wikiHow Forums Dating

What does it feel like to be in love?

06/24/24 2:40 PM
I don't think I've ever been in love before, but I know it's supposed to be the best feeling in the world. What does it feel like? How do you know when you're in love?
wikiHow Expert
06/25/24 9:45 AM
I believe with every fiber that it is a matter of biochemical response. When we "fall in love," there is something that happens inside of us that creates a feeling of euphoria. It is an incredible feeling and happens so little in our lives. We get silly in the beginning of love. We lose our inhibitions or become shy. We act playful and eagerly anticipate responses. When we're in love, we behave differently from how we do in our daily grind.
06/25/24 11:51 AM
Wow, where do I even start. When you're in love, your partner is all you can think about. You wake up thinking about them, find yourself daydreaming about them throughout the day, go to sleep thinking about them, even dream about them sometimes. Everything reminds you of them. Even the thought of them brings a smile to your face and you feel giddy all the time.

When you're with them, the rest of the world falls away.

I didn't truly understand that you could get lost in someone's eyes until I met my wife. She has the most beautiful eyes. I want to spend all my time with her and when we're apart from each other I miss her dearly. I feel so safe with her. I would do anything for her.
06/26/24 7:54 PM
That sounds incredible, I'm happy for you. But I'm jealous! I've been in a handful of relationships before, and I've never felt like that with any of my partners. I've even had relationships that lasted a couple years and I never felt that way. Is it just me? Am I the problem?
wikiHow Expert
06/27/24 1:48 PM
Some people might fall in love easily because they want to fall in love. People who are very relationship-oriented or who have life goals that require falling in love would be primed to make that a priority. They have a bit of a bias to look for reasons to let go and fall in love.

For example, if you are a 33-year-old woman and want to get married and have kids, you're going to feel time pressure from your biological clock. So you might be more likely to just go with it and be motivated to fall in love. You're looking for a particular outcome more so than some who is 25 and just getting their life started.

Another factor is your personal level of agreeableness. That's actually a personality trait. If you're high on agreeableness, then you're less likely to find conflicts or see things as insurmountable barriers. So you're more open to falling in love. I would say your history with love and relationships would also be a factor. If you have a history of falling for people and having your heart broken, you might naturally be more guarded. But if you're a very young adult and have never been hurt before, you might be very open and quick to fall in love.
06/28/24 9:57 AM
Ah, that makes sense, thanks. I have had some rough relationships in the past that might be impacting my newer relationships...I hope I can learn to trust again someday

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Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Anonymous wikiGopher
Anonymous wikiGopher
Love is scary! Opening yourself and being vulnerable with someone takes time, so be patient with one another.
Anonymous wikiSquirrel
Anonymous wikiSquirrel
Don't just fall for someone because they’re attractive, nice to you, or spending lots of money on you. True love is based on mutual respect, trust, and compassion.
Anonymous wikiPony
Anonymous wikiPony
Dating casually can help you figure out what works and what doesn’t work for you. If you’re just starting to date, there’s no need to take things super seriously or expect to find “the one” right away.
Anonymous wikiParrot
Anonymous wikiParrot
Do your best to keep your promises. Failing to keep your promises can destroy a relationship before it even gets going. Demonstrate your reliability by keeping your promises. For example, if you plan to go on another date with the person or you say that you will call, make sure that you follow up.
Anonymous wikiOstrich
Anonymous wikiOstrich
Be honest about who you are and what you like. Don't present yourself as someone you are not just to make the person like you. Tell the truth about who you are and what you like.
Anonymous wikiDog
Anonymous wikiDog
Go on dates with different people. You might miss out on the perfect partner for you if you don't allow yourself to meet enough people.
Anonymous wikiCat
Anonymous wikiCat
Love should be a naturally occurring process that evolves gradually and is never forced.
Anonymous wikiOstrich
Anonymous wikiOstrich
Remember, your ultimate goal is their happiness. Love them and care for them, and eventually, you will be rewarded.