?"
    • "I've been listening to this one song that really reminds me of you. I'll send you a link!"
    • "I like watching horror movies…but I think I'd need to watch this one with a buddy! 😉"
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Win him over with food.

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  1. Astrologer Stina Garbis recommends that you "appeal to [his] physical senses, through food and physical touch." [5] He has a refined palate and loves everything to do with gourmet food, so show him that your taste buds are just as sophisticated. Share your favorite dishes with him, or suggest a night out at a nice restaurant. If he loves coffee, recommend a top-notch coffee shop he hasn't tried yet. He'll be delighted to share this interest with you!
    • "I'm told that I make a pretty mean french toast! Can I cook for you some time?"
    • "We should go to this great ramen place I know downtown. I think you'll love it!"
    • “Since you know so much about food, where should we go for dinner? I’m down for anything, as long as it’s delicious!”

Get him a thoughtful gift.

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  1. However, Taurus's primary love language is acts of service, so if you're short on funds you can be sure he will still appreciate a gift in the form of your presence or your time and care. Astrologer Stina Garbis recommends, "bring [him] things, or be helpful to [him] in some way to where [he] will need or want your help again." [6] [7] When dropping money on a Taurus crush, pick something high-quality and meaningful. He likes nice things, but he wants a gift relevant to his tastes. If you get something he expressed interest in, he'll have even more appreciation for the time and effort that went into getting it.
    • As an intelligent and introverted sign, Taurus might appreciate a good book.
    • He likes practical things, such as a comfortable work shirt or a warm flannel.
    • You can never go wrong with food. When in doubt, try gourmet chocolate or fine wine.
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Open up to him.

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  1. Astrologer Stina Garbis explains, "Taurus is a “Fixed” sign, and is the stubborn bull. It is hard to get a fixed bull to move unless it really wants to move," meaning he's not interested in chasing a potential partner. [8] Make it easy for him to be with you by letting your guard down and sharing personal details with him. This will show him that you care for him and trust him; a Taurus won't want to get invested with flirting if he doesn't know how you feel.
    • "Ask me whatever you want! For you, I'm an open book."
    • “I like it when you ask me questions. 😊 And I’m happy to answer them all!”
    • When he's more comfortable with you, be vulnerable and tell him how you feel. "Honestly, I think you're really great. I hope we can keep getting to know one another!"

Be faithful to him.

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  1. Once the relationship becomes official, Taurus is fully committed; this sign has no reason to play games or stray. Thus, when you flirt with him, he wants to know that you'll be the same. Always say what you mean around him. Make it clear that he's the only guy you're flirting with, and you plan to keep it that way! [9]
    • "I feel so comfortable around you! You're the only guy I've opened up to like this."
    • "You stand out from the crowd so effortlessly! No wonder I can't keep my eyes off of you."
    • "It felt so nice to delete all those dating apps off of my phone! Now, I have a guy that I feel really serious about."
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Be consistent and reliable.

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  1. Even if you're a little forgetful sometimes, make an effort to be a regular and reliable presence in your Taurus guy's life. Follow through on your promises, show up when you say you will, and hang out with him on a consistent schedule. This sign doesn't like spontaneity, preferring to find comfort and predictability with his partner.
    • "Since we both love that show, let's watch together. We could have a standing date on Thursday nights!"
    • “Let’s meet up at 5 PM. There’s no way I'd keep someone as cool as you waiting!”
    • You can introduce regularity by texting or messaging him around the same time each day. He'll enjoy knowing when he will hear from you, and look forward to your messages.

Take it slow.

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  1. Stina Garbis recommends you give lots of space: "[Give] it a little bit of time, say 3 weeks, to give [him] time to think about you, and then invite [him over for] take out from [his] favorite restaurant." [10] Don't push if he doesn't accept—it's important to understand that you can't rush a relationship with him or try to pick up the pace by flirting boldly. Let him set the rhythm and show him that you can go with the flow. He'll find your patience endearing and be more eager than ever to make your relationship official!
    • Reader Poll: We asked 1415 wikiHow readers who've dated Taurus men, and 56% of them agreed that the best way to approach them is by giving them space and waiting for them to reach out. [Take Poll]
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Join the Discussion...

Hey everyone! I’m curious what the pros and cons of dating a Taurus man are. I’ve heard that they’re stubborn and like nice things, but that’s kind of about it and frankly that’s not a whole lot of info to go on. So, what would I be in for if I said “yes” to a date with a Taurus? How might I attract a Taurus, and how will he act if he's interested in me?
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Taurus is a “fixed” sign, and is embodied by the stubborn bull. It is hard to get a fixed bull to move unless it really wants to move. Taurus is also kind of a lazy sign, so you can’t play hard to get with them because they don’t want to run. They don’t want to jump through hoops or chase, they just want to be held and told they’re hot stuff.

I’d recommend that you try to make it easy for a Taurus to be with you. Find reasons to bring them gifts, or be helpful to them in some way to where they will need you again. Taureans also like eye candy, so playing up the sexy outfits and high-end jewelry is always a great way to go.

Also, try to engage in a lot of warm hugs and offer plenty of massages. Beyond that, Taurus tends to keep their social circle small, to family and a few friends, and it is hard to break in. If a Taurus is going out of their way to spend any time with you at all it’s a big sign they’re into you!
I've really enjoyed dating Taurus men so far! My boyfriend is super loyal and gives our relationship stability. I can tell that he wants to build a secure future with me. Sometimes it was tricky to communicate with him because he's stubborn but once we developed trust, he was serious about commitment.

When we were dating, I could tell my now boyfriend was into me because he's a classic romantic. He gave me thoughtful gifts and took my out on classy dates.

Learn How to Date a Taurus Man with this Expert Series

Taurus men are dependable, practical, and occasionally stubborn. Dating a Taurus man requires a patient, straightforward approach, and this expert series has everything you need to know.

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      1. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      2. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      3. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-attraction-doctor/201202/how-flirt-and-seduce-touch-part-1
      4. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      5. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      6. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      7. https://www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/taurus-sign
      8. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      9. https://astro79.com/attract-taurus-man
      1. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.

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